CMPA News (Issue 138)
• MS Teams meeting with Rohan Bett RLAB, ERR, on the Rehabilitation bond
calculator, attended by, E. Gibson, K. Simpson (EHS-Support)
• Over Extraction in Quarries webinar held via MS Teams for CMPA Members and others. Presented by Rebecca Carlton, Deputy Chief Inspector North, ERR, Resources Victoria, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
• ERR meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• VCCIA (CCF) reactivation meeting via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Premier Economic growth launch in Melbourne, attended by E. Gibson
• Mobile Plant Operator VOC webinar held via MS Teams for CMPA Members and others
• WorkSafe Victoria meeting held at Conundrum Holdings in Kilmore, attended by Chris Owen, Dorica Hogg, R. Kerr, E. Gibson, G. Moreira
• AUSMASA (Education) Low or No Enrolment Review meeting held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson
• Chris Webb ED ERR, meeting held via MS Teams re: Rehabilitation bond offset progress. Attended by the CMPA Management Committee, R. Kerr, E. Gibson
• Matt Vincent CEO Resources Victoria, met with E. Gibson via MS Teams
• Tylah Drochmann, RVAP met re: Statewide Reserve Inventory via MS Teams, with S. Andrew, E. Gibson
Annual Dinner 2025
The CMPA is celebrating 25 years at this year’s AGM and Dinner. Centrepiece at Melbourne Park (home of the Australian Open) is the venue with spectacular views of the city to take in.
The talented Brihony Dawson will be back as MC along with a line-up of various entertainers for the evening’s entertainment. Saturday afternoon activities are being considered to take advantage of this spectacular location in the heart of the city.
Sponsorship opportunities have commenced with Associates and Voting Members moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
With only seven months to go it is very important to book your weekend away early and avoid missing out on the rooms of your choice. There are various budgets of accommodation places within walking distance to the venue as well.
Do not risk missing all the fun. If you have not already put this date in your diary – do so NOW.
Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
DATE: Saturday 30th August 2025
LOCATION: Centrepiece at Melbourne Park, Olympic Boulevard, Melbourne
TIME: 5.00pm for AGM, 5.30pm for Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat 03 5781 0655.
Management Committee meeting
The CMPA Management Committee meeting commenced at 1:45 pm on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at Terrex Jaques, South Dandenong. In attendance was Jason Comben (Chair), Mark Thompson (Associate Chairperson), Tim Bird, Craig Banthorpe, Andrew Burdett, Ashley Day, Matt Skidmore, Cameron Black, David McKelvie and Garry Cranny.
A summary of CMPA Monthly Accounts to 1 November 2024 was given by Gavin Moreira where net profit was shown to be up $76K against budget.
Discussion was held on the Earth Resources Regulation (ERR) rehabilitation bonds and bond calculator which is grossly overestimating rehabilitation bonds. The CMPA believes is not fit for purpose. A proposal was made and accepted for the creation of an economical model that demonstrates the impact of the rehabilitation bond calculator on the extractive industry. A meeting with ERR, Kevin Simpson EHS-Support was held in December 2024 to review the rehabilitation bond calculator line-by-line. (Subsequently, this meeting did not lead to any changes to the rehabilitation bond calculator by ERR).
ERR is currently issuing fines for the overextraction of Work Authorities. CMPA made a request for a presentation by the Chief Inspector on this issue. The webinar was held on 6 December 2024 and had 34 attendees.
The replacement for WorkSafe Manager Earth Resources and Silica Benjamin Wright is Chris Owens.
The meeting closed at 4:15 pm.
Associates Committee Meeting
On the 18th of November 2024, the CMPA Associate Committee held its fourth and final meeting for the year at the new office of Oli Vibrators in Dandenong South. Associate Chairperson Mark Thompson (Oli Vibrators) opened the meeting.
A review was conducted of the Annual Dinner held at the RACV Club, Melbourne in August, followed by planning for CMPA’s 25th year. The annual dinner to be held at Centrepiece at Melbourne Park.
Future issues of Sand & Stone were discussed and so too was the importance of Associate and Workforce member contributions in the form of editorials, advertorials and staff profiles.
A reminder that articles are free and are a benefit to being a Member of the CMPA. A good way to promote and grow your business and tell members about your business.
Associates to provide articles that look at new technologies, innovations or products or services that reduce costs and improve efficiencies for the quarries. This will not only help keep the content interesting for all readers but publicly advertise your business. An integral part of being a member of an association is to be able to communicate to other members what you are all about and what you can offer to help grow each other’s businesses. Successful businesses can only benefit the industry in the long run. With CMPA turning 25 this year a focus on looking at the quarry industry over the past twenty five years will also be a focus.
The CMPA 2025 Preferred Suppliers Manual will have a 25 year logo on the front and as well as a feature to highlight members who have been a part of the CMPA since its inception.
The CMPA online presence continues to grow, with the new CMPA logo now been Trade Marked. Our social media sites LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, all pivotal tools to increase brand awareness for Associate businesses is also increasing its followers. The Secretariat is looking to re-design the layout and look of the Sand & Stone website to match the new website in the coming year.
We are currently looking at all our communications with members, potential members and the local communities in particular digital marketing to see where we can improve.
Future training for CMPA Members employees include a Fatigue Management webinar and two further Work Safely Refresher training days in regional Victoria.
CMPA Logo – Trade Mark
The 2023 Annual dinner at the MCG saw the launch of the new CMPA logo – Building Communities. In early 2024 the Secretariat applied to put a Trade Mark on the logo in accordance with the Trades Mark Act 1995, and it was accepted and registered on 4th November 2024 for a ten year period

CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following training course.
Slimes Management Workshop
Date: Thursday 27th March 2025
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Place: Silverwater Resort, San Remo
The CMPA is holding this workshop to review and update the current Template / Guideline on Slimes Management. This will enable you to gain an understanding of how to manage Slimes on your site and water discharge off site, ensuring you are compliant with safety regulations.
A provisional agenda is given below:
• Technical and Compliance perspectives (ERR);
• Approvals (slimes) (ERR);
• Quarry Manager’s perspective (CMPA Members- Barros & Burdetts);
• Supplier’s perspective (CDE Global and Terex Jaques);
• Site visit by coach to Sand Supplies (Glen Forbes – Slimes Management and The Gurdies – Rehabilitation).
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