CMPA News (Issue 119)
Recent News
- ICC DJPR information session: Construction reopening & Mandatory vaccination, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
- Better Approvals Regulators Steering Group: MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
- Biodiversity/offsets, H. Foard, DJPR: MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
- John Krbaleski, MRSDA reform, MS Teams attended by R. Kerr, S. Andrew, E. Gibson
- Extractive Industry Reference Group DoT, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
- Federal Education Hydrogen Training and Skills Needs Analysis Working Group attended by E. Gibson
- Better Approvals for Regulators, Anna Cronin attended by E. Gibson
- National Hydrogen skills and training analysis, MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
- Heavy Vehicle Consultation Group, DoT, MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
- ERR Industry Reference Group meeting, MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
Preferred Suppliers
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2022 will be delivered early in the new year to all members, Voting, Honorary Voting, Associate and Workforce. The manual provides you with a page of detailed information on your CMPA Preferred Suppliers in words and photos as well as Voting Members who may have machinery, mobile plant or trucks for hire. It also includes emergency contacts, the organisational structure of the CMPA, useful industry websites, listing of all CMPA products and support documents (including those under development) such as reference manuals, field documents and business tools.
Thank you to the members below who provided advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.

Wall Planner
As we are nearing the end of 2021, this issue of Sand & Stone includes the CMPA Wall Planner for 2022. This will be the eleventh year it has been printed and distributed.
The Secretariat would like to thank the Members below who have contributed to the publication of the Wall Planner.

After effects of the COVID pandemic
The extractive industry in Victoria was recognised as an essential service some 20 months ago and has been fortunate to continue operating since the COVID-19 restrictions were put in place. Social distancing and hygiene practices by Members at their sites appeared to have kept us going. But what are the aftereffects of this global pandemic and where are the challenges that lie ahead.
IBISWorld’s (June 8, 2021) analysts constantly monitor the industry impacts of current events in real-time – here is an update of how our industry is likely to be impacted as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic:
- Due to the essential nature of sand and gravel in construction and building projects, demand for industry goods is only expected to decline by a relatively small amount in 2019-20 and 2020-21 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Many sand and gravel quarries have remained operational in late 2019-20 and into 2020-21, despite the pandemic. However, volumes are anticipated to decline while prices fall over these years, contributing to lower revenue.
- With some demand and revenue declines across the industry in the current year, a small number of enterprises are anticipated to exit the industry, while employment is also likely to decline.
Following discussions with Voting and Associate Suppliers there are many concerns:
- Supply chain issues from parts to trucks to shipping costs
- Difficulty quoting when there are manufacturing delays of up to 12 months on some products
- Mobile Plant orders are about to stretch into 2023 causing price increases on used gear and in some cases a shortage of supply
- Shipping delays and costs of containers have increased. From 4 weeks / $3.5K to 11 weeks and $9K
- Shortage of pallets and timber products
- 38% increase in grease prices
- 80% increase in steel prices
- Staff shortages in general but more importantly skilled quarry workers (drivers, diesel mechanics, boilermakers to name a few)
Planning ahead as best you can will hopefully ensure you keep your head and your business above water.
Workforce Membership
Are you getting easy access to our Publications, Sand and Stone and other interesting and helpful information? Are you a future leader of this industry? Do you understand the issues and barriers the industry is facing?
Become a Workforce Member for just $65.
Open to individual industry participants who want to be kept up-to-date on current industry issues and the activities of the Association.
A home delivered Sand and Stone magazine, access to our website and information to assist in your roles plus awareness of upcoming workshops and more.
Upcoming Events
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshop and general meeting either face to face or by video conference.
Noise Management
Date: Thursday 24th February 2022
Time: 8.00am – 4.00pm (includes lunch and site visit)
Site visit: TBA
Location: South West, Victoria
The CMPA endeavours to:
Support members in meeting the requirements of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and the Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970.
Provide members with appropriate management practices required to minimise potential health risks or environmental impacts associated with noise arising from construction materials industry operations.
Assist members in establishing and maintaining a Work Plan that defines operational activity so as to obtain and sustain an Extractive Industry Work Authority.
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