Benefits of Membership

GAVIN MOREIRA, Member Services Manager of CMPA highlights the benefits to your business for being a CMPA Member.
The CMPA is recognised as the principal advocate for the construction material processors industry in Victoria.
The success of CMPA, the peak body in Victoria for family, private, Council and State Government quarries; and recyclers; is due to its membership base: Voting, Associate and Workforce members working together with one collective voice to State and Federal Governments.
The CMPA is overseen by an elected Management Committee as well as an Associate Committee which is guided by the CMPA Statement of Purpose.
The mission of the CMPA is to provide strong representation and advocacy in the best interests of its Members. In so doing, the CMPA will support the operating viability and foster the long-term sustainability of Members businesses and more generally, the construction materials industry in Victoria.
The purpose of CMPA is to ensure the continued presence of a viable broad spectrum of businesses that extract and process hard rock, gravel, sand, clay, lime, and soil. CMPA members also operate recycling businesses. CMPA members are typically small to medium sized family and private businesses; local government; and utilities within Victoria.
As a representative organisation, the CMPA is now regularly called upon to provide comment, submissions and direct assistance to members, government, regulatory bodies, industry and the wider community. We rely on our membership to ensure the continuation of these goals and endeavours, and to enable us to continue to represent all industry participants, regardless of size or status.
A Policy and Special Issues fund was set up at inception of the Association back in 2000 which is made up of Gold membership contributions and a percentage of all Membership subscriptions for each financial year. To date the fund has spent over $529K (see table P.7) which equates to about $24K a year on average being spent on supporting our members.
Without the CMPA and the intensive lobbying conducted on behalf of members, industry would be facing higher costs and burdens on their bottom line with little recognition by Government of the essential service provided by Members that support Victoria’s economic growth.
To name a few:
• Continued operation of quarries during the pandemic;
• Successfully lobbied Government for the deferment of Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) legislative reform;
• Raised awareness with the new Minister for Resources and Government in construction material supply constraints;
• Conducted a Review of rehabilitation and bond framework for quarries in Victoria to be used to lobby Government;
• Submissions on the:
Building a climate -resilient Victoria (ERR)
Guideline for assessing and minimising air pollution in
Victoria (EPA)
Fatigue in Mines (WorkSafe Victoria)
Melbourne’s future planning framework (ERR)
Suburban Rail Loop East (ERR)
Inquiry into the protections within the Victorian Planning
Framework (ERR)
Beveridge Northwest precinct structure plan (VPA)
Guideline for managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (EPA)
New contaminated land duties – to manage and to notify (EPA)
Psychological Health Regulation (WorkSafe Victoria)
Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2022 and RIS (WorkSafe Victoria)
Victorian emissions reduction target for 2035 (DELWP)
CMPA is aware of the continually increasing regulations to the industry hurting small to medium sized businesses in the construction materials industry.
Anticipated developments for 2022-23 includes issues such as:
• Input to changes foreshadowed to various Government Policies, Regulations and Codes of Conduct that directly impact the operations and future viability of the industry;
• Revision of the CMPA Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk in Quarries;
• Development of a financial assurance calculator for construction and demolition waste recyclers;
• Development of CMPA management guidelines for environmental dust and environmental respirable crystalline silica dust;
• Continued development of CMPA Training Manuals;
• Explore greenhouse gas emissions in the construction material industry;
• Explore the relationship of Aboriginal Heritage to extractive industry applications.
The development of Safety Documents has helped improve the standard of safety and compliance on members’ sites enabling members to get on with the operating side of their business knowing they are being kept up to date and informed of industry best practice.
The development of the Reference Manuals has enabled members to train their current and prospective employees to improve their knowledge and understanding of how their business operates on site.

CMPA communication
Communication with Members is through the CMPA bimonthly magazine (Sand & Stone), Preferred Suppliers Manual, the CMPA website, industry updates through email / Mail Chimp as well as through social media such as news blogs on the CMPA website and posts and articles on LinkedIn.
The CMPA has developed brochures and posters for our members and this year will look to transform these into a video.
The “Quarries Build Communities” poster and brochure provide a simple explanation of quarrying encompassing the need for quarries and their role in the economy as well as addressing issues of concern to the community such as protection of the environment and aboriginal heritage. Information is also given on use of recycled construction material and examples of rehabilitated quarries.

CMPA events
Events include training webinars, workshops, general meetings and AGM/annual dinner are all discounted for members.

CMPA industry tools
Industry tools have been developed by CMPA with input from the extensive membership experience in the extractive industry to assist Members in their businesses which are all discounted for members:
• Development of reference manuals;
• Development of Guidelines;
• Development of online training for your employees;
• Preferred Suppliers and General Information Reference Manual; and
• Administration documents;
Plant safety checklists;
Personal Work Record and Employee Wage books;
Medical Health Assessments (Pre, periodic and Post employment, functional and RCSD)
Hot Work Permits;
Site Managers Report and Issue Resolution books;
The CMPA supports Members with issues concerning Work Authorities, OHS, Industry Best Practice and many other concerns.
The pandemic has reinforced the need for all members of CMPA to work together for a common cause: keep the extractive industry operating to support the Victorian economy. It has also highlighted the importance of being a member of an industry association.
To ensure better coverage and provide the best results possible for the industry, the CMPA needs you to renew or join the CMPA as a Member in 2022-23. No one is too big or too small. Fifty per cent of our Members report turnover of less than 30,000 tonnes per year, whilst several Members produce in excess of 1.3 million tonnes per year.
Please contact Gavin Moreira, today,
on or
03 5781 0655 for further information on CMPA Membership.
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