A summary of the CMPA 2014 Annual Report
GAVIN MOREIRA, CMPA Member Services Manager, provides a summary of the CMPA Annual Report
Chairperson’s Report – John Mawson
The last year has seen the CMPA continue to represent and service the needs of Members. By providing advice, materials and advocacy to assist with: training, networking, occupational health and safety and industry-regulator relationships the CMPA, your Association, has sought to improve the performance and image of extractive Industries in Victoria.
The CMPA has met with State Ministers, the Red Tape Commissioner from State Government and the State opposition. The CMPA has a policy of being non-partisan and taking an even-handed approach to the way we consult. this has held us in good stead with both major Political Parties.
CMPA has also been working with DSDBI on a number of recommendations raised in the Government Response to the EDIC Inquiry into Greenfield Mineral exploration and Project Development in Victoria (2013). The main focus by DSDBI has been the development of a draft risk-based Work Plan (the CMPA requested a reduction in costs and time to be demonstrated), a draft discounted rehabilitation bond system (the CMPA requested a review of the rehabilitation bond formula) and the sustainability and security of Victoria’s extractive resources.
Industry networking is also an important aspect of the work at the CMPA. Several safety workshops and training days were organised during the year and were attended by a total of 150 people. Industry operators, equipment suppliers and regulators met together at these workshops to address the issues of traffic Management and Plant Guarding in quarries.
The CMPA Secretariat continues to represent Members’ views to State and Federal Government on a whole range of issues including:
- DPCD – Regional Growth Plans across five areas throughout Victoria
- DSDBI – Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations, cost recovery fees 2013
- Office of Living Victoria – Water Bill Exposure Draft
- DSDBI – Exposure Draft Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (extractive Industries) Regulations, cost recovery fees 2014
- Treasury (Federal) – Competition Policy Review
It is a credit to our small but extremely efficient secretariat and their advisors who compile very professional reports that are so well regarded amongst regulators.
Associate Chairperson’s Report – Tej Panesar
The year has been full of positive energies driving greater interactive communication with the voting members and their Quarry operational teams. This is especially pleasing in the current difficult business environment and the various challenges faced by the individual businesses and the industry in general.
The support from voting members to the Associates, now seen as a “Preferred Supplier” has encouraged more suppliers to become Associate members. This has had a snowballing effect and now there is more open talk among Associates as to how to be mutually inclusive in the CMPA and create a true win-win relationship with the Voting members.
With constant positive interaction, Associates have weathered the economic storm and are establishing more innovative ways to add value to their products and services to the Voting members.
This year’s Annual Dinner at the Pullman in Albert Park is aligned with the AGM. It will showcase the increasing number of Associate Sponsors, new and old, coming forward to make the event and related activities for members and their spouses very enjoyable and well deserved after a year of hard work. Very special care and attention is taken to make it a memorable weekend of the year.
In leading the Associates group during the year, it has been my pleasure to work with the team of committed Associates with a simple expectation of planning ways to make the association with voting members more meaningful. We have progressed in the right direction and will use the coming years to continue the efforts to gain momentum for consolidating the achievements. It is pleasing to see the team recommitting to another term of working together.
Education Committee Report – Garry Cranny
CMPA has continued to maintain its representation of members’ education and training requirements to government, peak training bodies, RTOs and other industry organisations.
Resource Development
Areas of educational activity in CMPA include the update of Work Safely Reference Manual and the Cut, Weld and Bend Materials Manual which forms the training resource for the RII09 Resources and Infrastructure Industry training Package. A total of 59 attendees have undertaken
Worksafely refresher training and 17 attendees undertook dust management training.
CMPA is witnessing a low uptake of certified training for operators and managers.
The Future
The major events for 2013/14 was the Guarding Workshop attended by 33 members. A working group has been formed to develop Guarding Guidelines for the construction material processing industry. Additionally, a Workshop was held on traffic Management in quarries attended by 25 members. A Guideline is in the process of being produced. Further training resources will be developed over the next 12 months including training for weighbridge operators/concrete batch plant dispatch operator.
Further effort has been expended in convincing peak training bodies and RTO’s, vocational training and assessment must be applicable to the real job the employee is being paid for. CMPA will continue to work with RTO’s such as William Adams to further develop training in areas such as operated Dump truck, operate Loader and operate excavator. Additionally education providers are preparing a business plan for our industry. Hopefully, it will result in addressing our competency obligations and our production requirements.
Treasurer’s Report – John Pititto
As we reflect on a year that has provided all members with challenges be it operational or financial, the CMPA has continued to support its members and provide up to date information that is necessary for them to continue to run their businesses in a highly regulated industry. The ability to do this has come from a financially stable association which has the resources to invest back into the industry it represents for its members benefit.
The association has continued to build a strong financial position with the final results exceeding our expectations. The final profit was ahead of our budgeted profit for the year, this was mainly due to an increase in membership and meetings revenue.
The major source of income was membership subscriptions,with contributions from meetings and events, newsletter advertising and operator document sales. Revenue was higher than the previous year.
Employment expenses were the single largest expense in the period. This covered one full time employee and two part time employees. Other expenses included publications, consultants and the cost of holding meetings and events.total expenditure was marginally higher than last year.
In the midst of this tough economic climate it is great to see members are still willing to support the association through membership renewals for the upcoming year.
Secretariat’s Report – Sarah Andrew
This year has seen the CMPA run many very successful events including two General Meetings and four workshops, as well as coordinating training providers and attendees for eight recognised courses. In total over 250 people participated in these activities.
A lot of time this year has been spent with the DSDBI and the implementation of the EDIC report. Elizabeth presently represents the CMPA on the following committees: Earth Resources Reform Steering Committee (Risk-based Work Plan form and a discounted rehabilitation bond model) and the extractive Industries taskforce (Security of access to construction materials).
It is anticipated this representation will continue over the coming year, and will from time to time require member’s contribution. your assistance in this regards would be greatly appreciated.
Gavin has taken on the title Member Services Manager this year, and as such will be spending much more time this year visiting member’s sites. We would like to thank all our Members for their time and effort in hosting us and ensuring we have a better appreciation of your needs.
Information Flow
Sand & Stone remains the primary source of keeping Members informed of the CMPA’s activities throughout 2013/14. After many years of in house design work by Michelle Kerr, this year we formally engaged our publishers Y Media to undertake the design work. We thank Michelle for her time and effort over the years in designing Sand & Stone. The standard of the magazine is a testament to the hard work put into its design by Michelle Kerr, its publishers (and now designers) Y Media, its many contributors especially those who present articles for every edition, and finally the advertisers because without them there would not be a magazine.
The CMPA Updates have continued to provide recipients a summary of recent industry specific accidents and incidents, along with information on upcoming events. The purpose of the updates is primarily to provide its readers with a summary of the incidents that have occurred across the state, nation and internationally to improve the state of knowledge in the
Membership over the last financial year has remained relatively stable in numbers. We thank all our Members for their continued support and look forward to working with them over the coming year.
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