CMPA News (Issue 116)
CMPA Secretariat
• EPA Update on recycled aggregates determination, Microsoft Teams attended by E. Gibson.
• ERR Statistical reports/key metrics, Microsoft Teams attended by E. Gibson.
• Site Visit to Northern Quarries Epping attended by Percy Pillai (AWU), E. Gibson and G. Moreira
• Media training with Ian Cohan, Cozalive, Melbourne attended by E. Gibson.
• First meeting of the Heavy Vehicle Consultation Group (DOT) in Melbourne
attended by E. Gibson
• ERR RMSVIC, Microsoft Teams attended by E. Gibson.
• CCF webinar on new EP Act attended by E. Gibson
• ERR webinar Rehabilitation bond calculator, Microsoft teams attended
by E. Gibson
• Minister for Resources, Melbourne, attended by E. Gibson & B. Hauser
• Extractive Strategy Taskforce (Earth Resources) E. Gibson
• New annual reporting requirements meeting with Helen Foard, DJPR,
Microsoft teams attended by E. Gibson
• MRSDA reform meeting with Linda Bibby DJPR attended by E. Gibson
DoT – Release of Revised Section 407 (Dense Graded Asphalt)
Over the past 18 months, the Department of Transport has been working closely with industry and stakeholders on the update to Section 407 – Dense Graded Asphalt. Significant changes have been made to the specification. The Code of Practice for the Registration of Bituminous Mixes (CoP 500.01) has also been updated to reflect the changes made in Section 407.
The key driver for the changes has been to incorporate Austroads findings on the best practice of using RAP in asphalt mixes which both optimises the sustainability outcomes and ensures long-term performance of asphalt mixes is not compromised. Significantly more RAP can now be used, subject to appropriate quality control measures being put in place by manufacturers.
The following are the key updates made to the Section 407:
- Renamed Dense Graded Asphalt (now incorporates warm mix asphalt, resulting in Section 409 being withdrawn)
- A “two tier” approach has been introduced which relates to the amount of RAP that can be incorporated into asphalt mixes with higher levels of RAP in asphalt mixes now permitted
- Improve the sustainability and quality of asphalt being manufactured and placed, through the following
o Provision of an asphalt quality plan (407.04)
o Mandating the use of trackless tack coat by 1 July 2022 (407.08(d))
o Allowing the placement of asphalt below the minimum pavement temperatures, subject to a cold weather placement management plan being developed (407.17(b)).
o The introduction of joint density testing (initially for information purposes, but with the intention of establishing appropriate specification limits for introduction in future specification updates) – 407.21(b)(i).
o Increasing the compaction requirements, to achieve higher density (407.27(b)(iv))
o Introduction of quantity based testing requirements (407.15)
Annual Dinner 2021 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – not one to miss. It will be held on Saturday 28th August 2021 at the Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway.
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment with expressions of interest currently at 75% of the venue capacity.
Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat 03 5781 0655.
Sponsorship opportunities are also filling fast with Associates moving quickly to commit to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
Date: Saturday 28th August 2021Location: Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway
Cost: $160 per person
Time: 5.00pm for AGM
5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks
6.30pm for Dinner
We would like to thank the following Members who are currently sponsors of the event:

Industry Tools – New Publications
The last few months has been a very busy time for publication reviews. The following Industry tools have been reviewed and developed from significant funds by the CMPA with input from our very experienced membership base and the various regulators in the industry to assist Members in their businesses.
In October last year, CMPA held a workshop on Dust Management. Following on from this Workshop in consultation with Members, regulators, and industry, CMPA have developed the Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust (RCSD) Management Guideline.
This Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust (RCSD) Management Guideline together with the CMPA’s Work Safely Reference Manual aims to support members in meeting the requirements of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017.
In doing so, this Guideline will:
• Provide members with appropriate management practices required to minimise
potential health risks associated with RCSD arising from extractive industry and
concrete recycling operations;
• Provide members with a template they can populate so as to establish a site specific
RCSD Control Plan; and
• Assist members in establishing and maintaining a Work Plan that defines operational
activity so as to obtain and sustain an Extractive Industry Work Authority.
Last month CMPA held a workshop on the newly created Noxious Weed & Pest Animals Plan Guideline and Template.
The objective of this Noxious Weeds & Pest Animals Control Plan, Guideline and Template is to assist CMPA members in ensuring that procedures are in place and that responsibilities are defined and understood to control the potential impact, spread and re generation of Noxious Weeds & Pest Animals.
These tools are all discounted for members and are available on our website for the community to access.
Guidelines – CMPA (
Service & Maintenance Workshop
The CMPA and a number of Associate members are holding this workshop to provide operators with an understanding of how to properly maintain
components of their fixed plant to ensure they are running to the
best of their ability.
The one-day workshop is an interactive process which encourages the active involvement of the participants rather than a lecture session.
Presentations by:
AVWELD / Alloys International
presentation on repairs and life extension to high wearing equipment. Welding and patch repair consumables. HMA Flow & Industrial presentation on maintenance of drive systems (gear boxes, belt drives, electric motors and bearings)
Oli Vibrators and ToThink
Engineering (Aust) presentation on preventative maintenance including
vibrators and vibrating screens.
Date: Thursday 22nd July 2021
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
(includes lunch and site visit)
Workshop: William Adams
Location: 32-42 Spencer St, Sunshine West
The workshop will be followed by Site Visits by bus to view:
• AVWELD Australasia’s factory
• William Adams, tour of workshop and / or a site visit to Alex Fraser Group’s, Laverton North site
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