CMPA Annual Dinner – Mighty MCG
The 2023 CMPA Annual Dinner was held at the mighty MCG in Melbourne. CMPA Member Services Manager, Gavin Moreira, reviews our record breaking night.

We have to go back seven years since the last CMPA Annual Dinner was celebrated in Melbourne. What an event it was with over 370 attendees and guests ascending on the MCG with a fantastic opportunity for our sponsors to have their businesses up in lights around the ground and on the big scoreboards.
The CMPA Annual General Meeting commenced at 5pm in the famous MCC, Long Room with the CMPA Chairperson Mr Jason Comben opening the meeting and addressed the assembly with highlights from the preceding twelve months. Motions were passed for acceptance of all the reports including the Financial Report (presented by our Treasurer John Pititto) and there were four vacancies for Voting Members on the 2023/24 Management Committee for a three-year period. All attendees and proxies were in favour of re-electing Craig Banthorpe (Barro Group), Tim Bird (Allstone Quarries), Ashley Day (Lima South Quarry) and newly appointed Matt Skidmore (City Circle Group) as Committee Members. Mark Thompson (Oli Australia) who was absent was elected as the new Associate Chairperson.

Pre-dinner drinks and delicious canapes were served in the Percy Beames Bar as guests started to trickle in and collect their lanyards and look at their seating arrangements.
The room was soon abuzz with guests mingling and enjoying some networking. The Tall Stars dressed in Collingwood and Melbourne AFL colours intrigued the guests and took photos. The hallway to the Members Dinning room was lined with Platinum and Gold sponsors banners as the MCC gong sounded for dinner.

Our special guest for the evening was The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy and Resources who spoke with Members in the pre-dinner area and throughout the dinner.
The doors opened to the spectacular Members Dining Room; which was filled with colour and views to the city and the ground. As guests found their way to their tables they discovered gifts from our platinum sponsors, each guest received an Alloys International thermal mug, Ultra Dynamics A4 graphic note pad and a RDO Equipment keyring. Each place setting received a copy of the new CMPA brochure “Quarries Build Communities” and a coaster with the new CMPA logo, whilst the centrepieces were a floral
arrangement from our local Kilmore florist.
MC Brihony Dawson started the night by welcoming those present and thanking our Sponsors for the night. The tone for the night was to socialise, network and enjoy the night with families, friends and fellow CMPA members. The latest CMPA video was played and the new CMPA logo was launched.
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy and Resources gave a welcome speech which was followed by the CMPA Chairperson, Jason Comben who discussed some of the highlights from the past year and the issues that the industry faces in the future.

A mouth-watering three course meal was interspersed with a presentation from the Associate Chairperson Jason Rudge (William Adams) who took the time to thank all of our Associates for their support throughout the year and acknowledged all of our sponsors. He made special mention of the five Voting Members who also sponsored the Annual Dinner.
Jason invited the 4 members present on the night to come forward to be presented with a 15+years framed certificate of appreciation for being members of the CMPA.
Present to accept their framed certificates were Latrobe Valley Sands, Epiroc, Onetrak and Cathy Kerr on behalf of her son Charles Kerr from Conundrum Holdings.
In keeping with tradition, the names of all those guests present went into a draw for the two door prizes. This year’s lucky winners were Matt O’Neill from Peninsula Quarries who received a bottle of Irish Whiskey which was generously donated by CDE Global and Courtney North from Redstone Crushing received a Wheel Loader Model donated by CJD Equipment and presented by Daniel Rice.
Silent Auction items were on display in the Members Dining room and spirited bidding was conducted throughout the evening. Once the bidding was closed, the winners were: (See Page 29)

Silent Auction Results

Over $4000 was donated to go towards advertising to raise awareness of Bladder Cancer in the extractive industry. It was great that Burdett Sands hosted a table of attendees from BEAT Bladder Cancer Australia including President Adam Lynch.
Our entertainment this year was a combination of roving entertainment (Tall Stars during pre-dinner drinks) mixed in with a solo artist (Angus Legg). Followed by Duo artists Karina Chavez and Angus Legg, DJ Emma Storey was on hand providing background music.
The hour of power featuring a trio of artists, DJ and MC provided a variation of musical numbers for guests to listen too later in the evening as well as bringing many guests to their feet and on to the dance floor.
The evening ended on a high note and many guests decided to keep the mood going and move on to the ‘Cliveden Bar at the Pullman on the Park’ after doors closed at 11:00pm. Once again, a tremendous night was had by all.
A final thank you to our sponsors. Without your support the night would not be able to go ahead.

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