CMPA News (Issue 111)
2021 Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2021 is currently in the early stages of being produced with the intention of delivering the manual to members by the end of November 2020.
For all associates, the membership renewal form includes your company industry details, this is the information which is in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual. Please ensure all content is correct for publishing. Renewal of advertising in the manual must be paid for in full before advertisements will be included.
This year’s manual will again be in full colour to further enhance your company logo and photos on your page. In an effort to improve the quality of the Preferred Supplier manual, our designer has provided a style guide with information regarding the requirements of any pictures, photos, or logos.
We are asking that you review the information and send us through an updated logo and any information you would like to see on the page.
We will confirm with you later in the year to ensure the information is still up to date.
The content provided on your page is also repeated on the Preferred Supplier section of the CMPA website.
Thank you to the members who are already advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.
Online Store impacted by Cyber Crime
In the current pandemic times of COVID-19 there has been a dramatic increase in cyber crime around the world. No one is immune from attacks and we should all ensure we have the most up to date protection for our computers and our websites.
On Monday 15th June 2020 over 350 attempts were made to purchase publications through the CMPA Online Store using stolen credit cards. Three of these attempts were successful two were from Singapore and one from Bosnia with funds deposited to the CMPA bank account.
This cyber-attack was shopping attempts likely automated attempts by hackers – the quoted address and telephone numbers were fake. The CMPA domain was arbitrarily targeted by hackers attempting to gain some sort of benefit.
These phishing activities are occurring at a very high frequency in these COVID times – be careful what links in emails you click through, especially where they ask you to login – they are attempting to phish email and password combos.
The CMPA website developer SWIM Communications and IT company ITRO have reviewed security on our computers and website to ensure we have increased security from further cyber-attacks.
The online store is being upgraded to also increase security for purchases.
Talk to an IT provider to identify any gaps in your security that you need to be aware of and to talk through what strategies they can implement to enhance your security.
It’s important you routinely review your security measures to make sure your business always stays cyber safe and your devices are secure.
Annual wage review for Modern Awards
Fair Work Australia (FWA) has handed down its 2020 Annual Wage Review Decision.
The 2020/21 financial year is well under way; please ensure your employee wages and allowances have been updated. Fair Work Australia’s 2020 annual wage review, which took effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1 July 2020, has delivered an increase to the Modern Award weekly rate of 1.75%.
Most Modern Award allowances have also increased either as part of the minimum wage increase or based upon the relevant consumer price index (CPI) sub-category. The wage rates as published reflect the increase to the Modern Award wage rates.
This year the increases to award rates will occur over three dates, the Quarrying Award will come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1 November 2020.
Please see the table for new minimum wage rates payable under the Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award 2010 and a comparison with last year’s rates.
A full-time employee must be paid a minimum weekly rate for their classification as set out in the table below:

Changes to allowances will be provided in an upcoming issue of Sand & Stone.
To obtain a copy of the Quarry Award please visit the Fair Work Australia website and download a pdf copy.
Membership Renewals
All Members would have received their renewals for 20/21. It would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax, or mail. We do require the form to be completed and signed for our records. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued.
Associates intending to advertise in the August/September issue are required to complete the form as soon as possible as the deadline for advertising in this issue is 6th August 2020.
Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2020/21 financial year.
If you are having financial difficulties in this time of COVID-19 please let us know.
AGM 2020
Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the CMPA will be held on:
Date: Thursday, 10 September 2020
Format: Video / Teleconference (Microsoft Teams)
Time: 10.00am
The purpose of this meeting is to:
Consider for approval the Annual Report for 2020 inclusive of:
- Chairperson’s Report,
- Associate Chairperson’s Report,
- Education Committee Report,
- Policy and Special Issues Committee Report,
- Treasurer’s Report and the
- Secretariat’s Report.
- Approve the Treasurer’s Report which includes acceptance of the audited financial records for 2019/20.
- Election of a NEW Chairperson, 4 committee members and Associate
Chairperson to the 2020/21 Management Committee.
- Associations forum webinar re: How to run a virtual conference was attended by G Moreira
- Video conference was held re: ERR draft Geotechnical guidelines, attended by E. Gibson
- Clarinda Recycling Facility Advisory Committee, Directions Hearing, video conference attended by E. Gibson
- CCF VIC Roads Sector Webinar, attended by E. Gibson
- ERR Stakeholder Reference Group, rehabilitation bond calculator video conference, attended E. Gibson
- ERTS forum (WorkSafe) video conference, attended by G. Moreira
- EPA legislative reform working group – air, video conference, attended by E. Gibson
- Extractive Strategy Taskforce, John Krbaleski, video conference, attended by E. Gibson
- Extractive IRC (Federal Education), video conference, attended by E. Gibson
- IRC Chairs (Federal Education), video conference, attended by E. Gibson
- Chris K Phronesis re: A feasibility study into the use of On-Board Mass Systems in the Extractives Industry for DJPR, video conference, attended by E. Gibson
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