CMPA News (Issue 92)
CMPA / VicRoads Technical Meeting
A meeting was held of the CMPA / VicRoads Technical Committee on Tuesday 28 March 2017 at Northern Quarries, Epping and was attended by: Graeme Newman and Sven Scheppokat (VicRoads); Craig James and Matthew Lees (E & B Mawson & Sons), Mark Wagner (Conundrum Holdings); Bill Payne (Quarry Crete) and Elizabeth Gibson (CMPA).
Action items from the previous meeting were discussed and included:
- Quality assurance/quality control training to be included for Cert IV Surface Extraction with demonstrated knowledge of tests and sampling required.
- VicRoads exploring risk based accreditation with respect to frequency of testing where consistent outcomes have been established with the aim for VicRoads to allow less frequent testing. For example, for 25 successful passes then testing frequency can move from every 500 tonnes to every 2000 tonnes.
Other business that was discussed included:
1. Proficiency program: Discussion was held concerning a proficiency program conducted by C. James. It was found that with identical samples cannot achieve reproducibility/repeatability.
2. Revision VicRoads Section 831: G. Newman: Granite may be used as a class A sealing aggregate on condition that the LA does not exceed 25. The revised Section 831 should be released shortly in time for the next sealing season.
3. Revision VicRoads Section 812: VicRoads are updating Section 812 which will lead to Code of Practice 500.02 being updated also.
4. Registered mixed rock designs: VicRoads intends to put the register of mixed rock designs on their web site, eventually.
5. Pending Supply shortfall: CMPA to write to VicRoads concerning the pending shortage of construction materials in outer Melbourne with additional large infrastructure projects forecast such as the third airport runway; Western distributor, widening of Tullamarine freeway, and the proposed North East link.
Annual Dinner Update
There is now only 3 months to the big event in the south of the state, as we move to Geelong for this year’s CMPA Annual Dinner.
Sponsorship opportunities are almost all sold out with over 30 Associates and Voting Members already committing to the event (Tabled to the right). Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
Accommodation will also be at a premium so it’s very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice.
These include:
Rydges Geelong; 03 5223 6215
Novotel Geelong; 03 5273 5528
Vue Apartments: 03 5202 1061
Quality Hotel Bayside Geelong: 03 5244 7700
Entertainment has been finalised with a four piece band booked and arrangements are being made for a Bellarine winery tour on the Saturday a cruise around Corio Bay on the Sunday as well as helicopter rides across the weekend.
This year it’s the turn of Voting Members who have been Members of the CMPA for 15+ years who will be presented with a certificate at the Annual Dinner.
Current Sponsors
Member Visits to North East Victoria
The Member Services Manager, Gavin Moreira visited members and prospective members in the North East of Victoria on the 6th to 7th April 2017.
This was one of a number of field trips planned this year to cover as many districts as possible throughout the state.
The field trips are designed to allow members to discuss first hand issues they may have with current operations, development or planning and what options or assistance the CMPA can provide.
He was able to bring members up to date on what the Association is currently working on, such as issues affecting our industry, what we are doing about them, submissions to Government, and
Industry meetings with Government and other bodies.
The latest range of CMPA publications were presented including training manuals developed by the CMPA in conjunction with members. These included the new Service & Maintain Crushers Reference Manual, Work Safely, Conduct Crushing, Conduct Screening and Combined Screening and Crushing, (these manuals are also used by industry Training providers), Check Lists for plant and machines and other publications such as Shot Firer’s book, Issue Resolution pads, Site Managers’ Report book etc.
CMPA guidelines on Geotechnical Risks in Quarries, Guarding, Dust Management and the new Noise Management guideline were displayed to most operations. Associate Member flyers and brochures which have been supplied to the Secretariat office were also distributed.
If the opportunity arises he also calls on potential members to discuss the advantages of becoming a member of the CMPA.
The following operations and contacts were called on during our two day tour.
- Goulburn Valley Resources – Wally Gianarelli
- Parker Bros Earthmoving – Jonathan Parker
- DELWP – Alexandra – Bill Twichett
- Lima South Quarries – Ashley Day
- NECMA – Terry McCormack
- Barro Group – Wodonga – Brad Golding
- Pendlebury Sand & Gravel – Colin Pendlebury
- Adornato Sand & Gravel Supplies – Ross Adornato
The Secretariat would like to thank all of the members for giving us their time and for showing us around their sites.
- Meeting with Owen Virtue advisor to Minister for Earth Resources, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- ERR (DEDJTR) Stakeholder Reference Group meeting (Natalia Southern, Chair), Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Teleconference with Extractive Industry Reference Committee, Skills for Australia PwC (Skills Service Organisation), Sydney, E. Gibson
- Site Visits to North East Victoria by Members Services Manager, Gavin Moreira
- ERR (DEDJTR) Victorian Extractive Industry Symposium, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- ERR Working Group
- Work Plan Workshop: Notification/Variation, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Meeting with the Red Tape Commissioner, Matthew Butlin, at Northern Quarries, Epping. Attended by E. Gibson, Ron Kerr
- ERR Stakeholder Reference Group meeting, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Meeting with Christian Vasconcelo, ERR discussing Community Engagement, E. Gibson
- ERR Working Group RRAM meeting, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Meeting with Kirsty Henry, Director Policy, Earth Resources Policy and Programs, Melbourne E. Gibson
- Meeting with Ross McGowan, ERR, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Policy and Programs and consultants meeting re: Planning Practice Guideline, Elizabeth Gibson
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