CMPA Annual General Meeting
GAVIN MOREIRA, CMPA Member Services Manager, provides a summary of the CMPA AGM.
On 10th September 2020, the CMPA Annual General Meeting was held for the first time electronically on Microsoft Teams.
The online event was hosted by Dr Elizabeth Gibson, General Manager of the CMPA and was attended by about 30 members and observers.
CMPA Chairperson Garry Cranny (Dandy Pre-Mix Quarries) opened the meeting.
Apologies were noted and the minutes of the 2019 AGM were reviewed and approved. Garry then provided a highlights package of the past twelve months (detailed Chairperson Report starts here) and then proceeded to thank two departing Members of the Management Committee in Basil Natoli (BCA Consulting) for his 20 years on the Management Committee (2000-20) with the last 5 years as Deputy Chairperson and John Mawson (EB Mawson & Sons) for his 10 years on the Management Committee (2011-20) with 3 years as Chairperson.
All reports within the Annual Report (summary here); Chairperson, Associate Chairperson, Education, Secretariat, Policy & Special Issues and the Treasurer’s reports were all approved. So, to was the financials for the year ending 30.06.20.
There was a proposal to make a change to the CMPA Rule:
The CMPA Management Committee requested more opportunities for industry consultants to be eligible for the CMPA Management Committee. This is due in part to Basil Natoli’s (Honorary Voting Member) impending retirement and the loss of his expertise from the Committee. The changes were approved by the Management Committee and put to Voting Members.
Overview: The CMPA Rule has been amended by Andrew Lumb (Nevett Ford Lawyers):
- Remove the ability for industry consultants to become Voting Members.
- Formally recognise industry consultants as Associate Members in the CMPA Rules.
- The CMPA Rules are amended to allow the Management Committee to co-opt as additional Committee two industry consultants for a three year term with particular expertise identified by the Committee as desirable additions to the skill sets available to the Committee from its members. Note this would be conducted by an expression of interest.
The above changes were approved.
The next part of the meeting was the election of a Chairperson which was conducted by the CMPA Honorary CEO Ron Kerr.
Garry Cranny has served two consecutive terms as Chairperson. In accordance with the CMPA Rule 7.8 he is not eligible to hold the position again. Nominations were sought from all Voting Members with 4 people suggested. All were previously approached by the Secretariat, however none of the candidates accepted the nomination. In accordance with discussions with the Management Committee, Garry Cranny is amenable to being a non-conforming candidate with the view to retire from this role over the coming year. Given the current COVID-19 crisis and in the best interests of the CMPA, it was recommended that this nomination be accepted.
All agreed.
Garry Cranny then returned to announce the four nominations to fill the four vacant positions on the Management Committee. They were Tim Bird, Jason Comben and two new members Craig Banthorpe and Ashley Day (see details below).
The 2020-21 Management Committee comprises:

Jason Rudge was elected by Associate Members as the Associate Members’ Chairperson. As per CMPA Rule 7.3 (iii), he is eligible for a 2nd three year term as a CMPA Management Committee Member.
The floor was then opened up for general business and the meeting then closed.
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