By on July 2, 2002

Education is an important backbone to any industry and the CMPA sees the extractive industry no differently. Chairperson Ron Kerr said the economic success of the industry is underpinned by the quality of the people working in it.  He added that the association needed to continue to emphasis the importance of developing people through education and training and to raise the priority level of this process.

A well trained workforce will help business adapt and grow and he said the CMPA must have an impact in shaping education and learning agendas.

The management committee has approved the concept of an education officer’s position being created for a limited period to better develop the links between the industry needs and the education and training system.

This would facilitate educators having a better understanding of industry and employers’ needs and allow the workforce to better grasp career development opportunities.

Minister Kosky’s Statement “Knowledge and Skill for the Innovation Economy” has provided a gateway to possible Government funding for this position.

This subject has also been brought to the attention of  NRE Minister, Ms  Broad and the Box-Hill Institute of TAFE. 

At a recent EMIAB meeting Director of Energy and Minerals Dr Richard Aldous, and Minister Broad were enthusiastic as to implementation of this concept and agreed to look at it further.

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