CMPA News (Issue 115)
Management Committee
The Management Committee meeting held 24 February 2021 (Microsoft teams) was attended by Garry Cranny (Chairperson),Tej Panesar (Acting Associate Chairperson), John Pititto (Treasurer), Jason Comben (until 1:00pm), Tim Bird, Ashley Day, Anthony Bateup, Drew Phillips and Andrew Burdett. Apologies were received from
Craig Banthorpe and Jason Rudge.
Prior to the meeting discussions were held with Benjamin Wright, Manager Earth Resources Program, WorkSafe where issues such as respirable crystalline silica dust and bunding were discussed.
The Management Committee meeting followed where the financial report to 31 January 2021 was presented by John Pititto and accepted by the Committee. The Annual dinner 2021 was discussed with an action for the Secretariat to draft a letter for Hyatt Place detailing concerns raised in the meeting for the Chairperson and Treasurer to review prior to being sent out.
Two Associate Members (Industry Consultants) were selected as Members of the Management Committee for a three-year term by the Management Committee in the area of Occupational Health and Safety, and Preparation of extractive industry work plans. Expressions of interest were sought by the Secretariat and the successful applicants approved by the CMPA Management Committee were Cameron Black, BCA Consulting (workplans) and David McKelvie, SafeMix (occupational health and safety).
A request for clarification was sent to the Treasurer regarding the Victorian Procurement Framework after a CMPA Member was required to submit social procurement data for an order of $3000. A letter was received from the Assistant Treasurer which was discussed at the meeting. The action for the Secretariat is to seek a consultant to develop a social procurement framework for CMPA Members.
An issue was raised at the meeting where a planning permit being granted in the buffer area of a work authority. ERR have a power to object to the planning permit but there appears to be no record in ERR of this having occurred. The Secretariat to investigate.
Earth Resources Regulation appoints Stakeholder Liaison Support
Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulation (ERR) has appointed an independent stakeholder liaison role.
John Malempre has been appointed to the role which includes managing resolutions of stakeholder queries along with improving complaint handling practices of the regulator.
His role also comprises guiding industry operators through approval and application requirements, while assisting ERR with their understanding of the extractive industry and operator concerns.
ERR believes Malempre will help improve the “timeliness and quality“ of application submissions, which will ultimately shorten the review period.
Malempre has an extensive history in the resources sector having worked for Boral across various roles in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. In addition, he was involved in assessing acquisitions and projects in Europe, America, South East Asia and the Middle East.
His final role with Boral was as the National Resources Manager with geological, quarry planning and technical responsibility for Boral’s quarry operations across Australia.
After retiring he established CONMATS Consulting to provide advice to the construction materials industry. He is a past President of the IQA and remains an Honorary Fellow of the Institute.
Contact details are: and Mobile: 0423 766 596.
Associates Committee Meeting
On the 24 February 2021, the CMPA Associate Committee held its first meeting for the year via MS Teams.
The meeting was opened by Tej Panesar (TSP Group) in the absence of the Associate Chairperson Jason Rudge (William Adams).
The first topic on the agenda was the 2021 AGM and Annual Dinner scheduled to be held at Hyatt Place in Essendon Fields. Concerns have been raised in particular by the CMPA Treasurer that the CMPA will lose the deposit and other payments if there is a further outbreak of COVID-19 as recently occurred with the 5-day lockdown. At present the CMPA is taking 100% of the risk.
We will look to plan workshops including sponsors for the first few months of 2021 with webinars as a back up if safety concerns arise again. We are currently looking at having presentations recorded professionally and putting them up online via the CMPA Vimeo account.
The next six issues of Sand & Stone for 2021 were discussed and so too was the importance of Associate member contributions in the form of editorials, advertorials and staff profiles. The focus for early 2021 would be articles promoting supplier businesses opening up again due to restrictions in 2020 as well as articles that look at new technologies, innovations or products or services that reduce costs and improve efficiencies for the quarries.
The CMPA online presence and community engagement messages about “Quarries Building Communities” will look to grow in the coming months with the development of a series of videos throughout the year. (This project has been carried over from last year)
Annual Dinner 2021 – UPDATE
The CMPA AGM and Dinner is one of the best industry events of the year – definitely not one to miss. The date and venue for the AGM and Annual Dinner have been changed since the last issue of Sand & Stone. It will now be held on Saturday 28th August 2021 at the Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway.
Arrangements and bookings are presently being made for the evening’s entertainment and for dinner.
Sponsorship opportunities have just commenced, Associates are moving quickly and are already committing to the event. Remember, this is an exceptional opportunity to promote your business, support your fellow CMPA members and network in a hassle-free atmosphere.
We would like to thank the following Members who rolled over their sponsorship from 2020:

Do not risk missing all the fun. If you have not already put the NEW date and venue in your diary – do so NOW.
Further details will be revealed in the next issue of Sand & Stone.
Date: Saturday 28th August 2021
Location: Quality Hotel, Wangaratta Gateway
Time: 5.00pm for AGM, 5.30pm Pre-Dinner drinks, 6.30pm for Dinner
Cost: $160 per person
To register your interest please contact the Secretariat on 03 5781 0655
Recent Events
- EPA Victoria’s new environment protection laws, webinar attended by E. Gibson
- Industry coordination centre DJPR regarding the COVID-19 lockdown via Microsoft teams attended E. Gibson
- Meeting with John Krbaleski via Microsoft Teams attended by E. Gibson
- EPA Waste (aggregates) determination webinar attended by E. Gibson
- ERTS Forum – WorkSafe held via MS Teams attended by E. Gibson and G. Moreira
- EPA Construction & Infrastructure Reference Group meeting via Microsoft Teams attended by E. Gibson
- Infrastructure Australia – Priority List Launch 2021, webinar attended by E. Gibson
- Skills reform, federal education via Microsoft teams attended by E Gibson
- Zoom meeting held with Ezra Holt, 9 News Western Victoria attended by E. Gibson
- Extractive Strategy Taskforce via Microsoft teams attended by E. Gibson
- ERR Stakeholder Reference Group meeting via Microsoft teams attended by E. Gibson
- Mental health IQA via Microsoft teams attended by E. Gibson
- William Adams Clayton, IQA breakfast attended by E. Gibson
Upcoming Events
The CMPA would like to extend an invitation to all Members and interested industry parties to attend the following workshop and general meeting.
Blast Management Plan
Date: Thursday 27th May 2021
Time: 8:00am-4:00pm, including site visit to Matthews Quarry in Tyers
Location: Century Inn, Traralgon
The CMPA has updated its Blast Management Plan (BMP). The purpose of the BMP is to ensure safe blasting operations, ensure the protection of employees and surrounding community, all infrastructure, and assets both off and on site and minimise environmental impacts.
General Meeting
Date: Thursday 27th May 2021
Time: 5:00pm-7:00pm, Followed by Dinner
Location: Century Inn, Traralgon
Topics include:
- Rehabilitation bond policy
- Victorian State Budget
- Associates Presentation (TBA)
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