CJ Ham & Murray moves to next phase

By on August 29, 2024

Specialist extractive industry and waste management valuation firm CJ Ham and Murray is moving to its next phase with the recent acquisition by InSitu Advisory Pty Ltd.

Industry valuation advice will continue for CMPA members, coupled with expanded services such as geological appraisals and mapping, corporate advisory services, and due diligence reporting.

A real estate business with its foundation going back to 1853 when known as C.J and T. Ham, the firm consolidated its expertise in extractive industry and waste management sales and valuation in the early 1980s when Robin Hocking became the principal valuer.

This shift saw the firm move to a niche practice uniquely enabled to provide specialist advice to quarry operators built on a methodology developed and tested across more than 1000 quarry inspections spanning over 30 years. As the industry developed, so too has demand from financial
institutions, buyers and sellers and regulators for greater accountability – such as meeting the complex nature of Work Authority compliance, planning controls, geological reporting and site rehabilitation.

CJ Ham and Murray has always recognised the link between specialist advice and the needs of the industry it served. In 2000 CJ Ham and Murray was invited to join a group of quarry operators looking to set up a Victorian peak body to represent the interests of small to midsize extractive industry
businesses. Following the formation of the Construction Materials Processes Association (CMPA), Robin was a member of the Committee of Management for seven years including six as treasurer and remained an active member until his passing in December 2016.

For the past 10 years, CJ Ham and Murray has been spearheaded by qualified valuer Michael Hocking and the acquisition of CJ Ham and Murray by InSitu Advisory will allow for a seamless “business as usual” transition with Lindy Arthur remaining with the business after 27 years of continued loyal service.

Darren Herdman, Director of InSitu Advisory explained “We are very excited about this acquisition and being able to work alongside Michael and Lindy at CJ Ham and Murray, a quarry and waste management consultancy with an unsurpassed reputation in the specialist fields of quarry and waste Valuation and Real Estate.

CJ Ham and Murray is an excellent fit for our business with a service offering that complements our existing extractive and waste industry Valuation and Real Estate expertise. We look forward to working with CJ Ham and Murray’s existing clients and building upon the established relationships that Robin, Michael and Lindy have developed over the past 30 years.”

The team at InSitu Advisory look forward to meeting CMPA members at the Annual Dinner at the RACV Club in Melbourne this year.

If you require any assistance with your quarry or waste
management operation, please feel free to contact Lindy at our Malvern Office 03 9500 8633.

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