CMPA News (127)
Recent Events
• Minister for Energy and Resources, The Hon. Lily D ‘Ambrosio MP met with CMPA Charirperson Jason Comben, CMPA Honorary CEO Ron Kerr and CMPA General Manager E. Gibson in Melbourne
• Associates committee was held in Kilmore and via MS Teams
• Management committee was held in Kilmore and via MS Teams
• WorkSafe Earth Resources Tripartite Safety forum was held via MS Teams. Attended by E. Gibson, G. Moreira
• IQA seminar in Bendigo with presentations from (Chris Webb ERR and Ben Wright WorkSafe) was attended by E. Gibson
• First Peoples Ministers Advisers met with E. Gibson via MS Teams
• David Hogett, Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources met via MS Teams with E. Gibson
• Ecologiq (VIC Government initiative), optimising recycled materials for purposely greener infrastructure webinar was attended by E. Gibson
• Quarry Approvals Coordinator, Donna Findlay provided an update via MS Teams for E. Gibson
• SWIM Communications Joe Marariti (Managing Director) and Barbara Domingos (Account Manager) met with the CMPA Secretariat in relation to the CMPA website upgrade project
Annual Dinner 2023 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. Preparations for the event returning to Melbourne are in full swing with the event to be held:
Date: Saturday 2nd September 2023
Location: MCG Members Dining Room
Time: 5.00pm for AGM (in the Long Room), 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $250 per person
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner. Saturday afternoon activities are being considered to take advantage of this spectacular venue and all it has to offer.
Sponsorship opportunities have re-commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle free atmosphere. Invites to be mailed out in coming weeks.
With only five months to go it’s very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice. There are three main accommodation places within walking distance Pullman on the Park, Mantra on Jolimont and Quest apartments.
Don’t risk missing all the fun. If you haven’t already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
Please contact the CMPA at if you would like to sponsor the event or pre-register your attendance.
We would like to thank the following Members who are current sponsors for 2023:

Contracts Updated
Credit Application and Conditions & Terms of Credit
The CMPA and CLH Lawyers have developed a Credit Application and Conditions & Terms of Credit document for use in our industry. The document is available through the CMPA you may or may not wish to seek independent legal advice if you wish to ensure that the various generic terms and conditions are suitable to you.
• The documents require the insertion of the relevant supplier’s details etc where indicated.
• The supplier should ensure that the documents are completed carefully and accurately by both them and the customer, and that the documents are provided to each customer at the commencement of the supply relationship, in order to maximise the protection of the documents.
Short Form Transport Contract
The CMPA and Nevett Ford Lawyers developed a short form transport contract intended to be very minimal in its terms, although addressing the compliance issues and Chain of Responsibility obligations. On a practical level the document should be easily understood and be readily signable.
Transport Contract
Developed to assist Members in complying with the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005 and Chain of Responsibility requirements. Since 1 May 2007, all users of owner driver vehicles throughout Victoria have been required to have a contract with the owner driver. The CMPA’s contract has been designed to comply with legal requirements and ease construction material processing business costs. The contract is designed as a template for negotiation between construction material processing owners/operators and transport owner-drivers and provides clarity on the division of responsibility and the obligations of the supplier and the owner-driver. Furthermore, the contract assists compliance with road transport Chain of Responsibility laws which cover the transport of materials.
Management Committee Meeting
The CMPA Management Committee Meeting 1-2023 was held in Kilmore from 1:30 pm Wednesday 22 February 2023. In attendance were Jason Comben (Chair), Craig Banthorpe, Ashley Day, Tim Bird, Jason Rudge, John Pititto (MS Teams), David McKelvie, and Garry Cranny. Apologies were received from Cameron Black, Andrew Burdett, and Drew Phillips (deputy Chair). Prior to the meeting the Committee met with Jane Burton, Executive Director Resources and Laura Cronin, Manager Legislative Reform (Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action) regarding the reform of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. The Management Committee did not support the proposed reform. The Minutes from the previous Meeting 4-2022 were accepted in addition to the Financial Report to 31 January 2023 which gave a favourable net profit against budget. A motion was passed that for the Annual Dinner / AGM a discount to Voting members would be offered of buy 3 tickets and receive 25% off each ticket thereafter.
In General Business the following items for discussion included:
• Meeting with the Minister for Energy and Resources:
CMPA Rehabilitation Project Report.
ERR issued 500 Infringement Notices for late submission of Annual/Royalty Returns.
• EPA Financial Assurances: Site visits were held with 3 CMPA Members late 2022 and EPA (Duncan Pendrigh) with the outcome being that a Financial Assurance of $0 due to being a low risk activity.
• CMPA website: A website developer was selected to upgrade the CMPA website.
The meeting closed at 4:55 pm.
CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following accredited training course for those
working in operational roles.
Training Course RIIMEX 303 Conduct local geotechnical risk control in surface operations (Limited to 10 places)
Date: Thursday 25th and Friday 26th May 2023
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Trainer: Box Hill Institute (Noel Pickering)
Location: DE Quarry Solutions Skipton Quarry
Cost: $458 per person
This rate will require the completion of an enrolment pack:
• 2023 Enrolment form
• LLN Diagnostic test
• Pre Training Review
The training covers:
- Planning and preparing for assessment of ground conditions
- Inspect, assess and implement ground condition controls
- Record and report ground conditions, and conduct housekeeping activities

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