CMPA News (Issue 105)
Membership Renewals
All Members would have received their renewals for 2019/20. It would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax or mail. We do require the form to be completed and signed for our record. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued.
Associates intending to advertise in the August/September issue are required to complete the form as soon as possible as the deadline for advertising in this issue is 8th August 2019.
Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2019/20 financial year.
2020 Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2020 is currently in the early stages of being produced with the intention of delivering the manual to members by the end of November 2019.
For all associates, the membership renewal form includes your company industry details, this is the information which is in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual. Please ensure all content is correct for publishing.
Renewal of advertising in the manual must be paid for in full before advertisements will be included.
This year’s manual will again be in full colour to further enhance your company logo and photos on your page. Thank you to the members who are already advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.
2019 Annual Dinner – Update
By now you should have your invitations to the CMPA AGM and Annual Dinner. The CMPA Annual Dinner is now only weeks away. To be held on Saturday 14th September 2019 at Conference & Events Centre at VIBE Hotel, Marysville.
There are two very important and exciting announcements for this year’s event.
This is an exceptional opportunity as members of the CMPA to showcase to government the strength and solidarity of small to medium sized businesses within the extractive industry. The best way to do this is by attending this year’s event or ensuring a representative from your business attends to not only support your fellow CMPA members but the growing industry we all work in.
In the meantime, don’t forget to book your accommodation at VIBE Hotel, Marysville call or email the Secretariat to obtain a booking form 03 5781 0655 or
Minister to open the dinner:
Jaclyn Symes MP Minister for Resources will officially open the CMPA Annual Dinner
Associates Trade Display
Platinum and Gold Sponsors will have stands and Mobile Equipment on display inside and outside the Pre-Dinner drinks area for the whole night
Annual wage review for Modern Awards
Fair Work Australia (FWA) has handed down its 2019 Annual Wage Review Decision.
The 2019/20 financial year is well under way; please ensure your employee wages and allowances have been updated. Fair Work Australia’s 2019 annual wage review, which took effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1 July 2019, has delivered an increase to the Modern Award weekly rate of 3%.
Most Modern Award allowances have also increased either as part of the minimum wage increase or based upon the relevant consumer price index (CPI) sub-category. The wage rates as published reflect the increase to the Modern Award wage rates.
Please see the table for new minimum wage rates and allowances payable under the Quarrying Award 2010 and a comparison with last year’s rates.
A full-time employee must be paid a minimum weekly rate for their classification as set out in the table below:

The following allowances need to be adjusted to take into account the new weekly rates.
- Industry allowance $27.21 per week
- Leading hand/in charge of:

- First aid – $15.91 of standard rate per week
- Use of own vehicle – $0.78 per kilometer
- Meal expense – $14.62
- Meal allowance for overtime – $14.62
To obtain a copy of the Quarry Award please visit the Fair Work Australia website and download a pdf copy.
- Planning for extractives: regional roadshow, Andrew Grear DELWP, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Associate Committee meeting held at Landair Surveys, Ringwood
- Management Committee meeting held at Kilmore Tennis Club in Kilmore
- Dust Management Workshop and General Meeting held in Tullamarine
- Alex Fraser’s Sustainable Asphalt and Glass Recycling Plants opening, Laverton North attended by, E. Gibson, G. Moreira
- Reforms to Act and Regulations meeting, Linda Bibby, DJPR, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Victorian Women in Resources Awards Ceremony, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Monitoring on boundaries meeting, Anthony Hurst, ERR DJPR, Epping, R. Kerr, E. Gibson
- Reforming the regulatory framework for quarrying Workshop, DJPR Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Regional Forests Agreements, Commonwealth/DELWP, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Forum, WorkSafe, Melbourne, G. Moreira
- Air Quality Workshop, EPA, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Worksafe meeting with Julie Nielson, Executive Director of Health & Safety on the Workplace Exposure Standards for respirable crystalline silica, Melbourne, E. Gibson
AGM 2019
Notice is hereby given that the 2019 Annual General Meeting of
the CMPA will be held on:
Date: Saturday, 14 September 2019
Location: Conference & Events Centre VIBE Hotel, Marysville 32-42 Murchison St, Marysville
Time: 5.00pm
The purpose of this meeting is to:
- Consider for approval the Annual Report for 2019 inclusive of:
- Chairperson’s Report
- Associate Chairperson’s Report
- Education Committee Report
- Policy and Special Issues Committee Report
- Treasurer’s Report and the
- Secretariat’s Report.
- Approve the Treasurer’s Report which includes acceptance of the audited financial records for 2018/19.
- Election of 2 committee members to the 2019/20 Management Committee.

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