Changes in the DPI

By on February 4, 2009

The division of the DPI responsible for the regulation of the extractive industry has changed name, from the Minerals & Petroleum Division to the Earth Resources Division. Although having little effect on daily operations,it provides an opportunity to revisit their role and responsibilities.

THE Earth Resources Division (ERD) (formerly the Minerals and Petroleum Division) of the Department of Primary Industries has a total of 130 staff in five branches across Victoria and is responsible for the sustainable development of Victoria’s minerals, petroleum, extractive and geothermal industries.

Many readers would be familiar with their role in regulating their Work Authorities. These regulation services provide a consistent and transparent licensing regime and environmental standards, monitoring and enforcement that ensure industry operations meet community expectations.

Another core business activity is the promotion of the development of energy, extractive, minerals and petroleum industries in Victoria by facilitating significant projects and maintaining, updating, developing and distributing relevant information and services. In this role, ERD are able to assist in the facilitation of some greenfield applications and provide data to the industry and others such as tonnage and sales figures.

The ERD’s staff are located across Victoria with offices in Melbourne, Bendigo, Ballarat, Benalla, Traralgon and other regional areas. They are distributed across four branches, being Business Development and Technology, Earth Resources Regulation, GeoScience Victoria and Information Development Systems.

  • Business Development and Technology – Responsible for resource development
  • GeoScience Victoria – Manages geoscience information such as mineral locations
  • Information Development – Maintains and develops information systems including data quality, access, and usage
  • Earth Resources Regulation – Regulates the various resources industries

In addition to these four branches, there are staff operating within the Policy and Strategy Group responsible for monitoring, analysing, developing and communicating relevant policy and legislation particularly in the earth resources industry.

The ERD’s role will no doubt continue to develop and change over the coming years, particularly as they refocus with the removal of OHS responsibilities and merging of the extractive and mining legislation.

By remaining aware of their position, Work Authority holders will be best able to access the skills and information within the ERD.

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