CMPA News (Issue 133)
• Matt Vincent CEO Resources Victoria met in Kilmore with E. Gibson, regarding the Strategic Plan
• Earth Resources Tripartite Safety meeting WorkSafe was held via MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson, G. Moreira
• ABC interview regarding – slow work approvals and road maintenance was held in Kilmore with E. Gibson
• Resources, Energy and Extraction Consultation Group EPA met via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Decision Regulatory Impact Statement, National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework, DTP meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Extractive Industry Consultation Group Freight Victoria, DTP, meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• EPA statement of regulatory intents on climate change meeting via, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• CMPA Business Succession Planning webinar was held with presentation by Christian from Buxton Consulting Group
• AUSMASA Mining (includes Extractives) Workforce Plan meeting via MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
• Matt Vincent, Laura Helm, Resources Victoria Performance Reporting and Code of Practice update via MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
• EPA Stakeholder Consultation Group Resources, Energy and Extraction meeting via MS Teams, attended by E. Gibson
Management Committee Meeting
The first CMPA Management Committee Meeting for the year was held in Braeside kindly hosted by Kinder Australia on Wednesday 28 February, 2024. The Management Committee met in person with Matt Vincent the new CEO Earth Resources who was accompanied by Linda Bibby and presented on the new Resources Victoria Strategy prior to the meeting’s commencement.
The Minutes from the previous meeting 4-2023 were accepted in addition to the Financial Report to 31 January 2024 showing a new profit against budget.
In General Business the following items were discussed:
• Mobile Equipment Operator training and assessment package is being developed.
• Safety update: Guarding – There were two incidents in Victoria, resulting in severe injuries, which occurred due to employees bypassing guarding.
• Work Authority applications update:
• • Hearing positive comments regarding Matt Vincent in his new role, though there is still conflicting action/direction from assessors in ERR.
• • Applications are still being declined.
• • ERR sent out a request for Tender (via email) for the review of the Geotechnical Guideline. There has either been no response or requests have been declined by the recipient.
• Decarbonisation: CMPA to investigate promoting the benefits of having sources of construction materials located close to where they are being used and how this relates to decarbonisation metrics for community and government information.
Associates Committee meeting
On 19th February 2024, the CMPA Associate Committee held its first meeting for the year via MS Teams. The CMPA Chairperson Mark Thompson attended from New Zealand whilst three other Associate businesses were observers in attendance for the first time.
An update was provided on the Annual Dinner which will be held on the 17th of August 2024 at the RACV Club in Melbourne. Entertainment has been booked, sponsorship packages are open and are being taken up quickly. Invites to come out in the second half of April.
The Preferred Suppliers Manual for 2024 is almost at the printers. Sand & Stone was discussed with the growing interest by Members to advertise increasing the size of the magazine. There will be a focus on new technology of products and local community impacts of member businesses going forward with relationships between suppliers and quarries a key topic. This will not only help keep the content interesting for all readers but publicly advertise your business. An integral part of being a member of an association is to be able to communicate to other members what you are all about and what you can offer to help grow each other’s businesses. Successful businesses can only benefit the industry in the long run.
The CMPA online presence will only grow this year as the website redevelopment project gets closer to being launched. Our social media sites Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, all are pivotal tools to increase brand awareness. We are currently looking at all our communications with members, potential members and the local communities in particular digital marketing to see where we can improve.
We are on the look out for new committee members for the Associates Committee for 2024-25.
Annual Dinner 2024 – Update
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. Preparations for the event returning to Melbourne are in full swing with the event to be held:
Date: Saturday 17th August 2024
Location: RACV Club, Bourke Street, Melbourne
Time: 5.00pm for AGM, 5.30pm
for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner on Level 17
The talented Brihony Dawson will be back as MC along with a line-up of musicians for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner. Saturday afternoon activities are being considered to take advantage of this spectacular location in the heart of the city.
Sponsorship opportunities have commenced with Associates and Voting Members moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
We would like to thank the following Members who are current sponsors for 2024:

With only five months to go it is very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the rooms of your choice. There are various budgets of accommodation places within walking distance to the venue as well.
Do not risk missing all the fun. If you have not already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat 03 5781 0655
CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshops.
Minimising Rehabilitation Bonds – Hard Rock Workshop
Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: Best Western Airport Motel, Attwood
The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with appropriate best management practices required to minimise rehabilitation bonds and to develop a CMPA hard rock quarry progressive rehabilitation guideline table of contents.
The Guideline when developed will also be a mechanism that may be used to keep rehabilitation bonds manageable, minimise liabilities and assist with ensuring your legislative responsibilities are met.
General Meeting
Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024
Time: 5.00 – 9.00pm
Place: Best Western Airport Motel, Attwood
This is an opportunity to hear about the Resources Victoria Strategy, work plan applications review and compliance. As well as an insight on the 2024/25 road maintenance budget for Victoria. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Minimising Rehabilitation Bonds – Sand Workshop
Date: Thursday 20th June 2024
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: Cardinia Club, Pakenham
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