CMPA News (Issue 76)
Roads to Recovery Program
The objective of Roads to Recovery is to contribute to the Infrastructure Investment Program through supporting maintenance of the nation’s local road infrastructure asset, which facilitates greater access for Australians and improved safety, economic and social outcomes.
From 2014-15 to 2018-19 the Government will provide $2.1 billion ($350 million in 2014-15) under the Roads to Recovery program, to be distributed to Australia’ local councils, state and territory Governments responsible for local roads in the unincorporated areas (where there are no councils) and the Indian ocean territories.
Legislation to continue the supply of money for this program finally cleared the upper house recently after weeks of difficult negotiations.
Management Committee Meeting
The Management Committee meeting was held on 27 August, 2014 and was hosted by Mead Partners in St. Kilda. John Mawson (Chairperson), Garry Cranny (Deputy Chairperson), John Pititto (treasurer), Basil Natoli, Ant Bateup, Tej Panesar, Andrew Burdett and Tim Bird attended with apologies from David Eldridge and Mark Barryclough.
The major issues discussed were approving of the 2013/14 financial report for the AGM 2014. Always looking to the future the venue for the 2015 Annual Dinner/AGM was selected. Four venues were visited to assess their suitability for the Annual Dinner 2015: Goulburn Valley Hotel (Shepparton), Sherbourne Terrace (Shepparton), Gateway (Wangaratta) and
the Performing Arts Centre (Wangaratta). The preferred venue was the Performing Arts Centre (Wangaratta).
Discussion centred on training and it was proposed, the front end loader training unit (William Adams) be made applicable to concrete and a training unit be developed for weighbridge operator/concrete batch plant dispatch operator. Additionally, VWA is to be approached to advocate (during their site visits) training for employees.
The CMPA website is due for an upgrade to meet Members current and future expectations through increasing the interactivity of the website. A supplier for the upgrade was selected.
At the conclusion of the meeting, robust debate was held with Kylie White, executive Director, Earth Resources Regulation (DSDBI) which mostly centred on Risk Based Work Plans and is discussed in detail in this issue of Sand & Stone.
Wall Planner
As we approach the final quarter of 2014, the Secretariat is now preparing the 2015 CMPA Wall Planner. this will be the fourth year it has been put together.
An email has been sent to all Members requesting advertising for the planner. There are only 24 spots available with only 8 spots remaining.
If you would like to take up the opportunity to advertise please email Gavin Moreira at It will be folded and inserted in the October/November issue of Sand & Stone but unfolded copies can be ordered and printed as well.
Associate Committee Meeting
On 27 August, 2014 the CMPA Associate Committee held its latest meeting at Mead Partners in St Kilda, and was followed by a light lunch with the Management Committee. This was a great opportunity for both committees to meet and gave Associates a good chance to network with quarry owners in the one location. The CMPA Honorary CEO, Ron Kerr was also involved in the meeting which allowed Associates to gain a greater understanding of the origins of the CMPA and where it is heading in the future. Ron acknowledged and thanked the Associates for their presence and contributions to the Association and the Industry.
An update was provided by the Secretariat on the 2014 Annual Dinner and discussions were had for the location of the 2015 Annual Dinner. the chosen venue was the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre.
The growth and development of Sand & Stone was discussed and so too was the importance of associate member contributions in the form of editorial, advertorials and staff profiles to not only help keep the content interesting for all readers but to publicly advertise your business. An integral part of being a member of an association is to be able to communicate to other members what you are all about and what you can offer to help grow each other’s businesses. Successful businesses can only benefit the industry in the long run.
The CMPA website re-development was discussed with a suitable It company nominated to provide the necessary improvements to the site. Design work to commence in October.
Other networking opportunities for 2014 are currently being investigated including regional trade shows in conjunction with workshops and meetings. As well as other ways to be able to communicate more regularly with voting members was keenly discussed.
Membership Renewals
All Members would have received their renewals for 2014/15. It would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax or mail by the end of October. We do require the form to be completed for our records. once the paperwork has been received a tax
invoice will be issued.
Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2014/15 financial year.
2014/15 Preferred Suppliers Manual
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2014/15 has been delayed. It is currently being collated and will be delivered in late October 2014.
Emails to Associate Members with DRAFT details of your page have been sent out. It would be greatly appreciated if you can confirm your content as well as send through your photos to Melanie Sumpter at there is also a few advertising spots still available to be purchased for this annual publication.
Meeting with Shadow Minister
Liliana D’Ambrosio, Shadow Minister for energy and Resources (Victoria) took some time out from her busy schedule to visit Northern Quarries (Conundrum Holdings) pictured with Ron Kerr (Hon CEO, CMPA and Managing Director, Conundrum Holdings) and Dr Elizabeth Gibson (General Manager, CMPA).
Firstly a presentation on the Northern Quarries was made in the meeting room by Pat Kerr (Production Manager) and Mark Wagner (Marketing Manager). Northern Quarries is located in Epping, 20 Kilometres north of the Melbourne CBD and is well placed to service the Melbourne Metropolitan region. Discussions centred on the operations of the Quarry with the Shadow Minister showing her interest by asking pertinent questions about the industry. the presentation was finished off with a video of a blast at the quarry. Charles Kerr (Quarry Manager-Processing) and Wayne Deken (Quarry Manager) then took the Shadow Minister for a tour of the site after which the visit concluded.

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