Allstone Upgrade With A Plus……..K400+
A new entrant in a well established and extremely competitive market, Astec Australia, reports CRAIG BATTEN.
ALLSTONE Quarries recently installed a Johnson Crushers International (“JCI”) Kodiak K400+ cone crusher at its Newbridge quarry site in central Victoria, replacing a smaller Cedarapids MVP 380 as the secondary crusher at the quarry.
The quarry also operates a Williams primary crusher and Pegson Autocone tertiary crusher, and produces 40mm and 20mm crushed rock and aggregate. The products are processed to meet VicRoads standards and have been supplied to projects such as the Calder Freeway upgrade.
In looking for a replacement cone crusher, Allstone Quarries arrived at a short list of 4 machines, and each was examined more closely. Allstone Quarries staff were invited to travel to the United States to talk with owners about the JCI Kodiak K400+ and to inspect the manufacturing facility.
With Astec Australia already having an after-sales support structure
in place, Allstone Quarries staff were sufficiently pleased with the offer to place an order.
Randy Orre, International Sales co-ordinator for JCI, said the Allstone project was the first of its kind for Astec Australia. “That’s pretty exciting! The difference for us now is we have a company presence with our sister company Astec Australia,” he said.

Some unique patented features of this machine include the hydraulic tramp iron relief system, fully protected internal counterweights, an anti-spin cone brake, a low maintenance hydraulic thread locking ring that prevents bowl creep, and segmented brass thread inserts that are field replaceable and resist galling/metal transfer.
The machine is an all roller bearing design for maximum efficiency and lower operating temperatures.
Staff of Astec Australia were on hand for a week during the commissioning, along with technicians from the JCI factory. Allstone quarry manager Kelvin Nicholson was pleased with the way that they assisted his staff with any questions about the operation and maintenance of the crusher.
“We certainly appreciate the opportunity afforded to us by Allstone Quarries,” comments Craig Batten, Sales Manager for Astec Australia’s Quarry and Mining Group. “As a new entrant into a well established and extremely competitive market, we are looking forward to further developing our relationship with Allstone Quarries. The sale doesn’t end with the crusher in place and working: we see our relationship with Allstone continuing for the life of the unit.”
With 330 hours of operation, the machine has met the expectation of increased output, while the on site NATA laboratory has confirmed the quality of the output. There has been one minor problem that required replacement of a small valve, but that issue was remedied within 24 hours.
Allstone Quarries plans to host a CMPA site visit at its Newbridge quarry on Thursday 18th March 2010, so that others in the industry can see the JCI cone crusher in operation.
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