CMPA News (128)
Recent Events
• Extractive Strategy Taskforce meeting held via MS Teams and was attended by E. Gibson
• Review of ERR with Chris Webb held via MS Teams and was attended by E. Gibson
• Quarry Approvals Coordinator Donna Findlay held a briefing on approvals progress via MS Teams and was attended by E. Gibson
• ERR draft Code of Practice meeting was held via MS Teams and was attended by E. Gibson
• Minister for Local Government, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Roads and Road Safety The Hon Melissa Horne met with E. Gibson via MS Teams
• Ecologiq (VIC Government) Innovation Show Case webinar (use of novel recycled products in roads) held via MS Teams and was attended by E. Gibson
• Meeting with ERR was held via MS Teams to discuss Annual Returns attended by E. Gibson
• Nous Consulting review of Quarry Approval Coordinator function meeting was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Meetings with SWIM Communications was held both via MS Teams and at the CMPA office in Kilmore to further discuss CMPA logo and website updates.
• ERTS WorkSafe quarterly forum was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson and G. Moreira
2023-24 Membership Renewals
The Membership Renewal paperwork for 2023/24 has been mailed and emailed out to all members. We have had a fantastic response to date, for those who have not responded as yet it would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax, or post. We do require the form to be completed for our records. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued.
Don’t risk missing all the fun. If you haven’t already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
Please contact the CMPA at if you would like to sponsor the event or pre-register your attendance.
Website Update
The CMPA website is currently being modernised (including for cyber security), streamlined and to be made more user friendly for all members and the general public. SWIM Communications was the successful tender earlier in the year and is busily working behind the scenes to provide us with a new platform.
SWIM believes the following factors make for a brilliant website:
• Clear, accessible navigation that is easy to use and consistently formatted content
• Great design, that impresses stakeholders visually and professionally
• Quality photographs and video content
• Social Media Integration and mobile device capability
• Accessible features for disabled users
Austroads Technical Specifications (ATS)
In 2019, the Austroads Board agreed to produce a suite of harmonised technical specifications for use by the Australian and New Zealand Road and Transport agencies.
Key benefits of this reform include:
• Reduced costs and improved productivity for companies delivering transport infrastructure by the adoption of standardised construction techniques and associated management processes
• Increased ability for road and transport agencies to ensure that their technical specifications reflect industry best practice
• Reduced burden on each road and transport agency to maintain their own unique specifications
David Barton (Chief Engineer – Roads, DTP) has been representing the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) on the Austroads Technical Advisory Group and has been working closely with the other Australian and New Zealand Road and Transport agencies on the development and implementation of this key initiative.
DTP is committed and ready to commence the adoption and implementation of the Austroads Technical Specifications within Victoria, it is expected that this will take several years to complete.
As important contributors and key stakeholders to the development and maintenance of Victoria’s transport infrastructure, he would like to ensure that you are kept abreast on the progress of this project. He appreciates your anticipated involvement in this implementation process.
To ensure that you don’t miss any crucial project information, subscribe by visiting the ATS Implementation Newsletter or contact the ATS team at
Annual Dinner 2023 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss.
With only three months to go it’s very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice. There are three main accommodation places within walking distance Pullman on the Park, Mantra on Jolimont and Quest apartments.
Date: Saturday 2nd September 2023
Location: MCG Members Dining Room
Time: 5.00pm for AGM (in the Long Room), 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $250 per person
The evening’s entertainment has been booked. Saturday afternoon activities are being arranged to take advantage of this spectacular venue and all it has to offer.

CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following training course and general meeting.
Service & Maintenance Workshop – Mobile Plant
Date: tbc October 2023
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00pm
Place: tbc (Southeast Melbourne)
The CMPA and a number of Associate Members are proposing to hold this workshop to provide operators with an understanding of how to properly maintain components of their mobile plant to ensure they are running to the best of their ability.
The one-day workshop will be an interactive process which encourages the active involvement of participants rather than a lecture session.
General Meeting
Date: tbc October 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Southeast Mebourne
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members (owners and managers) to attend a General Meeting.
Potential Presentations
• Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 reform
• Code of Practice for Common Risk Management Techniques in Quarries
• ERR response to CMPA Rehabilitation Report
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