CMPA NEWS (Issue 57)

By on June 6, 2011

CMPA Secretariat provides an update of the latest news and happenings.


At the recent Earth Resources Tripartite Safety forum held in July 2011, Michael Leahy from Energy Safe Victoria commented on the current Guidance For Electrical Safety In Quarries document which was released by the then Department of Natural Resources and Environment (now DSE) in 2002. He was keen to gauge support for a revised, update of the guidance notes.

The CMPA was very proactive in the preparation of these guidance notes back in 2002 with a number of members providing valuable advice and assistance. There were two guidance documents prepared, one for the extractive industry and the other for mining.

Michael has been advised by the CMPA that the document has been well received and used by the extractives industry and that it should be updated. The CMPA also commented that it would be happy to work with Michael on a committee to review and update the document.

The general consensus from the meeting is that both the extractive and mining industries would like to see the guidance notes updated and revised where necessary.


All Members are reminded that membership renewal paperwork has been sent and their prompt renewal would be greatly appreciated. In all cases, no payment is required when renewing membership and tax invoices will be posted once the Secretariat receives this information.

Associates are particularly reminded that their membership paperwork includes Sand & Stone advertising. Accordingly we need to know your intentions before the August/September issue.

Thank you to those Members who have already renewed for the 2011/12 financial year.


Administration Officer Gavin Moreira was out and about again on Monday 30th May for the fourth time in as many months; this time to visit Associate Members in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

The day involved site visits of six Associate Members; Atlas Copco, Groeneveld Australia, Advanced Engineering Group, Screening & Crushing Australia, Komatsu and Crushing Equipment.

A great opportunity once again to not only say hello and put faces to names but to make Members aware of the fantastic educational resource tools the CMPA has and how they can give you a better understanding of quarry operations.

The Associates were very keen to get their hands on the CMPA Reference Manuals to allow their service and maintenance staff to gain further knowledge of how their product is used within the workings of the quarry. They will also become a good resource tool and will be added to their onsite library.

The Members visited were once again very happy with the presentation, content and advertising opportunities in both CMPA publications Sand & Stone and the Associates Reference Manual.

They are all very keen to help the Secretariat and themselves by contributing articles to Sand & Stone about their business, their latest products and to keep quarry members aware of how they can support their business.

There is much anticipation around the Annual Dinner in Echuca/Moama, as well as the extra activities available to make it a fun-filled weekend. Gavin is looking forward to catching up with you all again in late August.

Thank you to all the Members recently visited by Gavin for taking the time to show him around your site and providing him with valuable information.


After nine years with DPI and DNRE, Dr Richard Aldous, Deputy Secretary Energy and Earth Resources, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the CO2CRC (succeeding Dr. Peter Cook).

Richard has a distinguished record with the mining industry and more recently with the Victorian Government, having led the facilitation and regulation of earth resources development as Executive Director, with energy technology innovation strategy and energy sector development added to his responsibilities when he became Deputy Secretary.

A particular focus of Richard’s has been to lay foundations for a carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry in Victoria, to help derive future benefits from the State’s energy resource endowment under carbon constraints. The advances made in CCS in Victoria owe much to Richard and are recognised globally for their vision and innovation. Richard’s experience in CCS, coupled with his technical expertise, skills and contacts, are an excellent match to the needs of the CO2CRC.

Joanne de Morton will become Acting Deputy Secretary Energy and Earth Resources from Richard’s departure. Joanne as Deputy Secretary Business and Corporate Services within DPI will bring her considerable leadership and management skills and a fresh insight into its programs and organisation, during a period of high challenge for the energy and earth resources industries.


The 2011/12 Associates Reference Manual is currently being pieced together, with the intention of delivering it to Members in early October 2011.

A reminder to all Associates that, a signed membership renewal form will act as confirmation that all content on the form is correct for publishing in the manual. Renewal of advertising in the reference manual must be paid for in full before ads will be included.

There will also be the option of having colour logos or photos placed on your page to brighten up your page and to make your business stand out from the crowd.

Thank you to the nine Members who have already taken out ads your support is greatly appreciated. Remember to Support the Suppliers who support you!


Three CMPA members met recently with the senior advisor to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change to discuss the current Native Vegetation management framework. The following sums up CMPA’s concerns about the impact of the native vegetation management framework. These concerns have been raised with the DSE and DPI on numerous occasions without resolution.

The native vegetation management framework is forcing our members’ out of this industry as a result of:

  • No clear, commercially attainable arrangements or outcomes
  • Complex interpretations requiring exorbitant legal and consulting fees
  • An inability to consider the positive environmental benefits of accessing the resource resulting in large highly valuable sites being locked up

Our members require assistance in:

  • Parliamentary evaluation of the framework, giving due consideration to the environmental, social and economic implications. This evaluation must be undertaken by a firm with experience in the financial implications and cumulative legislative burden upon the businesses.
    Terms of reference could include:
    • Exploration of what native vegetation is
    • Cost-benefit analysis of the current provisions
    • How to change the current, ad hoc arrangements for ‘conservation’ of ‘offsets’ to advance the objectives of a biological architecture for Victoria
    • Exploration of alternative and fairer funding arrangements
  • Identification of who within government is charged with encouraging an efficient extractive industry which makes best use of the resources in a way that is compatible with the economic, social and environmental objectives of the state and evidence of their duties being carried out.
  • Encourage more flexible policy able to utilise ideas such as:
    • Embedding full extractive industry exemptions within the DSE’s framework as this industry is often not a permanent change of land use in nature and already heavily regulated.
    • Taking a balance sheet approach, giving value to the resource on par with vegetation.


WorkSafe has released the final regulations that form the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011. These replace the former regulations (proclaimed in 2000) that expired on 26 June 2011.

Following comments from a number of Members who use explosives the CMPA made a submission to WorkSafe outlining Members concerns with a number of proposed changes. The CMPA has requested comments on the new regulations from a number of affected Members to find out the extent of the changes in the regulations and the likely consequences.

A detailed analysis of the new regulations will be provided in the next edition of the Sand & Stone.

Please note that although the changes came into effect on 26 June 2011, there is a 12 month transition period that means any activity under the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2000 will remain lawful for 12 months after the new regulations come in to effect.

Information regards the new regulations is available from


Associates Committee meeting was held at WAM Australia.

Management Committee meeting was held at the CMPA’s office.

Bruce McClure attended the Civil Constructors Federation dinner in Bendigo which included speakers from VicRoads and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).

Bruce McClure met with Bettina Poxleiter to discuss changes to NATA accreditation in Construction Materials Testing (CMT).

Box Hill Institute of TAFE delivered Cert. II units – Conduct Crushing Operations and Conduct Screening & Conveying Operations.

Bruce McClure attended a workshop as a part of the MRSDA Phase 2 Review of the Rehabilitation Bonds Working Group.

Bruce McClure attended a seminar in Melbourne with the Civil Construction Alliance.

Gavin Moreira visited regional associate members in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

Basil Natoli and Bruce McClure attended two Workshops regarding the MRSDA Phase 2 in Melbourne.

Bruce McClure attended the Earth Resources Tripartite Safety Forum.

Garry Cranny and Bruce McClure represented the CMPA at the Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE Stakeholders Dinner in Bendigo.

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