CMPA News (Issue 113)
Benefits of the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2021 will be delivered early in the new year to all members, Voting, Honorary Voting, Associate and Workforce.
The manual provides you with a page of detailed information on your CMPA Preferred Suppliers in words and photos as well as Voting Members who may have machinery, mobile plant or trucks for hire. It also includes emergency contacts, the organisational structure of the CMPA, useful industry websites, listing of all CMPA products and support documents (including those under development) such as reference manuals, field documents and business tools.
Thank you to the members below who provided advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.

New Standard Section 813 – Base & Subbase for Lower Trafficked Roads
Over the past 18 months, the Department of Transport has undertaken a research program into the use of recycled material in pavements. The research has been aimed at assisting the Government meet its objectives of increasing the uptake of recycled material in infrastructure projects.
With respect to crushed rock products, the research has investigated increasing the recycled material content permitted for use in granular pavement layers for lower trafficked roads. The research included undertaking standard tests and wheel tracking testing on various blends.
The outcomes of the research have allowed recycled material limits to be reassessed and included in the new standard specification, Section 813 Base & Subbase for Lower Trafficked Roads. This new specification is targeted at lower trafficked roads where higher percentages (up to 20%) of supplementary materials, such as crushed glass and crushed brick can be used.
At the time of writing CMPA is seeking comment from CMPA Members in order to prepare a submission to the Department of Transport on the new Standard Section 813.
Performance-Based Standards (PBS) Vehicles
According to the NHVR website (, the Performance-Based Standards (PBS) Scheme offers the heavy vehicle industry the potential to achieve higher productivity and safety through innovative and optimised vehicle design.
PBS vehicles are designed to perform their tasks as productively, safely and sustainably as possible, and to operate on networks that are appropriate for their level of performance. The basic principle of PBS is matching the right vehicles to the right tasks.
PBS vehicles are tested against sixteen stringent safety standards and four infrastructure standards to ensure they fit the existing road network and are safe. The scheme has been in operation since October 2007.
A number of Members have contacted the CMPA Secretariat regarding road access for PBS vehicles. Meetings (Microsoft Teams) in October/November 2020 have been held regarding this issue with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and the Department of Transport (DoT). Information on specific PBS vehicles issues impacting CMPA Members has been received and the de-identified issue shared with DoT and MAV who actively want to resolve them. The most frequent issue appeared to be access to the last kilometer.
The CMPA is looking forward to resolving these PBS vehicles issues with MAV and DoT and will report on progress in the next issue of Sand and Stone issue 114.
Wall Planner 2021
As we are nearing the end of 2020, this issue of Sand & Stone includes the CMPA Wall Planner for 2021. This will be the tenth year it has been printed and distributed.
The Secretariat would like to thank the Members below who have contributed to the publication of the Wall Planner:

The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshops.
Blast Management Plan
Date: Thursday 25th February 2021
Time: 10.00am – 11.30am
The CMPA has updated its Blast Management Plan. Blasting has been identified as one of the key activities at hard rock quarry sites.
The purpose of this Blast Management Plan [BMP] is to ensure safe blasting operations, ensure the protection of employees and surrounding community, all infrastructure, and assets both off and on site and minimise environmental impacts. The BMP also provides specific processes and parameters to ensure the most cost effective outcomes are achieved.
Critical Incidents
Date: Thursday 25th March 2021
Time: 10.00am – 11.30am
The CMPA is developing a Critical Incident Response Template. The objective of this Critical Incident Response Template is to assist CMPA members in ensuring that procedures are in place and that responsibilities are defined and understood.
This Critical Incident Response Template outlines a process for Site Evacuation and Immediate Response Actions for critical incident types such as Serious Injury or Medical Emergency, Embankment Failure, Slides or Collapse, Slimes Dam Rescue just to name a few.
- EPA’s Construction and Infrastructure Reference Group, videoconference attended by E. Gibson
- Extractives Strategy Taskforce, videoconference attended by E. Gibson
- VPELA Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act review, videoconference attended by E. Gibson
- Waste and recycling legislation information session, videoconference attended by E. Gibson
- CMPA webinar was held on Bushfire Response and Readiness
- Videoconference with Geoff Oulton, MAV; David Moore, DOT on PBS Vehicle access, video attended by E. Gibson
- Regulatory reform videoconference with Michelle Delaire, DJPR attended by E. Gibson
- Economic modelling tool demonstration videoconference with Dr Helen Foard, DJPR attended by E. Gibson
- Videoconference with Mashelle Parrett, Director Quality VAGO attended by E. Gibson
- Extractive Industry Reference Committee (Federal Education) videoconference attended by E. Gibson
- CMPA webinar was held on Dust Management and Medical Assessment Guidelines
- Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Committee videoconference attended by G. Moreira
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