CMPA News (Issue 137)
Recent Events
• EPA Separation distances, Webinar attended by E. Gibson
• Policy Team MRSDA Act Reform meeting via, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• E. Gibson met with Chris Webb ED ERR and Maxine Loynd ED ERPP, via MS Teams
• Jack Buksh, Minister’s Adviser met with E. Gibson via MS Teams
• WorkSafe, High Risk Silica Work meeting held via, MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• ERR Industry Reference Group meeting held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• CEO Resources Victoria met via MS Teams with E. Gibson
• Associates Committee Meeting held at Oli Vibrators, Dandenong South
• Management Committee Meeting held at Terex Jaques, Dandenong South with a site tour and meeting with Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources David Davis
• DTP Extractive Industry fright reference group meeting held vi MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• EPA Stakeholder Consultation Group Resources, Energy and Extractives meeting held via MS Teams attended by
E. Gibson
• WorkSafe Earth Resources Tripartite Safety forum held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson, G. Moreira
• AUSMASA Mining SWAP (Federal education) meeting held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
Wall Planner 2025
As we are nearing the end of 2024, this issue of Sand & Stone includes the CMPA Wall Planner for 2025. This will be the fourteenth year it has been printed and distributed.
The Secretariat would like to thank the Members below who have contributed to the publication of the Wall Planner.

Preferred Suppliers Manual 2025
The CMPA Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual 2025 will be delivered early in the new year to all members, Voting, Honorary Voting, Associate and Workforce. The manual provides you with a page of detailed information on your CMPA Preferred Suppliers in words and photos as well as Voting Members who may have machinery, mobile plant or trucks for hire. It also includes emergency contacts, the organisational structure of the CMPA, useful industry websites, listing of all CMPA products and support documents (including those under development) such as reference manuals, field documents and business tools.
Thank you to the members below who to date have provided advertising in the Preferred Suppliers & General Information Reference Manual, your support is greatly appreciated.

Rehabilitation bonds update
A mention was made of the action the CMPA is taking in the area of minimisation of rehabilitation bonds in Sand & Stone Issue 135. An update of progress to date by ERR regarding the value of land being accounted for in the rehabilitation bond calculator has so far been disappointing.
The issue is that this proposal would require caveats on title according to ERR after having sought legal advice. There are also issues with the value of the remaining resource. Written feedback from ERR was requested on:
• What was proposed?
• What questions were asked of the ERR lawyers?
• What was the ERR lawyers’ opinion/response?
It was agreed that a written response would be provided and that ERR would also brief (MS Teams) the CMPA Management Committee in December 2024. ERR is now pursuing a staged increase in rehabilitation bonds commensurate with development of the quarry. However, this is not a new innovation, nor does it bring rehabilitation bonds down to manageable levels in the longer term.
A meeting will be held (December 2024) with Rohan Bett to examine the rehabilitation bond calculator line by line with Kevin Simpson, EHS Support, (author of CMPA’s Rehabilitation Report 2022) and Dr E. Gibson.
Big Ideas for Victoria’s Future
The CMPA made the following submission.
The “Big Ideas for Victoria’s Future” document (produced by Department of
Transport and Planning) is comprehensive. However, it neglects to include
future planning of quarries without which, urban development would not occur. The general rule is that quarries are located close to where the construction material is being used to enable lower carbon footprints; lower freight costs and reduce wear and tear on the roads. This has occurred historically throughout urban development in Australia with many quarries having a new land use once the construction material has been extracted. Quarries generally precede residential or industrial development then have historically coexisted for a time to eventually be rehabilitated for their future land use once the resource has been exhausted e.g. Highpoint Shopping Centre Maribyrnong VIC and Fitzroy Gardens Melbourne VIC.
Strategic land use planning requires consideration of quarry approvals, rock source/quality and location (to prevent the inadvertent sterilisation of the construction material asset) to enable Victoria’s Future Plan. Multiple quarries lead to a variety of choice in the material quality, type and price enabling a competitive market in construction materials and, hence, more affordable industry and residential development.
CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and
interested industry parties to attend the following training courses.
Worksafely Workshop 3
Date: Thursday, 20th February 2025
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Location: Century Inn, Traralgon
The purpose of these Work Safely Workshops is to provide participants with a refresher in safety training based on the Surface Extraction Operations (quarries) unit RIIWHS201E – Work Safely and follow WHS Policies and Procedures.
Additionally, WorkSafe will be present to give participants the ability to ask questions.
Also covered in the training will be an overview of:
• Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS);
• New CMPA Mobile Equipment Operator and Truck Driver (Verification of Competency);
• New Employee Online Guarding training.
Worksafely Workshop 4
Date: Thursday, 22nd May 2025
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Location: Mt Duneed Estate, Waurn Ponds
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