CMPA Annual Report

By on October 8, 2020

GAVIN MOREIRA, CMPA Member Services Manager, provides a summary of the CMPA Annual Report.

Chairperson’s Report – Garry Cranny

Following is a summary of the Chairperson’s report by Garry Cranny prepared by Dr Elizabeth Gibson.

The most important set of issues confronting the Extractive Industries sector remains those pertaining to the identification, security and certainty of access to Victoria’s abundant supply of extractive resources.

The last financial year (2019/20) has been one of the most calamitous on record with the drought, bushfires in Gippsland and north east Victoria late 2019 early 2020 and now the great uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions put in place by Government. Social distancing plays an important part in preventing the spread of the virus, but this has affected many CMPA activities, such as cancellation of simple face to face meetings through to the 2020 Annual Dinner with the AGM being held by Videoconference.

Despite this uncertainty CMPA has continued to support and advocate for the extractive industry. The CMPA has/is:

  • Successfully lobbied Government for the inclusion of the construction material industry as an essential service duringthe pandemic;
  • Lobbying Government for a shovel ready infrastructure program (including regional) to assist with recovery;
  • Video conferencing on topics such as the new workplace manslaughter legislation (commence 1 July 2020); the new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 (commences 1 July 2021);
  • Deferment of the introduction by ERR of the exorbitant rehabilitation cost increases (thank you to all Members that sent a letter to the Minister for Resources).

Consistent with previous years and its core function, the CMPA has continued to represent and service the needs of Members through the provision of advice, advocacy in the domain of industry-regulator relationships, and business networking opportunities.

The Association has also continued to produce and make available to Members, educational materials to assist with industry best practice training, in conjunction with improvements in the vital area of occupational health and safety (OH&S).

In so doing, the CMPA, has simultaneously sought to improve not only the performance, but also the public perception of the Extractive Industries sector, an essential service in Australia’s highest performing State for population and economic growth, to a wide range of various stakeholders throughout Victoria such as the release of “Quarries build Communities” brochure and poster.

The CMPA continues to regularly meet with relevant Ministers from the State Government (most importantly, the Minster for Resources, The Hon. Jaclyn Symes MP who presented at the 2019 Annual Dinner) and their opposition Shadows.

In this regard, the CMPA has and will continue its policy of being non-partisan and taking an even-handed approach to consultation with Ministers, Shadow Ministers and politicians more generally. This policy has enabled the CMPA to establish effective relations, whereby we are afforded adequate access to key Minister’s and parliamentarians within each of the major political parties in Victoria.

At present ERR is publishing statistics that demonstrate statutory time frames for the approval of Work Authorities and Work Plan Variations are being achieved. However, the CMPA contends this performance data would be far more meaningful and credible, if accompanied by the additional tonnes per annum of actual construction materials made available to the
market, courtesy of these approvals.

OH&S remains a vital component of the sustainability and the employment risk profile attached to the extractive industries. All industry sector participants be they business management colleagues, extractive and plant operation employees, mobile plant, haul, or highway truck drivers, who in many CMPA Member instances, are friends and relatives, rightly have the fundamental expectation they will return safely home from their day’s work.

The CMPA will strengthen its endeavours to work hand-in-hand with Members, their employees and WorkSafe to continually improve safety in our work-places through the development of necessary educative tools, training, consultation and guidance such as the revision of the CMPA Dust Management Guideline and medical forms.

Guidelines produced by the CMPA are aimed at supporting Members to meet industry best practice and thereby improve both OH&S practices and business sustainability.

The CMPA Secretariat continues to tirelessly represent Members’ interests to State and Federal Government on a broad range of industry related issues, copies of these submissions are available on

The quality of submissions made by the CMPA to Government, agencies, various enquiries and others are a credit to our small, efficient and tremendously motivated Secretariat with expert support from the Association’s modest in number, but highly valued list of consultant advisors.

The CMPA remains committed to supporting responsible, balanced legislation and community engagement that is in the best interests of the State while also appropriately acknowledging Victoria’s Aboriginal communities and cultural heritage.

Ongoing and future State and Federal Governments’ Extractive Industries sector regulatory reform issues that are forecast to occupy a substantial part of the Association’s effort in the ensuing year, include, but are not limited to:

  • Simplification and cost reduction of Extractive Industries Work Plan applications including the Risk-based Work Plan process;
  • Working with DELWP regarding native vegetation issues;
  • Respond to the VAGO Report on Rehabilitating Mines and review of the Rehabilitation Bond formula;
  • Ensuring the continued separation of Extractive Industries (quarries) from the mining, coal mining and coal seam gas sectors covered by the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (MR(SD)) Act and its extensive set of related regulations;
  • Development of various submissions for Government Policies, Regulations and Codes of Practice that impact the future of the industry.
  • Working with Government to develop mechanisms for identifying and protecting current and future extractive resource assets in planning mechanisms, such as Strategic Extractive Resource Areas (SERAs);
  • Continued development of the following Training Manuals:
    • Conduct Sand Wash Operations
    • Conduct Blending Plant Operations
    • Service and Maintain Screens
    • Service and Maintain Conveyors
    • Service and Maintain Bulk Feed Bins and Hoppers;
  • Development of:
    • Water Management Plan template for Quarries;
    • Critical Incident Management Plan;
    • Bush Fire Response and Readiness Management Plan template;
    • Pest Animal and Weed Management Plan template;
    • Progressive Rehabilitation guidance.
  • Providing input to VicRoads on a range of strategic such as introduction of recycled materials where fit for purpose and technical issues through the CMPA/VicRoads Technical Committee.

