Accurate Measurement for Mobile Crushers
Tecweigh have developed belt weighing scales to ideally suit the harsh conditions imposed by mobile crushers, reports Tecweigh’s National Sales Manager, OLIVER LYNCH.
MOBILE crushers and stackers currently being manufactured for the extractive industries invariably feature instruments to indicate operating hours and fuel consumption, but until recently, a simple, reliable and cost effective measure of tonnes crushed has not been standard equipment.
It has proven previously to have been a very complicated and expensive exercise to fit regular belt scales into mobile crushers. Users have very often been disappointed with both weighing accuracy and reliability in the past.
For this reason, Tecweigh have developed belt weighing scales to ideally suit the harsh conditions imposed by mobile crushers, according to Tecweigh’s National Sales Manager, Oliver Lynch, it has been a very difficult challenge to fit belt weighing equipment to mobile crushers and operate them with any reasonable degree of repeatable accuracy or long term reliability.
“Instead of the unacceptable hacking and cutting of their mobile crusher to modify it to accept the belt scale, we have designed a dedicated group of belt scales with specific models to suit each individual mobile crusher. The scale then fits comfortably and easily into the crusher as a hand fits a glove,” Mr. Lynch said.
Due to the extensive range of mobile crusher designs being offered in today’s market place, the correct belt scale has to be fitted for this task.
“We’ve got specialist scales to suit the most popular crushers, and over time we have added Extec, Striker, Komatsu and Hitachi mobile crushers to our range.” Mr. Lynch said.

Tecweigh’s new designs are compact yet structurally robust. “With mobile crushers we oft en find there is very little clearance between the output section and the return conveyor compared to a fixed-plant conveyor. There is only a limited and confined space in which to install a solidly constructed beltscale and options for mounting the scale vary with each mobile crusher design” Mr.Lynch said.
The Tecweigh Mobile Scale Range is specifically designed and built for the mobile crusher where it will live and work for the next ten plus years.
Tecweigh has a growing range of proven designs and welcomes the opportunity to work with manufacturers, contract hirers and crusher owners to add new models to their range.
With regard to mobiles, belt scales have to be located within just a few metres of the crusher and thus can experience extreme vibrations, which is the enemy of all weighing systems.
The belt-scale is typically mounted on a very short conveyor at a steep angle. Only the very best mechanical design, construction and clever processing will overcome these factors to provide accurate and reliable weighing.
An accurate belt-scale needs to be a sensitive instrument located in a very harsh and unyielding environment. Belt-scales operate by combining physical pressure (product on the belt) with belt movement. The scale has to be able to withstand but ignore dust, falling rocks, belt movement and the vibration which is always present in crushing situations.
To eliminate inaccurate measurement and enhance long – term reliability, Tecweigh mobile belt scales feature the same tough fully welded construction appreciated in their fixed plant scales. The scales are manufactured using the latest technology which provides the finest possible tolerances resulting in improved accuracy.
The Tecweigh Mobile Belt Scale is also supplied complete with calibration weights which are stored neatly on the scale frame whilst in production mode, and lowered by a simple lever action when calibration of the scale is required, which ensures that the scale can stay as accurate as the day it was installed, throughout its working life. Only one button needs to be pressed to re-calibrate the scale.
The Tecweigh WP20 Electronic Processor, which is widely regarded as the most simple to operate and easy to use and understand, is fitted with shockproof mountings as standard for mobile applications. Additional cable protection and ruggedized electronics combine to ensure that reliable rate measurement is guaranteed over the long term, even in the most demanding physical environment.
Tecweigh, their Agents and Distributors throughout Australia and New Zealand, specialise in installing conveyor belt scales in both fixed and mobile plants
For more information please contact:
Oliver Lynch – National Sales Manager
Phone: (03) 9775 0266
Mobile: 0430 166 444
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