Transfer of Occupational Health and Safety responsibilities from DPI to WorkSafe Victoria Prior to...
Training for 2008 With this year looking wetter (and therefore not as busy!) as...
NSW Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007 Members who have interstate operations may be...
Native Vegetation Management Guidelines On 29th November 2007, the CMPA attended a working group...
A major study of Australian business leaders revealed that the most successful companies –...
Terex Jaques – Safety and Productivity Developments A NEW solution to effectively tightening cone...
Memorandum of Understanding between DPI and WorkSafe A MEMORANDUM of understanding has been developed...
Review of Exploration and Development Approvals Processes This investigation has been called by the...
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Chairperson: Jason Comben
Deputy Chairperson: Drew Phillips
Ass. Chairperson: Mark Thompson
Treasurer: John Pititto
Members: Craig Banthorpe, Tim Bird, Cameron Black, Andrew Burdett, Garry Cranny, Ashley Day, David McKelvie and Matt Skidmore
Ass. Chairperson: Mark Thompson
Ass. Vice Chairperson: Tej Panesar
Members: Bradley Adams, Ryan Marshall, Paul Moncur, Chris Prowse and Mark Quinn
General Manager: Dr Elizabeth Gibson
Member Services Manager: Gavin Moreira
Administration Officer: April Everitt
Honorary CEO: Ron Kerr
Secretary: Sarah Andrew
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