All posts by Gavin Moreira
DPI Update (Issue 60)
IAN MCLEOD, Manager Minerals and Extractive Operations, Melbourne District, reports on current projects. APPROVED WORK PLANS Approved Work Plans and Work Plan variations are an essential part of Work Authorities (WAs) and provide a handy reference to...
- Posted January 7, 2012
VLPA Update (Issue 60)
PETER MCCLUSKY provides an update on the Victorian Limestone Producers Association. AGM AND CONFERENCE The VLPA’s Anual Genearl Meeting and conference was held at the City Memorial Bowls Club Warrnambool on Friday 18th November 2011. Bruce Couch,...
- Posted January 7, 2012
A New Age for Superannuation in Australia
How will the proposed changes to superannuation affect your business? NATALIE GULLIFER from Landers & Rogers Lawyers reports. HISTORIC legislation was introduced into Parliament on 2 November 2011 to increase the level of Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions...
- Posted January 7, 2012
Excessive Noise in the Workplace
Exposure to excessive noise can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Below is an extract from the CMPA’s updated “WORK SAFELY REFERENCE MANUAL” providing handy hints on managing noise on your work site. EXPOSURE to excessive noise...
- Posted January 7, 2012
Looking for a career in the extractive industries?
GAVIN MOREIRA , Administration Officer of the CMPA provides an overview of the Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations course. THE start of a new year is a good time to consider expanding your knowledge base. Should...
- Posted January 7, 2012
Follow up by WorkSafe of Previous Notices Issued
BRUCE McCLURE, CMPA General Manager reports on WorkSafe Victoria’s follow up of notices issued at extractive industry sites. DURING the period 1 July 2011 to 20 November 2011, WorkSafe followed up on 31 notices that had been...
- Posted January 7, 2012
Weighty Innovation to Revolutionise Earthmoving
An innovative new mobile weighing system for excavators is set to revolutionise the construction and earthmoving industries, according to Loadrite Product Manager, Excavator Series, GORDON HAIN. THE X-Weigh system for excavators improves productivity by quickly, easily and...
- Posted January 7, 2012
With an ever-increasing focus being placed on Ecologically Sustainable Development and sustainable construction, reducing Australia’s carbon footprint is clearly a major challenge for all Australians, from families and businesses, to governments – Local, State and Federal. ONE...
- Posted January 7, 2012
REZA GHAEMI, Technical Service Engineer from Orica Mining Services reports on the history of explosives and initiation devices. TODAY few people give much thought to the role that explosives play in their lives each day and how...
- Posted January 7, 2012
Sixtieth Edition of CMPA Magazine
BRUCE McCLURE CMPA General Manager reflects on the fact that this is the 60th edition of the CMPA magazine. THIS current issue of Sand & Stone is the 60th edition of the Construction Material Processors Association Inc....
- Posted January 7, 2012