DPI Update (Issue 49)

By on March 19, 2010

JOHN MITAS, General Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations reports on DPI’s latest guidelines on developing extractive industry work plans.


DPI has prepared a draft Extractive Industry Work Plan Guideline for public consultation and industry comment.

What is the guideline for?

The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance to extractive industries on:

  • The application process for a work authority;
  • Who needs to prepare a draft work plan;
  • What a work plan needs to include;
  • When a work plan variation is required; and
  • Additional reference material.

The guideline replaces previous guidance material (guidance documents G3 and G4).

The main focus of the Guideline is to provide assistance on what a work plan needs to include. To this end, this Guideline has been developed to assist managers of extractive industries in Victoria to meet the requirements of Schedule 1 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Extractive Industries) Regulations 2010 (‘the Regulations’).

These Regulations accompany the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. Schedule 1 of the Regulations sets out what information must be included in a work plan.

Why a new Guideline?

The need for a new guideline is due to the change in legislation and regulations that specify who needs to prepare a work plan and what needs to go in it.

The new Regulations have one set of work plan requirements for sites that have blasting and removal of vegetation and all sites greater than 5 ha and 5 m deep. Work plans are also now required to include a community engagement plan and identify community facilities affected by the proposed works. The new guideline was prepared to reflect these changes.

Release for public comment

The draft Extractive Industry Work Plan Guideline is on the DPI website and DPI is seeking stakeholder comment before preparing the final guideline.

How is it different to previous guidelines?

The structure of the guideline is different to the previous G3 and G4 guidelines. The aim is to make it more user-friendly.

The main focus of the guideline is guidance on what needs to go in a work plan. Part 3 of the guideline, provides guidance on each of the ten work plan requirements in Schedule 1 of the Regulations.

The guideline also contains the following information about work plans, presented at the start of the document:

  • The application process for a work authority (Part 1);
  • Who needs to prepared a work plan (Part 2);
  • When a work plan variation is required. (Part 4).

The work plan checklist (an appendix in the old G3) has been shortened to reflect that basic requirements in the Schedule. This is to assist smaller sites.

The community engagement advice cross references DPI’s Community Engagement Guidelines for Mining and Exploration in Victoria. The Guideline does not cover Part 2 of Schedule 1 which deals with mine stability plans for “declared” quarries.

DPI welcomes comments. All comments must be in writing and sent to:

Attention: Senior Inspector of Mines
Earth Resources Regulation Branch
Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 4440
Melbourne Victoria 3001.

The draft Extractive Industry Work Plan Guideline is available on the following DPI website address: http://www.new.dpi.vic.gov.au/earthresources/whats-new2/extractive-industry-work-plan-guideline

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