CMPA News (114)
Management Committee Meeting
The CMPA Management Committee was held on Wednesday 25 November 2020 via Microsoft teams. Attendees were Garry Cranny (Chairperson), Jason Rudge (Associate Chairperson), John Pititto (Treasurer), Jason Comben, Tim Bird, Craig Banthorpe, Ashley Day with apologies from Anthony Bateup, Drew Phillips, Andrew Burdett.
Prior to the meeting a lively discussion was held with Beth Jones (Deputy Secretary Rural and Regional Victoria, Chief Executive Regional Development Victoria) and
John Krbaleski (Head of Resources) DJPR. The meeting then commenced, the financial reports were presented by John Pititto and approved with the CMPA ahead on budgeted income and below budgeted expenses. The Annual Dinner 2021 was discussed at some length due to potential impacts from COVID-19 continuing. A decision does not have to be made until February 2021 on the venue so a watching brief will be maintained. In the interim planning of face-to-face events will go ahead in bushfire affected areas as CMPA had previously committed to. These will take the format of a workshop during the day with a site visit, a general meeting/dinner in the evening followed by a Management Committee meeting the following morning. Obviously if COVID-19 becomes an issue then the events will be held on-line.
Jason Rudge provided an update on how the Associate Members are managing in the current COVID-19 crisis. The majority of Associate Members have not had any large decreases in sales. There have been issues with shipping delays which has meant customers have had to wait a little longer for products but there has been good co-operation and understanding regarding the delays. Jason wanted to
re-iterate the usage of the Preferred Supplier manual and how important it is to support our members. The opportunity to quote for Voting Members is what the Associate Members would like to see.
Associates Committee Meeting
On the 23 November 2020, the CMPA Associate Committee held its last meeting for the year via MS Teams.
The meeting was opened by Associate Chairperson Jason Rudge (William Adams).
The first topic on the agenda was the 2021 AGM & Annual Dinner to be held at Hyatt Place in Essendon Fields. Discussions were based around sponsorship, trade displays and entertainment for the night. Further decisions to be made in February 2021 depending on the current situation in Victoria with COVID-19 and the ability to network and socialise safely indoors.
We will look to plan workshops including sponsors for the first few months of 2021 with webinars as a back up if safety concerns arise again.
The next six issues of Sand & Stone for 2021 were discussed and so too was the importance of Associate member contributions in the form of editorials, advertorials and staff profiles. The focus for early 2021 would be articles promoting supplier businesses opening up again due to restrictions in 2020 as well as articles that look at new technologies, innovations or products or services that reduce costs and improve efficiencies for the quarries.
The CMPA online presence and community engagement messages about “Quarries Building Communities” will look to grow in the coming months with the development of a series of videos throughout the year. (This project has been carried over from last year)
CMPA Acts & Regulations Pack – UPDATED
The purpose of the pack is to supply Victorian Extractive Industry businesses with a comprehensive collection of Acts and Regulations that they are required by law to hold on their sites. This collection will change from time to time and includes legislation from both a state and federal level.
They are available to be purchased on a USB Drive.
There are 45 State/Federal Acts and Regulations relevant to the industry.
There is over 10,000 pages and 32 / 45 documents were updated in 2018.
Price – Member: $100 or Non-member: $750 This can be purchased by contacting the Secretariat on 03 5781 0655.
Annual Dinner 2021
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. After the cancellation of last year’s event due to COVID-19 we are planning to hold our AGM and Dinner back in the metro area at Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields this year.
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner.
Sponsorship opportunities have just commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hasslefree atmosphere.
We would like to thank the following Members who rolled over their sponsorship from 2020:

Don’t risk missing all the fun.
If you haven’t already put this date in your diary – do so NOW. Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.

Upcoming Events
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshops If restrictions for the pandemic increase workshops will become webinars only.
Critical Incidents Date: Thu 25th March 2021
Location: Potentially Geelong
The CMPA is developing a Critical Incident Response Template. The objective of this Critical Incident Response Template is to assist CMPA members in ensuring that procedures are in place and that responsibilities are defined and understood.
This Critical Incident Response Template outlines a process for Site Evacuation and Immediate Response Actions for critical incident types such as Serious Injury or Medical Emergency, Embankment Failure, Slides or Collapse, Slimes Dam Rescue just to name a few.
Blast Management Plan
Date: Thu 27th May 2021
Location: Potentially Gippsland The CMPA has updated its Blast Management Plan. Blasting has been identified as one of the key activities at hard rock quarry sites.
The purpose of this Blast Management Plan [BMP] is to ensure safe blasting operations, ensure the protection of employees and surrounding community, all infrastructure, and assets both off and on site and minimise environmental impacts. The BMP also provides specific processes and parameters to ensure the most cost effective outcomes are achieved.
Recent News
- Videoconference with Nicole Townsend and Stephen Kerris from WorkSafe and David McKelvie, Safe Mix as well as G Moreira and E Gibson regarding Dust monitoring and material analysis for silica
- Earth Resources Policy and Programs Jane Burton met with G. Cranny, C. Thornton, D. Phillips, P. Nitas, S. Andrew, E. Gibson via videoconference regarding MRSDA amendments.
- Videoconference with KPMG regarding GSV (DJPR) consultation on drill core library, attended by B. Natoli, E. Gibson
- Earth Resources Policy and Planning, information session SERAs/EIIA, attended by CMPA Members and E. Gibson
- ERR Stakeholder reference group meeting was held via videoconference, attended by E. Gibson
- EPA Construction Industry Stakeholders meeting was held via video, attended by E. Gibson
- Extractives Industry Workshop via videoconference, conducted by DJPR and attended by CMPA Members and E. Gibson
- Rehabilitation guideline extractive industry projects held via videoconference and attended by CMPA Members and E. Gibson
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