All posts by Gavin Moreira
DPI Update (Issue 50)
JOHN MITAS, General Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations reports on the role of the new Technical Review Board. FOLLOWING the Yallourn mine wall collapse in 2007, an investigation by a specially appointed Mining Warden identified a number...
- Posted April 19, 2010
10 Hot Tips to Manage Cash Flow & Credit
MEAD PARTNERS provide ten simple points on managing cash flow and credit in both the good times and the bad – as presented at the Members General Meeting at Bendigo. WHILE we are continually being told that...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls from Truck Cabins
WorkSafe’s latest health and safety publications focuses on safety around trucks What is the problem? Truck drivers slipping or falling when getting in/out of the truck cabin. The ability to safely get in/out of the cabin relies...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Tipper Tray Safety
The danger of being crushed underneath a raised tipping tray while inspecting components or doing maintenance work should not be under estimated. Here are some handy hints that make this task safer. Background A number of people...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Groundwater Licensing for Quarries
The Department of Sustainability and Environment’s ‘Groundwater Licensing and Trading in Victoria’ fact sheet is now available. THE Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) oversees the monitoring and management of Victoria’s groundwater resources. A DSE fact sheet...
- Posted April 19, 2010
THE CMPA Innovation Award is a new idea to recognise and reward an innovative development in Victoria’s construction material processing industry. The award is open to any CMPA member or their employees that includes any genuine innovative...
- Posted April 19, 2010
The CMPA has now produced 50 issues of its publication! The magazine publication Sand & Stone (which is also supplied as an emag on the CMPA website) has provided eleven Voting Members over the past two years...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Getting value out of your CMPA Membership
With the CMPA entering into its second decade with confidence, CMPA SECRETARIAT provides an overview of the benefits enjoyed by CMPA Members. THE CMPA has grown from humble beginnings and now after 10 years, has over 200...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Cultural Heritage Management Plans – A User’s Guide
IAN HAMM, Executive Director Aboriginal Affairs Victoria provides an overview of how to deal with Aboriginal heritage issues. VICTORIA has been a great place to live for many thousands of years. The result of this is physical...
- Posted April 19, 2010
Native Vegetation – Clarifying the Issues
The CMPA SECRETARIAT attempts to clarify some of the issues that commonly occur in applying the Native Vegetation Framework to extractive industry projects. VICTORIA’S Native Vegetation Management: A Framework for Action (the Framework) was released in 2002....
- Posted April 19, 2010