CMPA News (Issue 117)
CMPA Secretariat
• EPA Waste Framework Overview, MS Teams, attended by E.Gibson
• DoT heavy vehicles licencing reform attended by E. Gibson
• DJPR’s overview of economic modelling project; attended by Garry Cranny, Jason Rudge, Tim Bird, Cameron Black, Craig Banthorpe, Ron Kerr, Sarah Andrew and E. Gibson
• CMPA / CCAA MS Teams meeting re: VAGO Report and Bonds: attended by
Garry Cranny, Tim Bird, Jason Comben, Ron Kerr, E. Gibson, CCAA: Paul Hillyer, Brain Hauser and Roger Buckley
• Tim Smith Shadow Minister for Resources, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• DoT Extractive Industry Reference Group MS Teams meeting attended by
• ERR Stakeholder reference group meeting, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• DJPR / Jaala Pulford, MP COVID-19 briefing, MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
• ERTS Forum, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson and G. Moreira
• SERA feedback to DJPR via Landell Consultants, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
The second Management Committee Meeting (MS teams) of the year was held on Friday 28 May 2021 commencing at 10:30 am.
The attendees to the meeting were:
Jason Rudge (Associate Chairperson), John Pititto (until 11:12am) (Treasurer), Cameron Black, Craig Banthorpe, Drew Phillips, Tim Bird (Chair), Ashley Day, Ant Bateup, Andrew Burdett, David McKelvie, Jason Comben all participated with the Chairperson Garry Cranny an apology.
The draft 2021/22 budget was discussed with minor adjustments to include the Business Development Manager role prior to being circulated for approval out-of-sessions.
Membership fees and advertising rates for Sand & Stone and the Preferred Suppliers Manual were kept on hold (as from 2018/19).
The Management Committee welcomed the expertise of Cameron Black (BCA Consulting) and David McKelvie (SafeMix) and congratulated them on joining the CMPA Management Committee.
The CMPA Rehabilitation Project has been approved for advertising subject to the incorporation of the additional objective for the determination of rehabilitation liability exposure to the Victorian Government. WorkSafe’s current site visits are currently focused on rock collection under high walls. Moving forward once the Silica Dust Regulations are implemented in July 2021 there will be more focus on RCSD in quarries from WorkSafe.
The 2021/22 Business plan was discussed and accepted. The Marketing and
Communication Plan 2021/22 was approved subject to the inclusion of a Statewide Quarry Open Day event and exploring the costs of further CMPA website development and digital marketing.
The former CMPA Dust Guideline has been split into 4 sections with the personal monitoring of RCSD Management Plan template having been completed and released.
• Environmental monitoring with and without respirable crystalline silica dust (RCSD) to be developed; and
• Personal Monitoring on sites without RCSD to be developed.
CMPA Water Management is in the process of being completed. CMPA Noise and Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk guidelines are to be updated in 2021. CMPA to advocate that ERR accept the CMPA Guidelines as part of the work plans.
The Management Committee meeting finished at 12:36 pm.
All Members would have received their renewals for 21/22. It would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email, fax, or mail. We do require the form to be completed and signed for our records. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued.
Associates intending to advertise in the August/September issue are required to complete the form as soon as possible as the deadline for advertising in this issue is 5th August 2021.
Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2021/22 financial year. If you are having financial difficulties in this time of COVID-19 please let us know.
Fair Work Australia (FWA) has handed down its 2021 Annual Wage Review Decision.
The 2021/22 financial year is well under way; please ensure your employee wages and allowances have been updated. Fair Work Australia’s 2021 annual wage review, which took effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1 July 2021, has delivered an increase to the Modern Award weekly rate of 2.50%.
Most Modern Award allowances have also increased either as part of the minimum wage increase or based upon the relevant consumer price index (CPI) sub-category. The wage rates as published reflect the increase to the Modern Award wage rates.
This year the increases to award rates will occur over three dates, the Quarrying Award will come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1 July 2021.
Please see the table for new minimum wage rates payable under the Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award 2010 and a comparison with last year’s rates.
A full-time employee must be paid a minimum weekly rate for their classification as set out in the table below:

The 2021 minimum weekly rate includes the industry disability allowance of $28.38.
To obtain a copy of the Quarry Award please visit the Fair Work Australia website and download a pdf copy.
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2022 is currently in the early stages of being produced with the intention of delivering the manual to members by the end of December 2021.
For all associates, the membership renewal form includes your company industry details, this is the information which is in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual. Please ensure all content is correct for publishing. Renewal of advertising in the manual must be paid for in full before advertisements will be included. This year’s manual
will again be in full colour to further enhance your company logo and photos on your page. To improve the quality of the Preferred Supplier manual, our designer has provided a style guide with information regarding the requirements of any pictures, photos, or logos. We are asking that you review the information and send us through an updated logo and any information you would like to see on the page. We will confirm with you later in the year to ensure the information is still up to date. The content provided on your page is also repeated on the Preferred Supplier section of the CMPA website.
Thank you to the members who are already advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.
AGM 2021
Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting
of the CMPA will be held on;
Date: Saturday 28th August 2021
Time: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Location: Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway
29-37 Ryley Street, Wangaratta 3677
The purpose of this meeting is to:
Consider for approval the Annual Report for 2021 inclusive of
• Chairperson’s Report,
• Associate Chairperson’s Report,
• Education Committee Report,
• Policy and Special Issues Committee Report,
• Treasurer’s Report and the
• Secretariat’s Report.
• Approve the Treasurer’s Report which includes acceptance of the audited financial records for 2020/21.
• Election of a NEW Chairperson and 2 committee members to the 2021/22 Management Committee.
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