Associate Members Survey Results 2012/13
The main drivers behind continuing with the survey (which is in its second year) were to gain an understanding of the future direction of the industry, to establish Member priorities and to direct the Association’s resources accordingly.
The response rate from the Associate Members was lower, 21% for 2012/13 down from 32% in 2011/12.
Responses were from Associate members providing a variety of products and services: drilling and blasting, electrical products and services, equipment and plant hire, industry services, mobile plant, production consumables, secondary breaking, educational training and products, engines and transmissions, industry consultants and professional services.
The change in the level of business activity anticipated for the financial year 2013/14 reflects a decline in the extractive industry health. As shown in the table below:

One of the reasons for this decrease in level of business activity was seen as being due to the lack of government planning and investment. This decline is also reflected in the anticipated change in workforce numbers for Associate Members as shown in the following chart:

The Associate members availed themselves of the services offered by CMPA over the last 12 months (2012/13): Sand & Stone advertising, provision of articles for Sand & Stone, sponsorship of CMPA events, attendance at the Annual Dinner and support for training materials.
The additional services that Associate Members would like to see CMPA provide include increased access to voting members allowing for marketing of products and services and more events that focused on business segments e.g. finance, engineering that allowed for marketing
A question was asked as to the level of support given by Voting Members with 72% (2012/13) satisfied with level of support from Voting Members compared to 86% (2011/12).
Some of the comments were:
- The support of voting members has been excellent;
- Associate Members have to earn support (of Voting Members);
- Associate Members have Voting Members that are loyal supporters, however, there are still more members that could support us;
- Have not sold anything to voting members this year.
The percentage of Associate Members making verbal/ electronic communication with Voting Members over the last 12 month was at 67% (compared to 66% in 2011/12) with 45 in total Voting Members contacted (compared to 102 in 2011/12).
The percentage of physical contact with Voting Members over the last 12 months was at 61% (compared to 68% in 2011/12) with 34 in total Voting Members met (compared to 91 in 2011/12).
Strategies that would better link Voting Members with Associate Members:
- Technical meetings with topical speakers
- Access to Voting Members business profiles
- Possible CMPA Expo
- Field day, demo day
- More opportunities for training utilizing knowledge of Associate Members
- CMPA to supply contact details of members
- Will continue to develop face to face relationships
- Associate members are there to support Voting Members and not just for sponsoring events such as the AGM/dinner
The percentage change in 2012/13 in the level of government regulation is comparable to 2011/12 as shown in the chart below:

The percentage of Associate Members indicating that the increase in regulation was of a benefit to the industry was 77% compared to 50% in 2011/12 with 100% responding that it has added to the cost of doing business. The new regulatory compliance costs were passed onto 33% of their customers (compared to 40% in 2011/12).
Information from government departments on regulatory changes impacting Associate Members’ businesses believed to be of benefit is 61% (compared to 68% in 2011/12). A comment for an Associate Member was that the people making the decisions do not have an understanding of the impact that some changes have on the businesses nor the costs involved.
The percentage of Associate Members having a visit by WorkSafe was 31% (compared to 46% in 2011/12). The following comments were made:
- Routine inspection, no problems identified, no improvement notice issues
- Audit of forklift compliance, found to be satisfactory – of no real benefit
- Improvements recommended and acted upon to improve systems
- Yes – worked closely for new traffic management plan
Tej Panesar, Associate Chairperson comments:
- Due to lower business activity at Associates level, there has been reduced advertising and sponsorship.
- With greater focus on sustaining the business for better times, the focus has shifted from survey-participation.
- The general sentiment has been a sense of enhanced support from Voting Members in these difficult times but more access would be better. It is a catch 22 situation understood well that when Industry activity is reduced, Voting members naturally focus on improving efficiency and cost controls and this impacts business with Associates. This also impacts the expense the Associates put through for sponsorship and advertising.
- The only positive from the recent lower activity level is that Associates get more quality time with Voting members and can establish better understanding and relationships for the good times in future.
That concludes the summary of the Associate Members’ survey. It should be noted that the input from the Associate Members has been used to drive the program of events for 2014. For events and activities Associate Members will be invited to sponsor and attend these events. The next events are the Guarding Workshop to be held on 13.02.14 and the Members day/General meeting 20.03.14.
It is intended to summarise the Voting Members survey in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
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