CMPA NEWS (Issue 52)
CMPA Secretariat provides an update of the latest news and happenings.
The CMPA has provided comments to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council on the discussion paper Remnant Native Vegetation Investigation.
The investigation’s purpose is to consider how public land can contribute to ‘sustainable landscapes’ and identify opportunities for greater ecological linkages.
The CMPA is very concerned with the application of native vegetation legislation as it imposes vast costs on the industry for no apparent benefit.
These costs have been identified in work previously published by the Association, An Unsustainable Future, August 2009 and the wider impact of these controls along with other legislative measures imposed on the industry are currently being assessed and will be presented to Government in the near future.
Thank you to Ken Norris, Peter Day and other members who provided input into the CMPA comments.
We have a new look Associate Committee for 2010/11, with Mark Thompson (Oli Vibrators) elected as the new Associate Chairperson and a few new faces added for the coming twelve months:
- David Batson (William Adams)
- Erik Birzulis (Landair Surveys)
- Steve Burgess (Hitachi)
- Michael Donnelly (Linx Finance)
- David Hazell (Onetrak)
- Sharron O’Donoghue (Landmark Contracting)
- Chris Prowse (CK Prowse & Associates)
- Frank Santoro (Orica)
- Craig Staggard (Terex Jaques)
- Paul Taylor (Super Signs)
The CMPA is currently preparing a submission for the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission for its Inquiry into Victoria’s Regulatory Framework.
The issues of concern to the CMPA have been highlighted in work previously undertaken by the Association. These remain pertinent and will be reiterated in the submission.
In essence the concerns are:
- The escalating and often unnecessary costs of regulation of the industry. This puts huge pressures on every business and ultimately may push some to the wall through no fault of their own;
- Restriction of access to land. This insidious regulatory action not only undermines the ongoing sustainability of the industry it has potentially serious repercussions for the economic well-being of the State.
In addition to these issues it is proposed that the submission also highlights:
- The need to eliminate the ‘one-size fits-all’ approach in the extractive industry legislation (aside from very small operations).
- Improved gate-keeping arrangements for new regulation and legislation.
- The Government’s lack of commitment to regulatory reform.
Thank you to those members who have provided input in the preparation of the CMPA’s submission.
Further information regarding the above will be reported in future issues of Sand & Stone.
Our sincere thanks to all Members who have renewed their membership for the 2010/11 financial year – without your support the CMPA could not continue its valuable work.
It would be appreciated if all outstanding renewals could be completed by the end of October 2010.
The CMPA has been communicating with WorkSafe Victoria regarding the slow process of Shotfirer’s License Renewals.
To date we have received a license renewal status from WorkSafe for attendees of the CMPA Shotfirers Refresher Training and Assessments days held earlier in the year.
There are a number of attendees who are still yet to send in the necessary license renewal paperwork to WorkSafe. If you are still awaiting renewal of your Shotfirer’s license and would like to check the status of your application please contact WorkSafe Victoria on 1300 852 562.
For future reference, you are not able torenew your Shotfirers license more than two months prior to it expiring and you should not be sitting for your assessment more than six months prior to your license expiring as the results will not be valid.
Do you know someone who is a good writer with a little bit of spare time who needs some extra cash?
The CMPA still requires someone with an understanding of how quarries operate to assist with the writing of the next series of Reference Manuals.
This would be a great part time job for a university student and a great opportunity to learn more about the industry.
Please contact the Secretariat on phone 5781 0655 if you are interested in the role.
VECCI has applied to have the minimum engagement terms in awards, including the Quarry Award, varied. At present, many awards prescribe a minimum engagement of two, three or four hours which, in effect, is the minimum payable on any one shift.
They are proposing that the awards concerned include a provision to allow individual negotiation in that the employee can initiate a reduction in the hours specific under the minimum engagement terms.
Before making this submission, VECCI is seeking examples on how the existing terms impact upon your business.
For further information or to make comment, contact Alexandra Marriott on amarriott
The Secretariat in consultation with CMPA members and WorkSafe Victoria
are slowly working towards providing four new explosive checklists.
- Magazine Management Safety Checklist
- Explosive Stock Record Book
- Shotfirers Blast safety Checklist
- Shotfirers Blast Management Book
The checklists are currently in draft form, further reviews are taking place. The final versions will be available in the coming months.
Would you like a happy snap of you and your friends all dressed up for the Annual Dinner? Photos from the night are available to be downloaded free from
High resolution, printable versions of the photos can also be emailed to you. To arrange this, please contact the Secretariat with the photo reference number from the website.
At the recent Annual General Meeting, a number of Members raised concerns in relation to the rising level of rehabilitation bonds. The CMPA as a result has commenced a number of approaches with the goal of ultimately reducing the anxiety rehabilitation bonds place upon your business.
To best represent you, we need accurate and current information that only you will be able to access quickly. In particular, your assistance is necessary to answer the following questions:
- When was your bond last reviewed?
- What was the figure prior to the review?
- What was the initial figure proposed by the DPI?
- What was the final figure for which a bank guarantee was provided for?
Answers to these questions are required for every site that has been reviewed especially over the last three years. We do not need to know the WA number, and will not provide individual data to any external party.
The above data was sought via email and fax on Friday 10th September 2010. It’s not too late to provide this valuable information. Please give the Secretariat a call 1300 267 222, to lodge your answers.
Further information regarding the above will be reported in future issues of Sand & Stone.
A Blast Management Workshop will be held to look at the proposed changes to the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011.
One of the proposed changes will be the requirement for blast management plans by shotfirers and the second is the establishment of exclusion zones when using blasting explosives.
It will be beneficial to owners and shotfirers to gain an understanding of the proposed changes and to provide their practical knowledge and considerations on the WorkSafe guidance material. This will help Worksafe to make the necessary changes to the guides for the benefit of the industry.
The CMPA have developed four new explosive checklists and would like to take the opportunity to present them practically in a group forum before releasing them in the market place.
The workshop will include a presentation from WorkSafe.
Date: Thursday 21st October 2010
Time: 1.30pm – 4pm
Place: Quality Hotel 265 Mickleham Rd Melbourne Airport Tullamarine
Cost: $40 members, $60 non members
RSVP Thursday 14th October 2010 – get in early as numbers limited.

Garry Cranny met with Col Cameron from Wacky Entertainment on site at Yarra Valley Quarries to discuss the background of the CMPA and the quarry industry.
Secretariat met with Spence Herd regarding development of four new Shotfiring Checklists. Ken Norris attended a VEAC Consultation Workshop in Traralgon to discuss issues raised in the discussion paper on the Remnant Native Vegetation Investigation.
Peter Day attended a meeting with VCEC to discuss issues regarding the Inquiry into Victoria’s Regulatory Framework.
Peter Day met with Ron Kerr (Conundrum Holdings), Basil Natoli (Bell, Cochrane & Associates) and Danny Hopkins (Rocla Quarry Products) regarding CMPA’s submission to VCEC – Inquiry into Victoria’s Regulatory Framework.
A Management Committee Meeting was held in Kilmore.
New General Manager –
The Management Committee recently approved the employment of Bruce McClure as General Manager for a 12 month period. Bruce will commence with the CMPA on the 4th October 2010.
A detailed story outlining Bruce McClure’s employment history and professional background will follow in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
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