CMPA News (Issue 136)
Recent Events
• MRSDA Reform: Stakeholder Reference Group meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• JWS Research for Infrastructure Australia meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• DTF Industry Consultation meeting was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• EPA (VIC) briefing on Statement of Regulatory Intent on Climate Change was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• EPA Construction Stakeholder Consultation Group (SCG) was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• EPA Resources Energy and Extraction SCG meeting was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• MRSDA Reforms meeting with Maxine Loynd, Danny Seuster, was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Resources Victoria Approvals Coordinator meeting with Danial Thompson, Tylah Drochmann, was held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Associates Committee meeting held via MS Teams to – review the 2024 and plan the 2025 Annual Dinner
• Matt Vincent CEO Resources Victoria monthly catchup with E. Gibson
• Management Committee meeting held via MS Teams to – review the 2024 and plan the 2025 Annual Dinner
Management Committee Meeting
The CMPA Management Committee meeting commenced at 12:30 pm Wednesday 7 August 2024 at Conundrum Holdings, Kilmore. Attending was Jason Comben (Chair), Mark Thompson (Associate Chairperson), Tim Bird, Craig Banthorpe, Ashley Day, Matt Skidmore, Cameron Black, David McKelvie, John Pititto (Treasurer, MS Teams) and Garry Cranny (MS Teams).
A summary of CMPA Monthly Accounts to 01.08.24 was given by the Treasurer where net profit was shown to be up $53K against budget.
Discussion was held on the Earth Resources Regulation (ERR) rehabilitation bonds and bond calculator which is grossly overestimating rehabilitation bonds. The CMPA believes it is not fit for purpose. An approved action item was to prepare a proposal for developing an alternative formula to the ERR Rehabilitation Bonds Calculator. The alternative formula would recognise among other things the value of the land and the value of the remaining resource.
The CMPA is looking forward to 25 years of supporting the construction material industry next year. As such the Secretariat is seeking a compilation of the history of CMPA. Two quotes were received. John Mitas Consulting was approved for documenting the history of the CMPA for its 25th Anniversary and 2025 Annual Dinner.
The meeting closed at 3:41 pm.
2024-25 Membership Renewals
Membership renewals for 2024/25 are now OVERDUE. We have had a fantastic response to date, for those who have not responded as, yet it would be greatly appreciated if the application form can be completed and sent back via email. We do require the form to be completed for our records. Once the paperwork has been received a tax invoice will be issued.
This form includes renewal of Membership, Advertising in Sand & Stone and Advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual for 2025.
To ensure your recommended ad size is booked for the year in both publications please return the form by the required date to avoid disappointment.
I remind you that over time, your commitment and interest are noticed by the industry, and we hope rewarded accordingly through an increased market share.
Please ensure your membership is at the right level based on your annual tonnage (Voting) or gross profit in the extractive industry in Victoria (Associate) to ensure you are providing the right support for the CMPA.
Thank you to the CMPA members who have already renewed for the 2024/25 financial year.
Now that the website has been updated there is the option of renewing online. Login in, update your details and purchase your membership. Any queries please contact the Secretariat on 03 5781 0655.
Associates Committee Meeting
On 7th August 2024, the CMPA Associate Committee held its third meeting for the year via MS Teams. Associate Chairperson Mark Thompson (Oli Vibrators) opened the meeting.
The 2024-25 Associate Committee comprises:
CMPA Associate Committee 2024-25

Great to see 3 new committee members for the coming financial year following elections.
An update was provided on the Annual Dinner which was ready to go this year. The event was held on Saturday 17th August 2024 at the RACV Club, Melbourne.
Future issues of Sand & Stone were discussed and so too was the importance of Associate and Workforce member contributions in the form of editorials, advertorials and staff profiles.
A reminder that articles are free and are a benefit to being a Member of the CMPA. A good way to promote and grow your business and tell members about your business.
Associates to provide articles that look at new technologies, innovations or products or services that reduce costs and improve efficiencies for the quarries. This will not only help keep the content interesting for all readers but publicly advertise your business. An integral part of being a member of an association is to be able to communicate to other members what you are all about and what you can offer to help grow each other’s businesses. Successful businesses can only benefit the industry in the long run.
The CMPA online presence continues to grow both with the NEW website and our social media sites LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, all are pivotal tools to increase brand awareness for Associate businesses. We are currently looking at all our communications with members, potential members and the local communities in particular digital marketing to see where we can improve.
Future training for CMPA Members employees include Fatigue Management webinar, Mobile Plant Verification of Competency training and Work Safely Refresher training.
CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following training courses.
Worksafely Workshop 1
Date: Thursday 31st October 2024
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: All Seasons Hotel, Bendigo
The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with a refresher in safety training based on the Surface Extraction Operations (quarries) unit RIIWHS201E – Work Safely and follow WHS Policies and Procedures.
Additionally WorkSafe will be present to give participants the ability to ask questions, as well as information on:
- New CMPA Mobile Equipment Operator and Truck Driver (VOC);
- New Employee Online Guarding training.
Worksafely Workshop 2
Date: Thursday 21st November 2024
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: Cardinia Club, Pakenham
Worksafely Workshop 3
Date: Thursday 20th February 2025
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: Century Inn, Traralgon
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