By on October 30, 2004

Sarah Kerr, CMPA Secretary

WELL Funding 2005

The CMPA is please to announce that it will again be applying for WELL funding towards ‘Work Safely’ in 2005.

This application will also include the units ‘Communicate in the Workplace’, ‘Conduct Local RiskControl’, ‘Site Quality Outcomes’,and ‘Operate a Personal Computer’.

A training calendar will be released in the near future.

Basic Cutting and Welding

Following a pilot course recently, the CMPA is proud to announce that the Certificate II unit ‘Conduct Basic Cutting and Welding’ is to commence early in the near year.

Auditing for RTOs

At the CMPA’s request, the Office of Training and Tertiary Education (OTTE) has now conducted several audits, with at least one RTO failing and requiring remedial action to be undertaken.

After discussing the audits with the Engineering Skills Training Board, the CMPA attended a meeting with OTTE (arranged by ESTB) to ensure that the audit were achieving the industry’s goal of quality training resources. This meeting has resulted in a Strategic Industry Audit being proposed to be conducted on all RTO’s endorsed to deliver the extractive industry training package.

The CMPA is also attempting to establish a clear relationship between the industry and Training Recognition Consultants (TRC) to ensure that only appropriate training and assessment processes and materials are used by extractive industry RTOs. This will be worked on over the coming months and should result in higher quality training resources.

March Mobile Plant Workshop

On March 9, 2005, the CMPA will be hosting a ‘Mobile Plant Workshop’ in Bendigo.

This will be run in a similar style to the Drilling Workshop held in March just gone in that attendees will work in groups to identify all possible hazards and risks when a person is operating mobile plant.

Further information will be released early in the new year.

Industry Alternatives to the QMAP

At this stage, the CMPA is limited to reporting that a meeting has been held with the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) and that further information will be forthcoming as it is made available.

Generic Terms and Conditions

The generic terms and conditions agreement has been presented to Mr Leigh Street representing the EIA-V at a meeting on September 30 with Mr L Coombs and Mr M Wagner. Leigh was very positive about the document and agreed to assist in progressing its acceptance by seeking comment from EIA-V members.

The comments from the EIA-V and others will be consolidated by the end of November with the aim of liaising with Vic Roads before the end of the year.

Angahook-Otway Investigation

VEAC has held its final meeting for this investigation at which the CMPA was in attendance.

From this point, the Council’s proposals will be presented to the responsible Minister and then presented to Parliament.

Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments

The CMPA was recently asked to provide comment on proposed amendments to the Victorian Planning Provisions.

A key change was the inclusion of the recently renewed Environment Significance Overlay.

After holding discussions with a number of members, it was resolved that these changes were for the better.

Stakeholders Regulatory Forum

On Monday November 15, two representatives of the CMPA attended the newly formed Stakeholders Regulatory Forum.

The intention of the forum is to provide industry a clear means for communicating its concerns regards ‘red tape’ requirements to the DPI.

Revision of National Exposure Standards for Crystalline Silica

Members are asked to note that the National Exposure Standards for Crystalline Silica has changed from 0.2mg/m3 to 0.1mg/m3. This change will come into affect from January 1, 2005.

The CMPA will be releasing an information booklet on this matter in conjunction with NOHSC to assist members in meeting their requirements.

Annual Report of the CMPA

All members (both Voting and Associate) will be receiving the Annual Report along with their membership certificates in the next two weeks.

Youth Employment Opportunities

Over the last few weeks, the CMPA has received several requests for employees wishing to take on plant operator or other similar roles throughout the state.

In light of these requests, the CMPA would like to invite any young persons interested in a career in the extractive industries to contact the association with their resume, and a general introductory letter. Please indicate any willingness to move or travel.

Associate Committee

The Associate Committee recently held their now annual elections in late October.

This has resulted in the following positions being allocated:
Chairperson A.Lambing
Vice Chairperson D.Batson

Other positions went to M.McCann, D.Rawson, F.Santoro, C.Burgess, C.Prowse, S. O’Donoghue, M.Thompson, and B.Aisen.

We would like to wish the Committee all their best in their endeavours over the course of their roles. The next meeting will be held on April 22, 2005, 8am at William Adams in Laverton.

Potential Members

Do you know of anyone who owns or operates a Work Authority and is not a member of the CMPA?

If so, how about getting them to call the Secretariat so that we can send them the appropriate information.

Indigenous Land Management Framework

The CMPA has been invited to comment upon the DSE’s Indigenous Land Management Framework Discussion Paper by the end of the year. This discussion paper will provide an opportunity to inform debate by raising awareness of Indigenous aspirations for land and resource management. This discussion will provide the context for policy development.

If any of your sites are situated on Crown Land and you would like to provide comment on this discussion paper, please contact the Secretariat and the appropriate paperwork will be sent.

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