CMPA News (Issue 122)
• Heavy Vehicle Consultation Group, DoT, Minister for Roads and Minister for Freight via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Infrastructure Australia, recycled materials in road infrastructure via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• ERR Industry Working Group VIC Resource Management System via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• CMPA Workplace and Environmental Noise Webinar was held via MS Teams
• VIC Government 2022-23 Budget Lock up in Melbourne was held attended by E. Gibson
• Extractive Industry Reference Group, DoT meeting via MS Teams was held attended by E. Gibson
• CMPA Associate and Management Committees were held via MS Teams
• The latest ERTS forum (WorkSafe) was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson and G. Moreira
• A meeting via MS Teams was held with the Shadow Minister for Resources attended by E. Gibson
• ERR Better Approvals for Regulators project update via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust (RCSD)
The CMPA RCSD Management Guideline together with the CMPA’s Work Safely Reference Manual aims to support members in meeting the requirements of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act 2004, the OHS Regulations 2017 and specifically the OHS Amendment (Crystalline Silica) Regulations 2021 in force from 15 May 2022.
It is noted within the Overview of this Guideline that:
• Without effective training of managers and workers the control of exposure to RCSD will be a continual challenge and likely unattainable;
• The standard of housekeeping applied on site is paramount to the control of exposure to RCSD.
There are many other physical and work practice controls required but without an intimate understanding of the RCSD hazard and its consequence these other controls may not be effective or sustainable, therefore exposure to RCSD may not be controlled.
The Guideline will:
• Provide members with appropriate management practices required to minimise potential health risks associated with RCSD arising from extractive industry and concrete recycling operations;
• Provide members with a template they can populate so as to establish a site specific RCSD Hazard Control Plan; and
• Assist members in establishing and maintaining a Work Plan that defines operational activity so as to obtain and sustain an Extractive Industry Work Authority.
Also provided to Members is the CMPA on-line RCSD Training video and quiz to meet obligations under the new Regulations for employee training. This is available to Members and their employees through the new training portal on Instructions on access will be sent out shortly.
ERR – Inactive Earth Resource Sites
Earth Resources Regulation has developed draft Operational Policy – Inactive Earth Resource Sites. The draft objectives being:
• “Enable responsible and competent operators to generate investment and job opportunities, particularly in regional areas, through the grant of exclusive access to the State’s earth resources;
• Provide assurance for land holders, government and the wider community that operators will fulfil their regulatory obligations and social responsibilities to protect people, land, infrastructure and the environment, throughout the exploration and mining life cycle;
• Provide upfront guidance to all authority holders on how all inactive sites will be required to be managed for the optimal development of resources for the benefit of Victorians.”
The CMPA submitted comment, the majority of which was taken on board by ERR. However, it was proposed by CMPA that the Operational policy should be separate for each earth resource: extractive industries, mining, petroleum, geothermal and greenhouse gas injection due to operating under different Acts, having different requirements and end uses; and so, avoids confusion.
The response was that ERR has a principle of combining earth resources for operational policy documents. The release date for the Operational Policy is to be determined.
Annual Dinner 2022 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is now less than two months away, one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. Preparations for the event after a three year absence are being fine tuned with the event to be held:
Date: Saturday 27th August 2022
Location: Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway
Time: 5.00pm for AGM
5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks
6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $160 per person
The guest speaker, band, magician and cartoonist have been booked. Accommodation reservations are filling fast so contact the Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway on 03 5721 8399.
Associates have moved quickly and committed to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle free atmosphere. We would like to thank the following Members who are current sponsors at the time of printing for 2022:

The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshop and general meeting.
Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk in Quarries
Date: Thurs. 4th Aug. 2022
Time: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Location: Traralgon, Victoria
The CMPA is holding this workshop to update and inform participants on the new Working Safely with Geotechnical Risk in Quarries guideline developed by the CMPA. This will enable you to gain an understanding of how to reduce geotechnical risks on your site and ensure you are compliant with current safety regulations.
The workshop is for owners, managers, supervisors, OH&S Managers and operators.
General Meeting
Date: Thurs. 4th Aug. 2022
Time: 5.00pm – 8.00pm
Location: Traralgon, Victoria
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend a General Meeting.
Potential presentations are;
• Aboriginal Heritage Earth Resources Representative
• Earth Resources Response to CMPA Rehabilitation Project – TBC
The General Meeting is for owners and managers.
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