On-going Issues (Issue 3)

By on July 2, 2000

Rehabilitation Bonds

To assist in promoting the CMPA case, which in principle is to minimise member funds tied up in Rehabilitation Bonds, it is important that all members meet with their local Member of Parliament.  List your concerns, and include mention of recent steep increases in bond valuations by comparison to movement of the CPI, and near static or even declining product sale prices.

On a separate front approval was provided at the last General Meeting for Dr. David Prentice of Latrobe University to proceed with preparation of his report. This report in principle will review the origins and current bond regulations, provide an economic analysis and investigate the impact of the present bond system, as well as investigate a more efficient alternative [form of insurance] system.

A preliminary draft report received prior to Christmas suggests that Dr Prentice hoped to obtain further rehabilitation statistics early in 2001 which are expected to boost the reports quality.  Dr Prentice also pointed out that there are engineering and legal issues, which need further consideration. He was also unable to include a decisive statement on royalties due to limited available evidence but found some evidence which he considers as likely to be of interest.  Dr Prentice draft report is scheduled for completion in early 2001.

PSV Issue update – By Bruce McClure, Chairperson, Special Issues Committee

The Special Issues Committee has been working to bring a successful conclusion the issue involving a change in PSV which had major consequences for one of our members, Rod North from Violet Town Quarries. As you may be aware, the main concern that Rod and the CMPA has with the change of PSV was the reason why it was changed, not the fact that it was changed which is the responsible authorities prerogative. There is also major concern at the amount of time and money wasted due to a lack of prior notice with respect to this change, which will also be addressed.

Various letters have been sent to Sprayline and Vic Roads trying to ascertain why the PSV was really changed. To date these responses do not verify certain facts known by the committee.

The committee recently reviewed their actions to date on the issue with the CMPA Legal representatives with a view of deciding what the next step should be to bring the whole issue to a speedy conclusion. The meeting was very positive and the committee has a clear way ahead, which we are now following.

The committee believes that this issue can be satisfactorily resolved within the next few months.

EPA Draft Air Quality Improvement Plan.

Approval was obtained at the October 6th general meeting for Peter Day Consulting to assist us in development of a response to this DAQIP, as well as to manage and develop a plan in response to future draft regulations or reviews.

The CMPA response was submitted early in November 2000 within the extended period granted us by the EPA.  We interpreted the draft Air Quality Improvement Plan as being a preliminary document seeking industry input as part of the consultation process. We indicated a preparedness to provide further input and requested any support the EPA may offer in widening our member’s knowledge in this important area.

To assist with understanding of these issues members can obtain a copy of the report and the CMPA submission by request through the Secretary

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