In closing, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Management Committee and the Secretariat for their diligent work and valued support throughout the year. My appreciation, on behalf of the Management Committee, is also extended to all of those Voting, Associate and Workforce Members who have actively participated in training, or other CMPA organised industry related events throughout the year, including other information sharing, or networking opportunities.

Associate Chairperson’s Report – Jason Rudge

Refer here for extracted report

Education Committee Report – Dr Elizabeth Gibson

CMPA has continued to maintain its representation of members’ education and training requirements to government, peak training bodies, RTOs and other industry organisations.

A number of educational events by CMPA were conducted throughout 2019/20:

  • Water Management workshop
  • General Meeting, presentations on Manslaughter Law from Landers & Rogers Lawyers and Environment Protection Act (GED) from Ricardo Energy

Additionally, Dr Elizabeth Gibson as Chair of the Extractive Industry Reference Committee (Federal VET Education) has been active in progressing a number of units such as Construction Material Testing (a skills set that allows for supervision of a NATA accredited construction materials testing laboratory); Geotechnical Risk in quarries and Dust Management units.

The Future

The Secretariat is planning to hold workshops in:

  • August 2020 on Slimes Management
  • September 2020 on Fire Management
  • October 2020 on Dust Management and Medical Assessments
  • November 2020 on Service & Maintenance
  • March 2021 and May 2021 to be determined in consultation with Members: Blast Management Plan template; Electricity Safety in Quarries and Heavy Vehicles and Legislation

Treasurer’s Report – John Pititto

With the 2019/20 finacial year coming to an end I am pleased to present my Treasurer’s report on the Audited Financial Statements for the CMPA.

The association has seen a decrease in total operating costs for the year, the decrease in expenses was related to lower employment costs, cost of sales and newsletters. Reduction in meeting expenses and membership visits impacted by theCOVID-19 pandemic.

Total Income was up on last year, above our budget expecations. This increase in revenue is manly due to the CMPA continuing to grow its membership base in both voting and associate members. The main factor for this increase in income was that the CMPA has been eligible for a number of COVID 19 Government subsidies for the year. This was a mixture of payments from the Cashflow boost scheme and JobKeeper payments.

The major source of income was membership subscriptions, with contributions from meetings and events, newsletter advertising and operator document sales.

Employment expenses were the single largest expense in the period. This covered one full time employee and two part time employees. Other expenses included publications, consultants and the cost of holding meetings and events.

COVID-19 has placed significant stress on many businesses, unfortunately the fall out of the impact of this will not be truly seen until late 2020 and 2021. The CMPA will continue to assist our members by allocating significant funds to provide support and legislative guidance to hopefully ease some of these burdens going forward. These funds will be used to continue to support members of the CMPA and to be a vocal voice in the industry.

We would also like to recognise all the associate members that continue to be part of the CMPA and are still willing to support the association through membership renewals for the upcoming year.

Secretariat’s Report – Sarah Andrew

The Secretariat moved into a new premise at 15 Anvil Avenue, Kilmore in early March 2020 with a new 3 year lease signed with Hillside Kerr Pty Ltd. The premise offers an office space, copier area, kitchen and toilet as well as a mezzanine used for archiving and storage.

This year has seen the CMPA run two very successful events including a workshop and a general meeting with 89 people participating in these activities. We would like to thank all participants for their contribution.

Elizabeth and Gavin have continued in their respective roles with Gavin representing the CMPA on the Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Committee (Chaired by WorkSafe Victoria).

Elizabeth invests considerable time and energy representing the CMPA to Ministers, Shadow Ministers, advisers and senior public servants; and on the following committees:

  • Earth Resources Regulation Stakeholder Reference Group Steering Committee and associated working groups focused on resolving issues arising from the introduction of the risk-based work plan, RRAMs, Public Reporting and a restructure in ERR that has led to a dramatic decrease in expertise and capability especially in the approvals area.
  • The Extractive Industries Taskforce focused on ensuring the security of access to construction materials.
  • The Earth Resources Ministerial Advisory Committee (Provide strategic advice to the Minister on Earth Resources).

Elizabeth, Gavin and Alissa have been supported in these duties by a number of Voting Members – their assistance is, as always, greatly appreciated and we look forward to their continued support and welcome any others who may be able to assist.

The second half of this year was significantly disrupted with the summer bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic which made it very difficult for face to face site visits and meetings with members. We would like to thank all our Members for their time and effort in hosting us and ensuring we have a better appreciation of your needs.

Information Flow

Sand & Stone continues to be the primary means of keeping Members informed of the CMPA’s activities throughout 2019/20. Newspaper House in Kilmore continue to design Sand & Stone whilst Enviroprint group publish the magazine.

We of course extend our sincerest thanks to Newspaper House; Sand & Stone’s many contributors, especially those who present articles for every edition; and those Associates who advertise making the magazine possible.

CMPA Updates via Mailchimp have been distributed throughout the year keeping recipients informed of recent industry specific accidents and incidents, along with information on upcoming events. The purpose of the updates is primarily to provide its readers with a summary of the incidents that have occurred across the state, nation and internationally to improve the state of knowledge in the industry.

The CMPA’s LinkedIn account has received considerable attention this year, with regular posts being made by the Secretariat. All Members would have received an invitation to follow the CMPA’s account earlier this year and we thank those who chose to.

Once again, I would like to highlight the essential support received by the CMPA from our valued Associate Members whose continued support is greatly appreciated. We cannot stress how much this assists the association and I would again ask Voting Members in return to use the skills of our Associate Members when possible.


Membership numbers over the last financial year remained stable. However, it should be noted that some Members have exit strategies in place due to the onerous requirements of ERR and referral authorities not being conducive to their continuing in the marketplace.

We thank all our Members for their continued support and look forward to working with them over the coming year.

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