The CMPA is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Elizabeth Gibson to the position of General Manager.

ELIZABETH took up her role as General Manager with CMPA on the 6th May 2013. She brings a variety of experience to the role at CMPA. She is a chemist by trade having obtained her BSc (hons) Chemistry and PhD Physical Chemistry from University of London.
She continued her research career as a British Gas Fellow and Phillips Fellow. She was also a volunteer Police Officer and a self-defence instructor with the London(Metropolitan) Police Force.
Her first job on arrival from the UK in Australia was with Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) as a Senior Research Officer. There she became interested in management and was funded by CUB to undertake an MBA (Deakin University)
Elizabeth moved to the Environment Protection Authority, Victoria (EPA) to initially, manage the laboratories. She spent seven years in the EPA where she held a number of management roles including Manager of Statutory Policy and Principal Environmental Auditor(Land). Elizabeth was responsible for the Statutory Environmental Auditors program in Victoria and developed the National Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment.She was also involved in a number of policies on the prevention of contamination to land.
Two years were spent as State Manager of the Australian Government Analytical Laboratory (now the National Measurement Institute) where she managed 80 staff and a budget of $10 million. Elizabeth has experience in working in Associations gained in a previous role as Executive Director of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (professional association for chemists) reporting directly to the Board and Chairman. The organization had 5000 members and was involved in areas such as accrediting the Chemistry BSc, policy submissions, training and conferences.
There, she was successful in lobbying for part funding from the Commonwealth Government for an industry review into the future of Chemistry in Australia. This review was used to progress members issues with State and Federal Governments. She was also successful in obtaining grants to deliver chemistry education into schools.
Elizabeth comes with experience in the tertiary education sector as a project manager for the University of Melbourne. She is Secretary of her local Landcare group and an operational member of the Country Fire Authority. Elizabeth has three children and lives on a rural property.
The CMPA is obviously vital to the extractive industry in providing a united voice on issues for independent operators such as balanced regulatory outcomes. Elizabeth is looking forward to meeting, and working with members of the CMPA to progress these issues important to the
Elizabeth can be contacted on Phone: 1300 267 222, Mobile: 0434 692 618 or Email:
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