Briony Rowley, CMPA Administration Officer
Following on the from the very successful Mobile Plant Workshop on 9th March, the CMPA are happy to publish the results of the evaluation forms.
At the conclusion of the Workshop the attendees were asked to take a minute or two to fill in a brief evaluation form. The CMPA relies on the feedback obtained from these forms to constantly improve the services the Association provides.
To begin with attendees of the Workshop were asked to state their prior expectations of the day. The majority of attendees (96%) revealed that their primary focus was to further their understanding of safe work practices. 11% of attendees also commented that they value the networking and/or sales opportunities that come from such CMPA events. Other nominated expectations included training, group work, reducing accidents, benefiting from other’s experiences and meeting others.
The attendees were also asked to inform us whether their expectations of the Workshop had been satisfied with a standard choice of responses being either exceeded, met or not met. Only 2% of attendees felt that their expectations had not been met, while 63% were met and 35% of attendees said their expectations of the Workshop had been exceeded.

Attendees were then asked to give written comments pertaining to the reasons behind their response, ie. why/why not their expectations had/had not been met.
This question received an overall positive response with comments concerning: the value of the brainstorming activities in the afternoon session, group work both on site and back at the function room, networking amongst attendees and the knowledge and understanding that such a diverse range of people bring to the table at CMPA Workshops.
Other positive comments related to the dedication of the attendees, the organisational skills of the people responsible for coordinating the event, and the overall benefits to the end users of Mobile Plant equipment. Th e only negative comments received indicated that their was too much marketing involved on behalf of the Associate attendees.

The Workshop was broken up into four major sections including the Field Visit to either Allstone Quarry or Lake Cooper Quarry, the presentation by Graeme McLaughlan of the DPI, the group work undertaken in the afternoon, and the panel discussions. Each of the attendees was asked to individually rank these sections on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being excellent, to 5 being very poor).
On average each section of the Workshop rated quite well with the field visits receiving the overall highest rating aspect of the day. The highest rating received was an average of 1.58 for one of the field visits and the lowest rating received was a 2.52 for an aspect of the afternoon activities (this is still a ranking half way between good and very good!). This indicated that the Workshop was thoroughly enjoyed as all sections ranked were above 3 (good).
The attendees were questioned on whether they felt the cost of $50 for Members and $75 for nonmembers was too high, fair or too low. The majority (87%) of attendees were happy with the cost, and no attendees thought the cost was too high.

The CMPA requested written comments on how the Association could improve in any way for future Workshops. The main issue brought up was that a more thorough briefing of the day’s activities should be conducted before setting out, along with more time on site for the group work.
Other comments made included shorter presentations, greater selection of equipment on site for hazard and risk identification purposes, more speakers, better group leader focus and ensuring that the groups consists mainly of operators rather than suppliers.
A section was included for attendees to inform the Association of any other comments they had regarding the Workshop. The majority of these comments were thankyou/well done/keep up good work, etc.

The CMPA sincerely hope all attendees enjoyed the day and obtained some value from their attendance.
The results of the Workshop are currently being compiled and will soon be developed into the OHS Support Documentation that is produced as a result of the Hazard and Risk Identification Workshops.
We look forward to seeing as many Members and other interested industry personnel at the next Hazard and Risk Identification Workshop focusing on the operation of Fixed Plant equipment on Wednesday the 1st June, to be held in Lilydale, including a site visit to Unimin, Lilydale.
Please contact the CMPA on (03) 9745 2132 for more information on the upcoming Fixed Plant Workshop or to make a booking.
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