CMPA News (129)
Recent Events
• GHD (for DEECA) meeting via MS Teams regarding Transport for proposed new SERAs was attended by E. Gibson
• Lawpath, Essential Legal Considerations When Promoting Your Business, webinar was attended by E. Gibson
• Redbridge Group Pty Ltd meeting was held via MS Teams regards the CMPA Perception Audit. In attendance was J. Comben, T. Bird, S. Andrew, E. Gibson
• MRSDA Reform meeting via MS Teams was held with Linda Bibby, Chris Webb DEECA and E. Gibson
• CMPA Rehabilitation Report was discussed via MS Teams with Linda Bibby, Chris Webb DEECA and E. Gibson
• EPA: Resources, Energy and Extraction consultation group meeting was held via MS Teams
• RMSVIC (replacing RRAM) workplan demonstration ERR was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Extractive Strategy Taskforce meeting was held via MS Teams and attended by E. Gibson
• ERR Industry Reference Group meeting was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• IQA Women in Quarrying day was held at Oaklands Junction and Craigieburn, attended by E. Gibson
• Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources, proposed MRSDA reform meeting was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• DTP Austroads Technical Specifications webinar was attended by E. Gibson
2023-24 Membership Renewals
All Members would have received their renewals for 2023/24 either in the mail or via email. We have had an amazing response to date, for those who have not responded as yet it would be greatly appreciated if the renewal application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax, or post by COB 31st July 2023.
We do require the form to be completed for our records. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued. This form includes renewal of Membership, Advertising in Sand & Stone and Advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual for 2024. Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2023/24 financial year.
Management Committee meeting
The 2023-2 Management Committee meeting was held from 10:30 am 26 May 2023 (hosted by William Adams, Clayton) and attended by Jason Comben (Chair), Andrew Burdett, Tim Bird, Garry Cranny, Jason Rudge, Ashley Day, Craig Banthorpe, John Pititto, Cameron Black, David McKelvie (MS Teams) with Drew Phillips as an apology.
The Management Committee approved Redbridge – a registered government lobbyist (Victoria) to conduct a Government Perception Audit and subsequently develop a communications strategy for CMPA to implement.
The first RIIMEX303 Conduct local geotechnical risk control in surface operations training in Australia was delivered by Box Hill Institute (25/26 May 2023) in Skipton using CMPA Guidelines– it was initially limited to 10 places however there were 11 attendees. More courses will take place over the year.
A decision was made to modernise CMPA’s logo and include the wording building communities. The update to the CMPA website is also progressing well. The launch of the new logo and the CMPA website will occur at the Annual Dinner 2023.
WorkSafe Victoria has confirmed in writing (2022) that Basalt does not need to comply with silica regulations.
Work plan applications are still an issue with difficulty in obtaining statutory endorsement and repeated pedantic requests for detailed information.
Earth Resources Approvals Coordinator, DEEC
As with the Quarry Approvals Coordinator, the first step for the ERAC will be working with industry to identify a range of opportunities and then shortlisting from there. Given ERAC has limited time and resources (albeit a wider scope than the QAC), there will still be an element of strategic selection of opportunities that unlock critical resources, are well located to centres of demand and have demonstrated compliance history.
• ERAC builds on the successes of the previous Quarry Approvals Coordinator (QAC) initiative, with an expanded remit that considers more complex opportunities to uplift quarry material supply.
• ERAC’s scope includes opportunities to increase the supply of quarry and mineral resources that can be delivered within the two-year timeframe of the initiative. This includes, for example, expansion of existing quarries.
• The ERAC team case-manages opportunities to expand earth resources supplies from inception, e.g., feasibility and idea generation, through to completion, e.g., final works approval.
• The approach and level of support will be determined on a per case basis and will be tailored to best serve the needs of the proponent and the opportunity.
Annual Dinner 2023 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is just over a month away, one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss.
It’s very important to book your weekend away and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice. There are three main accommodation places within walking distance Pullman on the Park, Mantra on Jolimont and Quest apartments.
Date: Saturday 2nd September 2023
Location: MCG Members Dining Room
Time: 5.00pm for AGM (in the Long Room), 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $250 per person
The guest speaker, master of ceremonies, musicians, DJ and roving entertainment have been booked.
Saturday afternoon activities are being arranged to take advantage of this spectacular venue and all it has to offer.
We would like to thank the following Members who are current sponsors for 2023 and who have taken advantage of the opportunity to be up in lights on the MCG scoreboards and LED banners on two levels around the ground.

AGM 2023
Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the CMPA will be held on;
Date: Saturday 2nd September 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Where: MCG, the Long Room
The purpose of this meeting is to:
Consider for approval the Annual Report for 2023 inclusive of:
• Chairperson’s Report,
• Associate Chairperson’s Report,
• Education Committee Report,
• Policy and Special Issues Committee Report,
• Treasurer’s Report and the
• Secretariat’s Report.
• Approve the Treasurer’s Report which includes acceptance of the audited financial records for 2022/23
• Election of 4 committee members to the 2023/24 Management Committee.
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