DPI Update (Issue 38)

By on April 12, 2008

Hydrocarbon Storage Blitz

DPI’s next targeted audit program will be focusing on the storage of diesel, lubricants and other hydrocarbons at mines and quarries across the state.

The blitz will look at packaged flammable and combustible liquids (ie. those in an individual container of a capacity not more than 250L) as well as those contained in bulk storage tanks.

An audit tool has been developed for the project and between April 2008 and June 2008 officers will make unannounced visits to worksites to investigate the effectiveness of controls in place to provide appropriate management of hydrocarbons used in their operations.

Copies of the audit tool and a report on the outcomes of the audit will be left with site operators. Where necessary directions will be issued – these will be followed up to ensure compliance.

Storage must be done in accordance with Work Plan Conditions and good environmental practice. Practical guidance on how the company can meet “good practice” requirements can be found in Australian Standard ‘AS1940:2004 – The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids’.

John Mitas, Chief Inspector of Quarries

Note from the CMPA:

Some Members have already been inspected by DPI and made the following comments:

  • Look at your refueling procedures
  • Consider the adequacy of your bunding – proper structure rather than dirt bunds
  • Ensure you have written procedures and records – paper trail is essential

Work Authority Applications

THE table below refers to Work Authority Applications and Variations currently listed on the DPI database and provides the average time frame for the main stages of the approval process where:

  • Not yet endorsed refers to a WA which has been presented to DPI and has not been endorsed. It may be pending the applicant, DPI or other referral body.
  • Endorsed, not approved refers to a WA which is endorsed but not yet approved. These are opened pending planning permits.
  • Approved refers to a WA which has been approved in the last 6 months and is ready to go. It includes planning approval.

It is interesting to note that whilst the table above provides the average time frame, there are cases where applications took much longer, for example, a new WA application which took 959 days for approval, and a variation which took 1556 days for approval.

The graph above reflects the total of all WA applications yet to be approved and the date which the first draft was first presented.

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