Quarries Build Communities

By on October 16, 2019

DR ELIZABETH GIBSON, General Manager of the CMPA highlights the need for improved information for community engagement.

The CMPA released the “Quarries Build Communities” poster and brochure at the 2019 Annual Dinner in Marysville that was developed by the Secretariat.

These are to complement and support the CMPA’s Rules: its “purposes” include to “demonstrate a commitment to the community in which it exists”.

The poster and brochure are there to assist Members in:

  • Meeting their obligations for community consultation as per their work plans;
  • Seeking a planning permit for an endorsed work plan with the associated consultation be it community, Councilors or Council staff;
  • Residences located near to your quarry;
  • Local schools etc.

The “Quarries Build Communities” poster and brochure provide a simple explanation of quarrying encompassing the need for quarries and their role in the economy as well as addressing issues of concern to the community such as protection of the environment and aboriginal heritage.

Information is also given on use of recycled construction material and examples of rehabilitated quarries.

Whilst there will always be detractors, a better understanding of the benefits of our industry and the legislative environment in which it operates is a benefit to all.

A copy of the Poster and Brochure is available to all CMPA Members and accessible from the CMPA website www.cmpavic.asn.au

If you require further copies of either document, please contact the Secretariat.

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