CMPA News (Issue 83)

By on January 18, 2016

Recent Events

  • Site Visits to Members and Potential Members in Gippsland, Adrian Town and Gavin Moreira
  • Meeting with WorkSafe (Sean Byrne) regarding Lanyards at Northern Quarries, Ron Kerr, Elizabeth Gibson and  David McKelvie
  • Work Safely Training held at Northern Quarries
  • Meeting with Minister for Energy and Resources, The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio, Melbourne, Garry Cranny, Ron Kerr, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Meeting with Chris Summerfield, ACIL Allen Consulting, Mid-life review of strengthening Victoria’s earth resources sector initiative (Minerals Development Victoria) Melbourne, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Meeting with Lill Healy, Executive Director of Earth Resources Regulation Reform to discuss reform in the Earth Resources Regulation Branch, Melbourne, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Meeting with Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources,  David Southwick, Melbourne, Garry Cranny, Ron Kerr, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Meeting with Kylie White, Deputy Secretary DEDJTR, Melbourne, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Extractive Reference Group, MDV DEDJTR, Melbourne, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Earth Resources Reform Steering Committee meeting, DEDJTR, Melbourne, Elizabeth Gibson
  • Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Committee WorkSafe, Melbourne, Gavin Moreira
  • Quarry (Extractive) Sector Standing Committee SkillsDMC teleconference Elizabeth Gibson
  • VicRoads/CCAA Strategic Liaison Committee meeting, Kew, Elizabeth Gibson

ERTS Forum Update

Gavin Moreira, CMPA Members Services Manager attended the Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Forum at WorkSafe in Melbourne on 22 October 2015. The following issues were raised:

  • Visits to Quarries 1 July to 30 Sep 2015 
    There were 104 visits conducted (including dangerous goods) of these visits 51 improvement notices were issued. Plant Guarding and Traffic Management still require the most improvement with issues relating to inadequate edge protection, poor signage and a lack of segregation for pedestrians, light vehicles, mobile plant and trucks. The CMPA is looking to be proactive to ensure its member’s sites are safe and to improve compliance. Workshops were held throughout 2015, working groups formed with involvement from its members, safety experts and Worksafe to develop a Guarding Guideline and Traffic Management Guideline for the Extractives Industry.
  • Incidents at Quarries (Notifiable) June 2015 to September 2015 
    There were 4 notifiable incidents which  demonstrate the need to identify  hazards on site, ensure procedures are  in place and remind employees regularly  of the potential dangers in their work environments.
    1.Employee plugging extension lead into  power point received electric shock – taken to medical centre.
    2.Crushed hand when clearing material from gravel truck belly doors – hospitalised.
    3.Truck collided with screen structure. 4.Stacker hydraulic hose failure –  overturned – no personnel in the vicinity.


Are you ready for a visit from the Regulator?
Do you have a Blast Management Plan?
Do you have a Traffic Management Plan?
Do you have issues with Guarding?

The CMPA has issued to Voting Members “Guarding Plant and Equipment in the Construction Materials Industry” (December 2014); “Blast Management Plan Template in the Construction Materials Industry” (April 2015) and “Traffic Management in the Construction Materials Industry” (April 2015). These Guidelines were developed from Workshops held for Members using Members collective knowledge and with input from experts and the Regulators.

One of the purposes of the CMPA is to educate Members; raise standards of the industry and for Members to be ready when the Regulators: WorkSafe or Earth Resources Regulation Branch (ERR) come knocking.

As has occurred just recently with ERR requesting Blast Management Plans for working quarries. Do not be caught out! If you have misplaced one of the CMPA Guidelines, they are available from
the Secretariat for $10 to Members.

Additionally, CMPA is in the process of finalising “Working Safely with Geo Technical Risk in Quarries” for which there will be a training Workshop with site visit in  February 2016. Also being commenced is a Dust Management Guideline for which there will be a Workshop in March 2016.


Member visits to Gippsland Region

Adrian Town (Development Manager) and Gavin Moreira (Member Services Manager) visited members and prospective members in the Gippsland Region of Victoria on the 29th September to 1st October 2015.  This was one of a number of field trips planned to cover as many districts as possible during the course of the financial year.

The field trips are designed to allow members to discuss first hand issues they may have with current operations, development or planning and what options or assistance the CMPA can provide. We were able to bring members up to date on what the Association is currently working on, such as issues affecting our  industry, what we are doing about  them, submissions to Government, and Industry meetings with government and other bodies. The latest range of CMPA publications are displayed including  training manuals, developed by the CMPA in conjunction with members including, Work Safely Reference Manual, Conduct Crushing, Conduct Screening and Conduct Screening and Crushing, (these manuals are also used by industry Training providers), check lists for plant and machines and other publications such as shot firer’s book, issue resolution pads, site managers’ report book etc.

We also use these visits to go through the Members Survey and to obtain feedback from members on Sand & Stone, CMPA Website, Preferred Suppliers Reference Manual and the Annual Dinner. If the opportunity arises we also call on potential members to discuss the advantages of becoming a member of the CMPA.

The following operations and contacts were called on during our three day tour:

  • DMM Engineering – Brendan Pyle
  • K&RJ Matthews – Rob Matthews
  • Latrobe Valley Sands – Chris Blackwood
  • DELWP West Gippsland – Ross Pridgeon
  • Glencoe Lime – Graeme Heywood
  • Bairnsdale Quarries – Richard Brownlow
  • T&K Jarvis Sand Soil & Gravel – Trevor Jarvis
  • Prosper Valley Enterprises – David O’Brien
  • De Merlo Agricultural Contractors – Tanya Eygenraam.

The Secretariat would like to thank all the members for giving us their time and for showing us around their sites.


ERR Update

The Earth Resources Regulator (ERR) reform is being managed by Lill Healy, Executive Director, Market Access and Regulation, DEDJTR. As part of the reform of the Earth Resources Regulation Branch, DEDJTR (ERR) the Acting General Manager for Operations of ERR (formerly John Mitas) is Tony Robinson (seconded from the EPA). The position will be advertised shortly.

A solid risk management framework is being put in place by DEDJTR for the ERR that will have strategic leadership capability including communication with stakeholders; community engagement and will be risk based. There will be three new senior positions advertised. The positions are at Director Level under the Executive Director (currently Ross McGowan):

  • Director Statutory Authorisations
  • Director Strategy and stakeholder relations
  • Director Compliance

It was said that they are looking for people with experience in strategic management, leadership and culture change with experience in the industries being a bonus but not necessary. Social license and impact of climate change were also mentioned. As well as being advertised the position descriptions will be given to the Industry Associations to distribute to their members. Assurance has been given that the appointment of the positions will not lead to further cost recovery for the extractive industry.

The CMPA looks forward to a continuing constructive relationship with ERR.

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