CMPA News (Issue 121)
Recent Events
• MRSDA Reform meeting via, MS Teams with John Krbaleski, DELWP (planning) and attended by Jason Comben, Garry Cranny, Ron Kerr and E. Gibson
• Extractives Industry Reference Group with DoT via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Extractive Strategy Taskforce meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• An update on supply and demand was provided by Earth Resources, Daniel Thompson via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• The latest ERTS forum (WorkSafe) was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson and G. Moreira
• A meeting with the new Director Construction and Earth Resources from WorkSafe Matthew Wielgosz was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Richard Riordan, Shadow Minister for Resources, discussed Extractive
resources policy via MS Teams with J. Comben, G. Cranny, P. Nitas and E. Gibson
• Lee Miezis, CEO EPA discussed construction and demolition waste via MS Teams with E. Gibson
Management Committee Meeting
The first Management Committee meeting for the year was held via MS Teams at 1:00 pm Wednesday 23 February 2022. Those attending were Cameron Black, Craig Banthorpe, David McKelvie, Jason Comben (Chair), Jason Rudge, Tim Bird, John Pititto (Treasurer), Ashley Day, Andrew Burdett, Garry Cranny with apologies from Drew Phillips (deputy Chair) and Ant Bateup.
Summary of accounts to 31 January 2022 was presented by John Pititto. CMPA is sitting in a strong position financially and progressing according to budget. Membership renewals are approximately $19K above budget. The Policy and Special Issues fund is at around $130K.
Topics that were discussed included the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 reform for which there was a lengthy discussion, the final report for the Better Approvals for Regulators project (initiated by Anna Cronin Commissioner for Better Regulation) for the Earth Resources Regulation approvals team and the CMPA Rehabilitation Project.
In General Business, the newly introduced EPA financial assurance for construction and demolition waste was discussed. A small/medium business applied for a licence to store more than 20,000 tonnes of construction and demolition waste material for recycling as per the new EP Act requirements to then be asked for $3.4 million in financial assurance. This is an excessive amount for a very low risk activity and will lead to the demise
of the circular economy for construction and demolition waste recycling industry and eventuate in an additional ~6.5 million tonnes per annum going to landfill. The meeting finished at 3:45 pm, next meeting to be held 27 May 2022.
WorkSafe Victoria ERTS update
The latest Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Forum was held via MS Teams on 24th February 2022.
The following information relating to incidents in quarries was presented.
Visits to quarries 1 July 2021 to 31 Jan 2022:
There were 268 visits of those 99 (37%) were specifically for Silica or dust. There were 183 notices issued of which 12 were for Silica or dust. The notices were made up of: 167 Improvement Notices, 13 Voluntary Compliance notices, 2 Prohibition notices and 1 Dangerous Goods Improvement Notices.
Quarries – incident and injury trends have gone down in the last 3 months. Incidents relating to quarry plant (in particular quarry and road trucks), fires (fixed plant) and slips, trips and falls make up the large majority of incidents. Injury data shows 56% near misses, could relate to under reporting.
Quarries Injury Data – Previous 24 Months
Where people are being injured in quarries
Near Miss | Medical Treatment | Hospital Admission | First Aid |
Quarry Plant (16) | Hand Tools (3) | Quarry Plant (3) | Quarry Plant (1) |
Explosions (7) | Manual handling (2) | Stored Energy (2) | Falls from heights (1) |
Fire (4) | Slips, trips & falls (2) | Slips, trips & falls (2) | Slope stability (1) |
Slope stability (2) | Other (2) | Falls from heights (1) | Other (1) |
Electricity (2) | Quarry Plant (2) | ||
Haz. Substances(1) | |||
Electricity (1) | |||
Total (31) | Total (13) | Total (8) | Total (4) |
Annual Dinner 2022 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. Preparations for the event after a three year absence are in full swing with the event to be held:
Date: Saturday 27th August 2022
Location: Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway
Time: 5.00pm for AGM, 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner Cost: $160 per person
The nights entertainment has been rebooked for 2022, more information will come in the following months. Accommodation reservations can now be re-booked by contacting the Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway on 03 5721 8399.
Sponsorship opportunities have re-commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle free atmosphere.
Please contact the CMPA at if you would like to sponsor the event or pre-register your attendance.
We would like to thank the following Members who are current sponsors for 2022:

Upcoming Events
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following webinar and workshop.
Noise Management – Environmental and Workplace Noise
Date: Thursday 28th April 2022
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Location: MS Teams
The CMPA endeavours to support members in meeting the requirements of the OH&S Act 2004 and the Environment Protection Act 2017 through provision of appropriate management practices required to minimise potential health risks or environmental impacts associated with noise arising from construction materials industry operations. The webinar is for
owners, managers, supervisors and OH&S Managers.
Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk in Quarries
Date: Thursday 26th May 2022
Time: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Location: Traralgon, Victoria
The CMPA is holding this workshop to update and inform participants on the new Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk in Quarries guideline updated by the CMPA. This will enable you to gain an understanding of how
to reduce geotechnical risks on your site and ensure you are compliant with current safety regulations. The workshop is for owners, managers, supervisors, OH&S Managers and operators.
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