CMPA News (Issue 107)
Benefits of the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2020 will be delivered in early December to all members, Voting, Honorary Voting, Associate and Workforce.
The manual provides you with a page of detailed information on your CMPA Preferred Suppliers in words and photos as well as Voting Members who may have machinery, mobile plant or trucks for hire. It also includes emergency contacts, the organisational structure of the CMPA, useful industry websites, listing of all CMPA products and support documents (including those under development) such as reference manuals, field documents and business tools.
Thank you to the members below who provided advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.

Wall Planner 2020
As we are nearing the end of 2019, this issue of Sand & Stone includes the CMPA Wall Planner for 2020. This will be the ninth year it has been printed and distributed.
The Secretariat would like to thank the Members below who have contributed to the publication of the Wall Planner:

Workplace Manslaughter Law
The Victorian Government recently introduced workplace manslaughter law to parliament, which if passed, will impose fines of around $16 million and up to 20 years jail for employers responsible for negligently causing death.
The offence will fall under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) and will apply to employers, self-employed people and ‘officers’ of the employers.
The legislation will also apply when an employer’s negligent conduct causes the death of a member of the public.
Earlier this year, the Victorian Government announced a workplace manslaughter implementation taskforce to help develop the new laws, which if passed will fall under WorkSafe Victoria with powers under the OHS Act to prosecute employers.
There are many concerns with the legislation that was read to the Legislative Assembly.
The proposal to have it read a second time (Wednesday 13 November 2019) was refused due to the following outlined by the opposition.
“That all the words after ‘That’ be omitted and replaced with the words ‘this house refuses to read this bill a second time until the Andrews Labor Government has fully addressed concerns regarding:
- the exclusion of employees and co-workers as applicable duty holders;
- the privilege against self-incrimination in relation to the production of documents;
- the attribution of criminally negligent conduct of employees and other duty holders to a body corporate;
- the application of the offence to family businesses; and
- the exclusion of senior officers of the Crown as applicable duty holders”
However, these amendments were not adopted and the Workplace Manslaughter laws were passed by the Victorian Parliament on 26th November 2019.
Further updates on the progress of the Victorian workplace manslaughter laws will be given as they occur.
Quarries Build Communities
The “Quarries Build Communities” poster and brochure provide a simple explanation of quarrying encompassing the need for quarries and their role in the economy as well as addressing issues of concern to the community such as protection of the environment and aboriginal heritage.
Information is also given on use of recycled construction material and examples of rehabilitated quarries.
As stated by Earth Resources Regulation ( “Effective community engagement depends on mutual trust, respect and effective communication between industry and the community”.
Whilst there will always be detractors, a better understanding of the benefits of our industry and the legislative environment in which it operates is a benefit to all.
A copy of the Poster and Brochure has been mailed out to all CMPA Members, relevant Ministers, Regulators and Local Councils. They are also accessible from the CMPA website at
If you require further copies of either document, please contact the Secretariat.
- CCF breakfast regarding Land development speakers were the Commissioner for Better Regulation, CCAA and City West Water, Kooyong, E. Gibson
- ERR Geotechnical Guidelines meeting, Tony Robinson, Karen Sonnekus and Michelle Delaire, Melbourne, B. Natoli, E. Gibson
- EPA Victoria – Construction & Infrastructure Reference Group, Carlton, E. Gibson
- IQA Conference, Geelong, attended by E Gibson and G Moreira
- KPMG Earth Resources Regulation review, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Federal education review of VET sector, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Extractive Industry Taskforce (Supply and demand), Resources Division, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Regulation Stakeholder Reference Group: Rehabilitation Bonds, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Tripartite Safety forum, Melbourne, G. Moreira
- CMPA Technical Committee / VicRoads (G. Newman) meeting, Epping, M. Wagner (Conundrum Holdings), C. James (E. B. Mawson & Sons), B. Payne (Quarry Crete), E. Gibson
- IOQ Women in Quarrying, Melbourne, E. Gibson
- VCCIA Speaker WorkSafe Manslaughter Laws/AGM, Melbourne, E. Gibson
The biggest event on the CMPA calendar is only nine months away.
Annual Dinner and AGM 2020
An early reminder to put the new date in your diary for next year.
Date: Saturday, 12th September 2020
Annual General Meeting 5.00pm
Possible mini trade show 5.00pm
Pre-dinner drinks 5.30pm
Annual Dinner 6.30pm
Location: Hyatt Place Melbourne Essendon Fields
Accommodation: Hyatt Place Melbourne 1 English Street Essendon Fields

Sponsorship Packages to be emailed to members in early December 2019.
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