CMPA News (Issue 1)

With thanks to a number of private operators, their commitment and teamwork during the past twelve months, the Construction Materials Processors Association was incorporated under the Associations’ Incorporations Act of 1981 on the 25th February 2000.
Your association was formed to guide and assist its members to enhance the viability of their respective business units and to maximise cost savings for the group. The association was also formed to represent members on nominated legislative matters of common interest, to limit legal risk and to standardise documentation within business units wherever practical. To foster unity along with internal and external co-operation for the association, and set priorities with the aim to improve outcomes for the common benefit.
In search of these goals, a management committee has been formed, and in turn, specialist committees were set up, each reporting to the management committee. The management committee’s inaugural Chairperson is Ron Kerr who can be contacted during business hours at [03] 9745 2208.
The specialist committees formed include regional coordinators, special issues, policy research and development, associates, newsletter, and finance. The responsibilities of these committees, their inaugural chairperson and business hours contact information is listed below:
The regional co-ordinators convey their members comments through to the management committee, keep their peers informed and in touch with events of importance to the CMPA, and at the same time work towards the goal of full membership within their own geographical location. The co-ordinators encourage members to share for the common good, on the premise that a problem shared is a problem halved. The Chairperson is Ray Walsh who can be contacted on [03] 5343 2464.
The special issues committee has been set up to provide expert consideration of and representation towards, problems raised by the membership. This committee will be responsible for a maximum of two issues during any time period. The Chairperson is Bruce McClure who can be contacted on [03] 5447 0511.
A problem that the
membership recently directed to the special issues committee for action, was a
complaint by Violet Town Quarries that the specification for PSV [Polished
Stone Value] was revised, after their price to supply sealing aggregate was
submitted for the regions 1999-2000 resealing programme. The PSV value was
increased from a level of 48 to 52, without the opportunity for discussion, or
any consideration towards the resultant devaluation of this member’s asset.
Further Violet Town Quarry suffered a potential loss of income, which was
compounded due to their decision to put some of this product on the ground,
together with the need for on going plant upgrades to meet difficult
specifications for the region. This problem applied to other local suppliers
who likewise could not meet the revised product specification. The PSV is a
skid resistance test specified by Vicroads.
The CMPA special issues sub committee members made a number of inquiries with SPRAYLINE and VICROADS with respect to this specification change and the ramifications for its member. Late in May 2000 Violet Town Quarries were verbally advised by SPRAYLINE that tenders would be called to cover the same product for the regions 2000-2001 resealing programme, and that the PSV level would revert to 48.
This result is very encouraging for CMPA members, even though Violet Town Quarries and the special issues sub committee were not advised in writing before the Tender was issued into the market place.
The policy research and development committee can be activated to undertake an individually identified project for the financial benefit of the CMPA membership, and will include specialist members invited to form a specific project team. Only three projects can be administered during any time period. The Chairperson is Basil Natoli who can be contacted on [03] 9710 1800.
A current project identified for action is the development of an Employee Induction Handbook [EIH/1]. The committee is to ensure the handbook covers up to 85% of members site specific requirements, and that the remaining 15% can be incorporated within this booklet. The Chairperson for this project is Glen Jordan who can be contacted on [03] 9481 7905 for information on the handbook, or help with your O H & S problems. This project is scheduled for completion in December 2000.
‘Members help sought.’
Rob Matthews from the committee working with Glen advised that the booklet’s design is well advanced and requested that their committee would like toreceive ideas for the design of the booklets’ front cover. Rob asked thatmembers get together with their families or interested parties and post any ideas worthy of consideration to the CMPA at P. O. Box 69, Beveridge, Victoria, 3753.
The associates committee has been assigned the compilation through member’s records of suppliers’ index, covering various categories of product. This alphabetical listing will be distributed to members, with a request to insert particulars of companies that they consider have earned the opportunity for additional business, because of their quality, service record, and their competitive price for product supplied. Once completed this document will assist members to identify preferred suppliers. At a future date, this could become part of a group electronic shortage list, which over time with increase in volume may provide price advantage on certain products for all members. The Chairperson is Brendon Cooper who can be contacted on [03] 9748 1213.
To date four membership meetings have been held, with the fifth on Regulations 2000 scheduled for 16th June 2000. Meetings start by 6.30 pm at BP Oasis
Somerton, which is located on the corner
of Cooper Street and Hume Highway Epping.
Attendance of 72 at meeting 4 is encouraging, however the CMPA’s aim is to achieve
full industry representation. In recognition of that aim, we would
appreciate receiving membership dues without delay and to welcome new members
on June 16th.
‘Members Testaments’
Phil Boyd and Stephen Lang of Coragulac Quarries reported that through contact with other members during the last meeting they realised that similar concerns are shared, and that the CMPA will provide a great platform to voice the small operators viewpoint. They congratulate those involved in getting the show on the road.
Paul Williamson of SBI Cranbourne Quarries, who has been working on Glen Jordan’s committee designing the Employee Induction Handbook, has found that involvement of great value. Paul commented that it is easy to become insulated when totally focussed on your own workplace, and he has been pleasantly surprised how interaction with other quarry people can open ones eyes to new ideas and improved methods.
‘Members show your commitment with examples of a CMPA Logo’.
We are keen for members to produce a selection of potential ‘Logos’ that identify the CMPA, and the symbol should reflect this body within our industry. Once again, please demonstrate your commitment by posting your ideas to the CMPA. To date we have received suggestions from Rod North and family, and eagerly await Mathew Boyd [Phil Boyd of Coragulac Quarries’ son], who as a graphic arts student at Gordon Institute’s Geelong Campus, has been working on the Logo as a class project. We look forward to viewing the results of this work along with other ideas offered for consideration over the coming weeks.
It is important for all supplier members to note that an advertisement may be placed in future issues and that quick consideration should be given towards using this opportunity. Contact the CMPA for further information.
Likewise members will be provided the opportunity to advertise second hand equipment so mail your request to P. O. Box 69, Beveridge, 3753, without delay.
Well that’s all for this issue. Hope you enjoyed the news and we will be pleased to receive any comments or constructive criticism to improve the content for the next issue due in September 2000. Thank you and regards
Mike McCann Editor – CMPA News [03] 9864 5470.
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