CMPA NEWS (Issue 43)
Although a relatively short time has elapsed since the last magazine, there has been considerable activity as everyone gets back into work after the Christmas break.
VicRoads has completed a review of the Code of practice for source rock investigations RC 500.00; Registration of crushed rock mix designs RC500.02; and Section 801 – Source rock for the production of crushed rock and aggregate.
Introducing guidelines concerning the use of non-quarry rocks has been the primary objective of these revisions. VicRoads, through Graeme Newman, has been consulting with a variety of people within the industry in order to establish how this can occur in an equitable manner.
The first major change is the introduction of ‘non-quarry rock’ into RC500.00. Non-quarry rock is defined as:
Rock obtained from an excavation site other than an operating quarry (e.g. construction site), which is usually processed by an on site portable crushing plant but may be taken to a nearby quarry for processing.
The documentation goes on to outline the testing parameters of such materials, where these products can be used and approval protocols.
To discuss these changes further, please contact the Secretariat for a copy of the documents or Graeme Newman of VicRoads to discuss particular aspects.
Those who operate extractive sites will find enclosed with this magazine a copy of the CMPA’s Compliance Requirements for the Cartage of Construction Materials.
Over the last few months, the Secretariat has developed this document to articulate the compliance requirements that are placed upon those who cart construction materials. This document has been finalised after referral with numerous bodies.
Additional copies of this document are available from the Secretariat.
Those businesses considering undertaking training in the course of the coming months are asked, where possible, if they could pass on their training needs to the CMPA or their RTO in order for forward planning to occur – particularly at a Certificate II or III level.
Dates are filling fast, and by keeping RTO or CMPA informed of your intentions it is easier for courses to be arranged in the most effective manner for all.
If you require assistance to establish your training needs, contact Ray Townsend from SkillsDMC. Ray will work through your requirements for training and match that to available training.
According to the Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD), Melbourne’s population is growing and will be home to five million people faster than previously anticipated.
Melbourne @ 5 million builds on the foundations of Melbourne 2030 to create a refined settlement structure for the city. Along with a number of initiatives, the Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB) are being reviewed.
Reviewing the UGB in Melbourne’s north, south-east and west will potentially impact upon various existing and potential extractive industry sites within these areas. As such, the CMPA has made a submission to the review covering five areas:
- The Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution and how it will be applied
- Managing commercially sensitive information
- Existing Work Authorities and the UGB
- Extractive Industries Interest Areas and the UGB
- Locating extractive industries operations
Copies of the CMPA’s submission are available fr om the Secretariat, or for further information visit
Ballarat will host the 2009 CMPA Annual Dinner to be held on 22 August with the venue confirmed as the Mercure Ballarat Hotel.
Located in the historic city of Ballarat and directly opposite Sovereign Hill, the Mercure Ballarat Hotel will undoubtedly provide a great evening for all attendees. In addition to the on site accommodation, there are over 4,500 beds located in the Ballarat region so there are plenty of options.
Gary Barclay, of Local Mix Quarries, will be our guest speaker entertaining us with stories and pictures from an enjoyable year in Antarctica. He has promised to keep us all entertained!
We are looking forward to the support of the Associate Members again this year, and the Secretariat will be working with them to ensure everyone’s night is entertaining. Associates should by now have their sponsorship information – if not, please contact the Secretariat.
Regular readers (and the more organised among us) are asked to note that the date for the dinner has moved back a week to 22 August.
WorkSafe are commencing a review of the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations. Areas of concern include licensing complexity and level of prescription.
Invitations to the Annual Dinner will be released in June, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the event.
Feedback or suggestions for improvement can be sent to the CMPA. This process is targeted for completion in June 2010.
WorkSafe and the CMPA will be developing a brief guidance document for industry to utilise in the protection of those working at quarry faces. This will look at means of eliminating or controlling the risk of falling from a bench.
An initial scoping meeting will be held in the afternoon of Tuesday 31 March.
If you would like further information or would be interested in participating in this process, please contact Sarah as soon as possible on 03 5781 0655.
As previously noted, the CMPA has 25 places available for OHS consultancies. These consist of a 3 hour session with an OHS consultant who will develop an action plan for your business to move forward at no cost to you. This information is only provided in summary form to the CMPA or WorkSafe.
Any business with less than 50 employees is encouraged to apply – CMPA Member or not. As this is being funded by the State Government, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
For more information or to book a session, contact the CMPA Secretariat.
The Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) has continued its work on the modernisation of the Quarry Award along with many other awards.
As reported in the last edition, an exposure draft has been released for comments and further discussion has taken place in relation to this matter.
Submissions have been made by a number of different companies and the CMPA.
Key issues raised by the CMPA include the following:
- Integration of the industry allowance into the minimum weekly rates for the different classifications
- Clarification that annual leave loading can be paid weekly, not upfront as in the wording of the exposure draft
- Additional function groups for the duties of laboratory officer and OHS responsibilities
- Further detail on how the training requirements are to be implemented
For more information on the award modernisation process, talk to the CMPA Secretariat or visit
The CMPA is looking to develop a document outlining the different dust suppression technologies available to the industry and we’d appreciate any case studies or further information any sites may have.
If you have anything that you feel may assist, please contact Sarah on 03 5781 0655.
As reported in the last magazine, a Screening Workshop will be held on 2 April to raise the level of knowledge in new (and existing) industry participants on the hazards, risks and possible controls associated with carrying out duties on and around screens. In particular, we hope to answer once and for all, is a screen a confined space?
Members would have received an invitation to this event, however below is a summary of the details:
Date: Thursday 2 April
Time: 12 Noon to 4pm(includes light lunch)
Venue: Quality Hotel Melbourne Airport; 265 Mickleham Road, Tullamarine
Cost: $35 CMPA Members, $50 Others
The workshop will be chaired by Jane Sims from Box Hill Institute of TAFE and will include a presentation from Mick Cayless, WorkSafe. If you have been involved in conducting a risk assessment covering this issue and would like to present your findings, please contact Sarah.
Participants are asked to bring a couple of photos of the screens at their sites, particularly if they demonstrate any risk or hazard to assist with discussions.
Since the last magazine the Secretariat has been relatively quiet with the exception of the last fortnight.
Meetings attended include:
- March 10 – Sarah met with Ray Towsend from SkillsDMC to discuss how they can best access or collect data for the purpose of informing government of skills needs and secondly to look at how there can be a better fit encouraged between the RTO and trainee.
- March 18 – Sarah met with Andrew Kemeny from IQA to finalise the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the IQA and CMPA. The MOU formalises access between the two organisations to one another’s training resources. In the summary this will allow the IQA to utilise the crushing and screening reference manuals for interstate delivery.
- March 23 – Sarah attended a meeting held by WorkSafe to discuss the proposed revision of the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations. This review is not intended to result in any fundamental changes, and will be looking at ways to better facilitate licensing and to move towards a less prescriptive legislation (without lowering standards).
- March 24 – An Associate Committee meeting was held at the site of the Annual Dinner in Ballarat to have a look at the facilities and work through the details of how this year’s event will be run. Minutes will be made available to Associate Members shortly.
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