Supporting our Associate Members
David Batson, CMPA Associate Committee Chairperson
Below is a listing of the CMPA’s Associate Members sorted by industry grouping. Please support our Associates wherever possible, as without their support the services of the CMPA would not be possible.
For more information please refer to your Associate’s Reference Manual or contact the CMPA. Please note that the Associate’s Reference Manual is currently in reprint and will be distributed to all Members in the next few weeks, incorporating all Associate Members who have joined the CMPA over the past 12 months. Please note the newest members to the CMPA:
Experts in the area of polyethylene pipe fabrication and installation. Located in Clayton South, Fusion Hire Services supply plastic welding and fabrication equipment, polyethylene pipe and fitting systems, weld rod and associated accessories. They also offer in house fabrication, field service for installation, service and repairs of plastic pipes, along with hire, sales and service of plastic welding equipment and associated products.
NatSafe utilise OH&S and EPA compliant natural solutions as alternatives to hazardous products and improving the Triple Bottom Line. NatSafe supply dust control products, Hazfree lubes, ‘Safe-T’ solvents and de-scalers, HD cleaners, truck wash, soil and filter remediators, VOC and odour control, anti allergy and animal care products. NatSafe are distributors of Australia’s largest range of effective non-hazardous, eco-friendly chemistries. NatSafe dedicates 10% of net profits to worthwhile philanthropic causes.

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