CMPA News (Issue 103)
Management Committee meeting 2019-1
The 1st Management Committee meeting for 2019 was held on Wednesday 27th February 2019 in Kilmore and was attended by Garry Cranny (Chair), Anthony Bateup, Tim Bird, Jason Comben, John Mawson, Drew Phillips and John Pititto.
Prior to the meeting a discussion was held with Adam Olive: Senior Advisor for Jaclyn Symes MP, Minister for Resources. Members informed Adam that the purpose of the CMPA was to provide a voice for small to medium sized quarries and recyclers with government, as well as expecting ERR and WorkSafe to work together and regulate more efficiently and effectively.
Major issues discussed ranged from high regulation costs to native vegetation, cultural heritage, uncertainty for staff when large projects are stalled or put on hold by government. A lack of expertise within the regulators departments as well as constant delays with WA approvals and access to resources were also discussed.
The Management Committee meeting commenced at 2:00pm. A presentation of accounts to 31st January 2019 was given with budget being achieved. The Associates Committee would like to see two interactive maps on the Members Area of the CMPA website, one for Voting members and one for Associates. There are two key submissions being put together at present which will require information and input from members. These are on Respirable Crystalline Silica with a review being done by Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Victoria to the exposure limits. As well as updates to the Work Plan Guidelines.
In General Business the following agenda items were discussed: Protocols for electronic versions of CMPA Guidelines on the website; Planning Practice Note and changes to Land Tax and how it will be calculated going forward.
CMPA – VCCI Group deal offer
The CMPA has been able to obtain a Group deal offer with the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).
Complete membership with the Victorian Chamber is $1320 per annum but as an exclusive offer through the CMPA members can join for only $660!
As a Complete (VCCI) member some of the advice through their HELPLINE includes:
• Dismissals – Unfair and unlawful dismissal application process
• Long Service – Entitlements, calculations
• Awards – Entitlements, interpretation and wage rates, transitional provisions
• Agreements – Interpretation of agreement and agreement making process
• Workers Compensation – Claim process, leave and super entitlements, termination process
• Occupational Health and Safety – General advice such as first aid officers, health and safety reps, working in office environments
• HR – Bullying and harassment claims by employees – process for investigation
Plus you’ll also receive……
• A library of over 300 tools and customisable templates to assist your business.
• Regular communication about compliance issues and changes to legislation.
• Information about government programs and funding opportunities.
They also offer COMPLETE (VCCI) members a FREE visit from one of their OHS Consultants.
Plus you’ll receive a $400 credit that can be used for VCCI Training courses or consulting services!
CMPA members who are currently COMPLETE members of VCCI will be able to renew their membership at 50% off, a saving of $600.
CMPA members who are NOT currently COMPLETE members of VCCI can complete a membership application to also receive their membership at 50% off, a saving of $600.
Any queries regarding the deal from a VCCI perspective please contact Raymond Deegan, 03 8662 5265, 0423 883 963 or
Annual Dinner 2019
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is now less than six months away. It is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. This year we move to the Yarra Valley town Marysville at The VIBE Hotel and it’s shaping up to be another spectacular event.
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner. Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning activities being considered include, Steavenson
Falls tour by mini bus, a mini trade show and a spot of fishing at Buxton Trout & Salmon Farm to name just a few.
Sponsorship opportunities have commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
Thank you to the following Associates & Voting members for their sponsorship:
It’s very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice. VIBE Hotel, Marysville, is on the same site as the dinner venue and can be contacted on 03 5957 7700.
Don’t risk missing all the fun. If you haven’t already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.

Acts & Regulations Pack Updated
The purpose of the pack is to supply Victorian Extractive Industry businesses with a comprehensive collection of Acts and Regulations that they are required by law to hold on their sites. This collection will change from time to time and includes legislation from both a state and federal level.
They are available to be purchased on a USB Drive.
There are 35 State/Federal Acts and Regulations relevant to the industry. There is over 10,000 pages and 21 / 35 documents were updated in 2018.
Price: Member $100
Non-member $750
This can be purchased via the CMPA online store or by contacting the Secretariat on 03 5781 0655.
- ERR Work Plan training, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- EPA Air Quality Framework Workshop, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Extractive Industry Reference Committee (Federal Education), Brisbane (Federal Government funds), E. Gibson
- ERR Work Plan training, Ballarat, E. Gibson
- Extractive Industry Taskforce (Supply and demand), Melbourne, E. Gibson
- ERR Stakeholder Reference group, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Meeting (Work Safe), Melbourne, G. Moreira
- Site visits to Members and Potential Members in North East Victoria, E. Gibson
- Fire Response and Readiness Management Plan & Pest Animal and Weed Management Workshops, North East Victoria
- Associates Committee Meeting, Alloys International, Laverton North
- Meeting with Kylie Fahey CEO IQA and Shane Braddy, Boral in Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Management Committee Meeting, Kilmore
- Update of EPA Publication 628 “Environmental Guidelines for the Concrete Batching Industry” 1998 and industry transition to EP Act 2017 Workshop. Run by EPA with CMPA, held at William Adams, Sunshine
- Meeting with Anna Cronin, Commissioner for Better Regulation, Melbourne, E. Gibson and G Cranny
A substantial day is planned for CMPA Members and other interested industry contributors in the North of Melbourne.
Come to both events or just the one that interests you.
Dust Workshop
The CMPA is holding this workshop to inform members on their responsibilities when it comes to Dust on site and to update the CMPA Dust Management Guideline in line with changes to regulations and legislations.
Date: Thursday, 23rd May 2019
Venue: Quality Hotel Melbourne Airport
Location: 265 Mickleham Rd, Tullamarine
Time: 8.45am – 4.00pm (includes morning/afternoon tea & lunch)
Special guest speakers include: Dr Amanda Sillcock, Occupational Physician
Members General Meeting
Time: 5.00pm – 8:00pm (includes dinner, attendees to purchase own alcoholic drinks)
Special guest speakers include: Anna Cronin, Commissioner for
Better Regulations
Annual AGM/Dinner
Date: Saturday, 14th September 2019
Location: Conference & Events Centre, VIBE Hotel, Marysville
Time: 5.00pm for AGM, 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for dinner
Cost: $160 per person
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat 03 5781 0655.
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