DPI Update (Issue 51)

By on June 23, 2010

JOHN MITAS, General Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations reports on the Code of Practice for Small Quarries.

THE “Code of Practice for Small Quarries” (the Code) has been made under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (the Act) and is now in operation.

The Code sets out minimum standards and provides practical guidance for extractive industry Work Authority holders exempted from work plan requirements under section 77G of the Act. Public consultation took place during the development of the Code. The various submissions received during the consultation period were carefully considered before the Code was made.

Copies of the Code can be obtained online or by telephoning the DPI Information Centre on 03 9658 4440 between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm. Hard copies of the Code can also be obtained from the principal DPI offices in Melbourne, Ballarat, Bendigo, Benalla and Traralgon.

The code can also be accessed on the DPI website at the following website links:

  • http://new.dpi.vic.gov.au/earth-resources/earth-resourcesindustries/extractive/extractive-industry-requirements
  • http://new.dpi.vic.gov.au/earth-resources/whats-new/code-ofpractice-for-small-quarries

Under section 77G(2) of the Act, a person who proposes to apply for an extractive industry work authority to carry out an extractive industry is not required to lodge a work plan where:

  • The extractive industry is to be carried out on land that has an area of less than five hectares and a depth of less than five metres; and
  • The extractive industry does not require blasting or the clearing of native vegetation
  • Unless the Minister declares, in writing, that the applicant must lodge a work plan.
  • Where, by the operation of section 77G(2), a work plan is not required, the applicant must instead operate in accordance with the Code.

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