CMPA News (Issue 108)
CMPA Management Committee Meeting
Prior to the meeting a presentation for CMPA Members was given on the review of the Work Plan Guideline (see this issue) by Dr Michelle Delaire, DJPR.
The meeting proper commenced at 1:50 pm 27 November 2019 at the Kilmore Tennis Club with Garry Cranny (Chair), Tim Bird, John Pititto (Treasurer), John Mawson and Darren Toth (Deputy Associate Chairperson) in attendance.
The Treasurer gave a summary of the accounts to October 2019. A summary report was given of the successful annual dinner held in Marysville in September 2019 with the following comments from the Chairperson “Overall, the night was a great success. Well done to Gavin, Alissa and Elizabeth.”.
With the completion of the poster and brochure “Quarries build communities”, the Secretariat are exploring the development of a video.
There have been several international videos (links to be made available on ( of a similar nature on which to base a Victorian specific video. The intent being to provide education for the whole community and to attract a more diverse future workforce.
Discussion centred on the Chairperson’s position which will become vacant this year. Garry Cranny having served the maximum of two three-year terms in the role. There will also 4 Management Committee Members positions becoming vacant.
Consideration was given to receiving nominations from 2 additional Associate Members for which a change in the CMPA Rules will be required. Legal advice is being sought and will be presented at the AGM.
Nominations for these roles will be sought in June 2020 for voting at the Annual General Meeting on 12 September 2020. The meeting finished at 4:20 pm.
Annual Dinner 2020
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. After a memorable event in Marysville last year we are back in the metro area at Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields and it’s shaping up to be another spectacular event.
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner.
Sponsorship opportunities have commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
With only eight months to go it’s very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the accommodation of your choice.
Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields is on the same site as the dinner venue and can be contacted on 03 9190 1234.
Don’t risk missing all the fun. If you haven’t already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
Date: Saturday 12th September 2020
Location: Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields
Time: 5.00pm for AGM and Trade Show, 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $160 per person
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat 03 5781 0655.
Associate Committee Meeting
On 2nd December 2019 the CMPA Associate Committee held its final meeting for the year at the office of Orica Quarry Services, Deer Park. Thank you to Graham Gordon of Orica.
The meeting was opened by Associate Vice Chairperson Darren Toth (ToThink Engineering (Aust)).
A review was made of how the 2019 AGM & Annual Dinner went in Marysville and discussions were had regarding what worked and what didn’t work. Overall, everyone who attended felt it was a great event. Discussions then quickly turned to the 2020 AGM & Annual Dinner to be held at Hyatt Place in Essendon Fields.
The next six issues of Sand & Stone for 2020 were discussed and so too was the importance of Associate member contributions in the form of editorials, advertorials and staff profiles. Associates to provide articles that look at new technologies, innovations or products or services that reduce costs and improve efficiencies for the quarries.
The committee was impressed to see the magazine was now at 40 pages with an increase in advertising the driving force behind the change.
A focus for the new year will be on new associates writing articles on their businesses and expanding the new job opportunities page.
The CMPA online presence and community engagement messages about “Quarries Building Communities” will look to grow in the coming months with further marketing to take place. Social media site LinkedIn is also a pivotal tool to increase brand awareness for Associate businesses.
Extractive Industry Regulations 2019
The MRSD (Extractive Industry) Regulations 2019 will be implemented on 26 January 2020 with no material change despite a lengthy and considered submission from CMPA and others. The following has been extracted from the Minister of Resources, The Hon. Jaclyn Symes MP’s Notice of Decision.
“I have recommended that the proposed Regulations remain in the same form as the consultation draft, except for some minor and technical amendments. The proposed Regulations improve on the current Regulations by clarifying the information required, can be applied in proportion to the nature of work under specific extractive industry authorities and will provide potential benefits to the community and the State.
- Proposals to change the Act–Industry body submissions sought to change key requirements of the Act e.g. introducing a two-track discounted bond system. (Government) Response: the government will consider issues with the Act raised by the extractives industries in future work on the resources regulatory framework.
- Rehabilitation – Some submissions opposed proposed changes to the current regulations to strengthen rehabilitation requirements by requiring plans for proposed land use and landform for affected land in the work plan. Some submissions proposed that rehabilitation requirements for quarries should not be as stringent as mines. (Government) Response: the proposed Regulations can be applied in proportion to the nature of work under specific extractive industry authorities.
- Work plans – Some submissions criticised the concept of risk-based work plans, which were introduced in 2015 via the Act itself and so cannot be altered in the regulations.
- Reporting – Some submissions suggested that gathering more information in the Annual report regarding stone, including the most recent stone resource estimate, could potentially cause confusion as a stone estimate is already required in the work plan. (Government) Response: the collection of recent reserve data is important for planning and compliance purposes. Government, community and industry all benefit from access to data to inform decision-making on infrastructure, transport, logistics, construction, etc.”
The resulting lack of amendment to the Regulations is very disappointing and brings into question the apparent sincerity to the notion of consultation by Government officers.
- CMPA Management Committee Meeting held at the Kilmore Tennis Club in Kilmore
- CMPA Associates Committee Meeting held at Orica Quarry Services in Deer Park
- Extractive Industry Taskforce, Resources Division (DJPR) held its latest meeting in Melbourne. Attended by Elizabeth Gibson
- EPA Victoria’s Construction & Infrastructure Reference Group meeting was held in Melbourne. Attended by Elizabeth Gibson
- A site visit was made to Adornato Sand & Gravel Supplies and Finlay Screening & Crushing in Shepparton by Gavin Moreira. Meeting with Ross Adornato and Han Alam.
- A site visit was made to Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields by Gavin Moreira and Alissa van Geet to get an update on the venue for the 2020 Annual Dinner
- Construction Materials Testing (Federal Government Vocational Education and Training) teleconference was held and attended by Elizabeth Gibson
- Meeting was held with John Krbaleski, ERR at the CMPA office in Kilmore attended by Elizabeth Gibson
- Meeting was held with Praveen Matthew, ERR regarding work plan/work plan variation approval data in Melbourne attended by Elizabeth Gibson
A substantial day is planned for CMPA Members and other interested industry contributors in the western suburbs of Melbourne.
Service & Maintenance Workshop
The CMPA and a number of Associate members are holding this workshop to provide operators with an understanding of how to properly maintain components of their fixed plant to ensure they are running to the best of their ability.
The one-day workshop is an interactive process which encourages the active involvement of the participants rather than a lecture session.
Presentations by:
AVWELD Australia on Repairs and life extension to high wearing equipment
HMA – Flow & Industrial on maintenance of drive systems in quarry applications (Electric Motors, Gearboxes, Belt Drives and Bearings)
Date: Thursday 19th March 2020
Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm (includes lunch and site visit)
Workshop: William Adams
Location: 32-42 Spencer St, Sunshine West
The workshop will be followed by a Site Visit by bus to view:

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